alt="The real you"
Life wisdom

Let’s Discover ‘The Real You’

Ishaan had always harbored a desire to win over his affluent father’s affection. In an attempt to do so, he began to create a false persona, a common tactic in persona marketing. His act was so convincing that he successfully defined a persona definition that fooled his parents. They were overjoyed, believing their son embodied virtues like sincerity, honesty, and transparency.


His father, brimming with gratitude, cherished Ishaan as the crown jewel of his life, embracing him with an integrity that was unwavering and a frankness that was sincere. Their relationship seemed to be on solid ground.

One fateful day, Ishaan’s father unexpectedly returned from a business meeting two days ahead of schedule, only to discover that Ishaan was hosting a party where his friends had indulged to the point of losing all sensibilities.

Sadly, when Ishaan’s father unexpectedly met the real Ishaan, it shocked him so much that he suffered a heart attack, leading to his untimely passing.

Many parents have never truly met their child’s real self-image. Hence, we are going to discuss ‘The Real You.’ We are living in an era where artificial things are used to decorate the ceremonies that celebrate our real-life events. We spend a minimum of 8-10 hours outside of the home, and hence, everyone is trying to create an online persona, wearing masks to appear impressive in the crowd.

Have you ever pondered why we are so fixated on our societal image? Why does our self-esteem take a hit when we are insulted, and why do we go to any extent to retaliate or seek revenge? This is where self-awareness comes into play.

When a person is in distress or sad for any reason, most of us try to distract them by cracking jokes, cheering them up, or discouraging them from expressing their sorrow. But in doing so, we are expecting them to suppress their negative beliefs and put on a facade, making them feel guilty for being real and expressing their true emotions. Why do positive beliefs always overshadow the importance of being real?

Everyone may have different opinions about this, but I urge you to ponder, when was the last time you genuinely embraced self actualization? In this modern era, we’ve strayed from our core beliefs and lost sight of our true selves, often questioning the meaning in life.

In our society, we’re often expected to fit in and not stand out. That’s why we tend to follow others closely and hesitate to bring something new to the table.



One of the major drawbacks is that we forsake our traditional wisdom and core beliefs in order to maintain a counterfeit image. Some of us are so lost in this process that we lack self-awareness, unable to identify our true identity.

Accept Your Authenticity Journey:

Another step we can take towards personal growth goals is to first accept ourselves. It’s okay to make mistakes or fall prey to bad habits, but once you accept yourself, you can set self development goals and make improvements. Ishaan should have really strived to understand his parents’ expectations and be flexible in order to achieve goals and make them really feel better about having such a sincere, genuine son.

Parents never refuse to accept their child’s true self. All you need to do is accept yourself and communicate this to your parents. They may guide you, admonish you, and foster positive belief, but they never reject you, strengthening the bond of relationships.

Embrace Your Unique Journey:

Each person’s personal development journey to authenticity is unique. Celebrate the twists and turns, the discoveries, and the ongoing growth. Understand that it’s not a destination but a continual process of personal growth journey and self-discovery.

Reflect and Connect:

We all should answer the below 5 questions, which will help us find ourselves.

  1. Who am I?
  2. What do I want from this life?
  3. What do I want to give?
  4. What is my main purpose in this life?
  5. What am I grateful for?

We understand ourselves better if we seek answers to these questions. If you are dating someone, you will start spending more time with your partner to understand them and their way of life. Now, apply the same approach to yourself and discover your core beliefs, your own likes and dislikes, and your own way of living. Boost your self-esteem through self-awareness and strive for self actualization. I firmly believe in finding meaning in life by being authentic before chasing wealth, class, and luxury. Dare to be you.

Be Your Biggest Supporter:

Most of the time, we strive to be kind to others, often becoming victims of situations or the powerful people around us. It’s commendable to be kind, but it’s crucial to have the confidence to applaud your own achievements first. With self-awareness, you should be cognizant of your own strengths and weaknesses. Boosting your self-esteem, it’s okay to learn from our mistakes and move ahead in life.

This isn’t merely an article; it’s a call to action for a personal transformation challenge. Join us on this journey of personal evolution to rediscover your authentic self. Share your reflections below, and don’t miss the opportunity to transform yourself with the upcoming articles in this series. Let’s embark on this path of continuous transformation together, where the real you is the truest and most beautiful version, ready to maximize potential and reach full potential.

Ready for more insights on personal growth and self development? Subscribe now to stay connected with our transformative content. Let’s uncover the beauty of being authentically you, fostering sustained growth and self betterment to boost transformation!

alt="Successful Life"
Life wisdom

Your Habits And Routine Outshines You..

It was a college reunion after 15 years. Everyone was so happy, recollecting the golden days of college. A group of four friends created a WhatsApp group and started discussing and planning about meeting old friends after 15 years. 

On the final day of college, a sense of excitement filled the air as everyone eagerly embraced a challenge they had set for themselves. The challenge revolved around a profound question: Who would ultimately achieve success in life—someone burdened by bad habits or someone who had cultivated a foundation of good habits?

Cyrus, one friend of a group, forgets about the challenge as he was returned drunk last night and hence woke up at 11 a.m. in order to get ready and leave for the reunion. 

Jack and Mike were staying together so they woke up at 9 a.m., and their game mode was turned on by the console until 11a.m. They began preparing to leave for their reunion.

On the other side, Mark woke up at 5 a.m. and started his bright day with lukewarm water, exercise and spiritual activities like meditation, which were followed by a bath and a healthy breakfast. Then he targeted his reading room in order to read pages and a news paper. He started getting ready at 11 a.m. as he was feeling so excited to meet his old friends and share all his success since he had achieved everything he had decided.

Cyrus arrived at the location and called Jack, as the three of them wanted to give them company while smoking a cigarette. After meeting, they started remembering old days and laughing by cracking jokes. 

They saw one black Porsche coming close to them and one 6 feet tall handsome guy stepped out of the car and removed his classic eyeglasses. He then walked towards these three folks standing and greeted all of them with love.

Mark has effortlessly manifested his desired lifestyle. His wealth effortlessly multiplies, his business thrives with dedicated employees at its helm, and he indulges in extravagant adventures while residing in staycations.

All of them were shocked by looking at Mark, who always used to get bullied for being top of his studies, his boring routine, philosophical talks, etc.

Let’s go back to the old days when three of them challenged Mark. It was the last day of college. Everyone was so emotional about saying good bye to close friends and they wanted to make it memorable to cherish in the future. So they planned to go to a pub that night in order to drink, party and enjoy themselves. A teetotaller (a person who does not drink alcohol), Mark did not want to join them so he said “You guys enjoy; I am not joining you”.

His friends got angry and started arguing with Mark about his boring lifestyle. His friends challenged him by saying that they would meet directly after 15 years. There are two groups one is made up of three guys and the other is Mark.

A group wins, which is successful in life and they have found their answer. Mark is successful in his life by following his routine, sticking to his rules and having all his philosophical thoughts.  

They were feeling sorry for thinking Mark was wrong and wasting their own lives. They felt it would have been better if they had followed Mark. They apologized to Mark for the biggest mistake they had made. 

We follow a pattern in life, and more or less, we follow the things we watch, read or people we befriend. So, we should be very careful while making new friends, as their lives, their habits and their thinking processes make an impact on our lives too.

We should follow everything consistently, If you are deciding something to follow do it on a daily basis. Habit and routine plays an important role in our lives. Hence, we should be selecting our actions wisely. A consciously selection of whatever we do, read or watch. Our repeated actions becomes our habit as our brain form a new neuron cells in order to form a new habit.

This is the key message we wanted to convey: Our choices in habits, friendships, and thoughts shape the foundation of our lives. If you’d like to share your thoughts with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out at Additionally, we would greatly appreciate your feedback on this article. Don’t forget to like and share your insights with us.

Life wisdom

A Girl Sitting In The Corner..

A girl sitting in the corner, looking out of the window by taking a sip of tea with a chaotic mind. Her new friends were asking her to join them for a dance, eager to understand the reason behind her silence. But she always chose to be alone and never opened in front of anyone. She prefer talking to everyone but only for a reason.

There was always an invisible layer that acted as a barrier between her and others. She was a good soul with a kind heart but never allowed anyone to be in her circle. She never showed a personal touch with anyone in her group.

Her friends always tried to ask her about her loneliness, advising her to get mixed up and forget her worries. Slowly, they started teasing her for being alone and sad. Her friends also started calling her selfish for talking only for a reason.

There was one girl in a group who always tried to understand that girl’s point of view, used to talk softly with her and never bullied her. She always held a deep admiration for a solitary girl. A friend who showered love upon her lone best friend, constantly seeking to connect, understand, and provide guidance and over time, that solitary girl began to feel at ease conversing with her newfound friend.

Now, both of these girls have become close friends, reuniting once a month to cherish their memories and nurture their friendship. The solitary girl has undergone a transformation, now actively engaging with everyone around her. Now the question arises what changed a sad & alone girl? Yes, you are right—her best friend’s love. In her past life, she had encountered significant trauma, betrayal  and hatred which had patterned her mind to be cautious and untrusting. Her friend’s love has changed the patterns of her mind. She started trusting the good nature of others. 

The moral of the story is that if you find someone around you who always prefer maintain silence, displays anger and frustration, avoid making new friends, there are chances that the person has undergone such experiences in life, which have influenced their behavior. You can just be good to people. We can observe an individual’s actions, but we can never truly comprehend the challenges they may be confronting.

In many cases, lending a listening ear to these individuals can be profoundly beneficial. When we permit them to be themselves, they often find it easier to display kindness. It’s essential to provide them with a reason for trusting in humanity, as every mind has its own unique thought processes. If someone possesses negativity for some reason, it’s possible to encourage positivity, and you can be the catalyst for that transformation.

Let us carry on our kindness towards others, for this is how we earn admiration and inspire those around us. This is an invaluable lesson that reminds us to refrain from passing judgment on others and to consistently spread kindness. You can execute this by just being good to others or show empathy while dealing with others. We need to start treating others with love and kindness.

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Life wisdom

A Knock on the Door of Insight

Life continually presents us with profound lessons. However, do we really absorb these teachings when navigating our most challenging moments? Often, we just exist, overlooking the need to pause, reflect, and extract insights from life’s experiences. It’s essential to ask: What wisdom have we obtained from difficulties, and how did it shape us? While we often make purposeful choices, life’s path isn’t always calculable. Adaptability and learning on the fly are equally vital.

Explore an Inward journey:

Most of our lives, we are dealing with external crowd or situations. Don’t you think our life shaped by our responses rather than actions of others towards us? Too often, our entire focus is on external things. Like we keep complaining about society, government or people and what do we get?

I think we should always focus on our reactions towards situation & try to improve our response. For example: if you find yourself of the target of constant ridicule, try to think where you can make changes. Why are they singling you out instead of others?

Complaining is effortless, but problem-solving requires effort. However, try to bring ease to your life by making changes either in your thought process or your actions. This will solve most of your problems but the only condition is to expect change within yourself, rather than expecting external circumstances to change. True empowerment and growth often stem from our own evolution, rather than seeking change in our surroundings.

Break to Redefine:

Who wants to suffer? One of the important lessons I have learnt from my life is you can only create and rebuild something that has broken. Have you ever attempted to recreate something that already exists successfully?

We feel discouraged when things shatter, but the silver line is that only thing which allows us to reform is the reality that the thing is broken. We hate when we are facing challenges in life or circumstances are unfavorable. Consider this: Isn’t it these very moments that offer us the chance to reframe and reshape our paths for the better?

Look at the same situation from a different perspective, think as if you are getting an opportunity to restructure. Devote your full efforts in order to bring the best of your lives. Think.! 

Choose Happiness:

We all have own unique abilities like some are extremely rich, others are highly educated, some are blessed with a abundance of love from others. Yet, have you seen a single person who is happiest and satisfied with their life?

So our next learning is no one has everything in life. The fact is we need to learn to find happiness within, the challenges are always going to be there. Learn to be like the joyful spirit of a child, traversing life with a carefree, blissful mind.

If you ask a happiest person how they manage to maintain their joy, their response would likely echo a simple truth: happiness is a choice.

Nothing really matters:

Have you ever found essence of what truly holds value or seen something which is eternal? A situation or people find it important for a certain time period but as the clock continues to tick,challenges will always be there welcoming you.

We should always try to live a life fullest. Making mistakes is a natural part of life, but allowing the fear of failure to prevent us from taking action is not acceptable. The more we venture, stumble, and learn, the richer our understanding becomes.

We often catch ourselves in the illusion of perfection. We all want to be perfect in front others and hence we are not allowing ourselves to explore in life and not living a life.  

These are the things which no one talks but are really important to learn as early as we can. It’s never too late to start something. Break your own rules and redefine your life in order to find the essence of life. 

We welcome your comments and suggestions regarding the topics you’d like to explore further. Feel free to share your interests, and we’ll be more than happy to offer you the most insightful “life sutras” you’re seeking.

Thank you for taking the time to read our full article. Your engagement and feedback are greatly appreciated.

Alt="Mental health"
Life wisdom

Depths of Thought: A Journey into the Mind

I dare you to sit quietly for 10 minutes without doing anything. You are not allowed to do anything or bring a single thought to your mind. Will you be able to complete this task? Think before coming to any conclusions. If your answer is yes, then great; you are one of those 1% of people who have achieved mastery over their own minds and thoughts. But if you do not know, you need to seriously think about your thinking mind. Most of the time, we are busy thinking about something. 

Have you ever thought about why we are not happy with our current situation? Why are we not able to live in the present? Why do we prefer to keep ourselves busy by listening to songs, watching series, movies, reels, etc.? Why does our mind always keep jumping from this topic to another? We always have something to think about or say. Most of the time, our thoughts ghost us and we feel lost in our own heads. Have you ever regretted wasting your time by thinking too much about any particular situation or person? Why do we feel chaotic at the end of the day and want to be quiet? 

The reason behind this is that we do not know how to deal with our own thoughts; hence, we are going to discuss all about thoughts. 

Let’s begin..

Mindful Reflection: Observing Your Thoughts:

First of all, we should all start observing. It can be anything—situations, people around us, or our own mind. Observe very silently what is going through your mind. Don’t rush to react to the people or situation; instead, relax, sit back and just observe your thoughts. You will learn a lot about your thinking patterns and you will get a thread of your thinking.

Inner Dialog: Questioning Each Thought:

Now, the chosen thread of thinking should be questioned. Think about why you have been thinking about it so long. You should always find a source of your thoughts. How many times has this happened to you? When you were dedicated to something with full attention and someone passing by said something negative from their own experiences, we kept thinking about it for the whole day, then we started questioning our own choices. In such moments, we should take a pause and question ourselves to get to know the source of our thoughts. The simplest question is, Are these thoughts more important than my current action? 

Clearing the Mental Clutter:

Blocking our thoughts is an art that requires practice. Blocking every thought can suffocate the mind, so we don’t instantly jump into profound contemplation. Instead, when a thought comes, our mind understands its significance, allowing only important ones to spark a deeper thinking process. Filtering our thoughts before we go into deep thinking is key to avoiding unnecessary mental burdens.

 Mindful Self-Care: Listening to Your Mind as Therapy

The next thing we all should do is sit with our thoughts. When you find one of your friends facing some personal issues, what do you do? Most of us prefer to talk to a friend and resolve the issue; if you are facing the same situation, I would suggest being with your thoughts for some time. Try to analyze and understand what you’re going through. There is no need to jump to the conclusion; just let your mind tell its story. Be your own ears; like others’, it just requires a listener. It is necessary to be aware of your own thoughts in order to deal with them.

Focusing on the Controllable:

Another important thing is that we should only think about those things that we can control. If something is out of your control, avoid thinking about it. Thinking consumes our energy and we feel drained at the end of the day. Hence, we should keep track of our thoughts and avoid unnecessary traffic in our heads. We should keep our brains junk-free which will really create a place for healthy thoughts.

These are some of the things we should keep in mind before entertaining any random thought. Our mind does not know what is good or bad; it acts on the basis of the things we feed it. So we should keep a good environment around us. I want to give you a big thank for reading this article till the end. Do not forget to hit the Like button.

Life wisdom

“Unlocking the Power of Execution”

How many good habits do you really want to adopt but are unable to due to some unavoidable desires in your mind? Indeed, it’s often our own mind that strongly desires to adopt these habits, yet ironically, it’s the very same mind that can sometimes hinder our progress. How is this possible? But, let me tell you, it is our higher consciousness that wants to improve or practice good things in life, and it is our mind’s same old habits that prevent us from making such changes.

Have you ever thought, What is the difference between our mind, soul, and body? The body can be physically seen and hence, differentiated. But what about our mind and soul? 

The first step is to understand the difference between these two to guide our actions or habits. A soul is the whole consciousness and mind is the part that is listening, asking questions,  judging, etc. For example, if I am talking to you about something so important, you are also listening very carefully, and suddenly, a heavy rain comes out of nowhere. You looked out of the window and went back to your last trip, when you were at the top of a hill and the big droplets of rain on your face were making you feel so relaxed. And you are distracted from what I was saying. 

You get into thoughts because of your senses; that is your mind and the thing that makes you be in the present, a higher consciousness, is your soul. We can say that our mind has become the biggest obstacle to our improvements and we must take some necessary steps in order to do the things we always wished to do.

I believe our mindset possesses the power to shape our actions and transform our wishes into tangible reality. I still remember that I struggled so hard to read but now I can spend my whole day just reading a book. So it’s just your mindset that shapes your habits. In this article, we are going to discuss all about controlling and channeling our mind. 

A Mind: Your Companion till Last Breath

We want to suggest the idea that your own thoughts and mental state can be a source of support and companionship throughout your life. The first thing we should all do is make our minds our best friends. Talk to it as though it were our best friend. Explain the benefits of the things you want to achieve and the disadvantages of your bad habits that you want to stop. Now, the question arises, what is the outcome of it? The answer is that our mind is not our best friend until it becomes a barrier to our decision. Once you start following what you decide, it’s your closest friend. 

For example: if you want to start meditating, tell your mind all the benefits of meditation. It will start wanting to meditate on a daily basis. Also, if you do something that disturbs your peace of mind, tell your mind the drawbacks of acting in such a way that disturbs your peace of mind.

You are a Reflection of What You Allow Inside

The second step is to keep your focus on the content that enters your mind. Your mind does not know the difference between good and bad; it works as per the content you feed it. If I want to adopt a healthy diet for the sake of my future, I can’t watch a street food video or hang out with a buddy who eats street food. We must use extreme caution with what we listen to, watch, or associate with. For example, you may decide to avoid people who gossip and constantly complain, or you could make a playlist of videos that deliver the expertise you need.

It really helps if you only listen to fitness podcasts if you want to start exercising and get a fit body. 

Infuse Some Positivity

Another thing we should all practice is saying what we genuinely want to achieve. It’s great if the circumstances are precisely the opposite of what you desire, but your optimistic attitude has a significant influence on people’s lives. We may produce powerful manifestations simply by repeating positive affirmations. It changed my life, and I want you to bring some positivity into your life about what you truly want to do.

Favorable Circumstance is the key to Success

If you are unable to achieve your goals by focusing on internal aspects such as mind and body, it is fine to seek assistance from other sources. For example, if I want to go to the gym and I get up at 8 a.m. and leave home at 9 a.m., I can propose to a friend that they go to the gym, follow a fitness influencer, or consume similar knowledge. These things will take me to the gym. These external elements will assist you in making the first move, and your actions will be ruled by your thinking.

Let your Words Manifest into Actions

Keeping your word will transform your life forever. When you respect and follow what you say, you will gain confidence, and others will begin to appreciate your words when you truly accomplish what you mentioned previously. This will also bring discipline and consistency into your life, both of which are critical to developing long-term beneficial habits. The initial step to take is to exercise the discipline of only committing to actions within one’s capacity. This will have a significant influence on our lives. 

These are some of the necessary steps to follow in order to execute whatever you wish and desire. It is totally fine if you fail multiple times but the end goal is that we should always focus on achieving our destination by enjoying the journey. I really would like to know your ideas for execution. Write down your views in the comment box and subscribe to our page to get notified of more such articles.

Thanks for being here.

alt="Financial Wisdom"
Life wisdom

“It’s Not Always About Earning”

Two years ago, I was thinking about quitting my job and becoming a professional writer. That’s when I realized I was falling into the trap of earning. I can’t directly jump into a different profession and there are 90-95% of people who forget their dreams to earn the amount that satisfies their pockets, but what about satisfaction of the soul?

I decided to create a platform where I can write and share my thoughts to get the satisfaction of improving people’s lives. I want you to consciously think about the work you are doing. 

So, in this article, we are going to talk about the finance and work life wisdom. We all going to discuss some important things we all should really think on. Let’s began.

So my first question is Are you bringing that peace and satisfaction to your soul by working in your profession? The reason I am asking this question is because we start earning at the beginning of our lives.

A person retires at the age of 55–60. Hence, we end our working journey at the end of our lives. We should be doing something that gives us inner happiness. How many days of the week do you really wish to go to work?

Workload or pressure will always be there, but “A wish to go to work” is more often replaced by “A compulsion to go to work”. Slowly, we begin to get paid for our happiness and peace of mind. 

I want you to know the reason behind going to the office and be the happiest person, as we spend almost 8-10 hours there. We are so engaged in office work that we forget watering our personal lives. As a result, we are so frustrated that we lose our mental peace and disconnect with ourselves and our families too. 

Earning more does not help us learn personal money management. A simple example is that when we buy anything, we buy it because we like it and not because we need it. When we go to the market or any mall, we keep buying things because we love them, even if we already have them.

Whenever we buy anything, we owe something to Mother Nature and the people who made it possible. Money can’t buy the sacrifice Mother Earth made or the worker’s efforts. So we should also think about social responsibilities. We all should learn personal finance, or money management, which helps a person avoid unnecessary spending. 

When we work, we should always think about what we can give others. What we give to people is what matters. Nowadays, most people create negative content, which influences and diverts people to bad tracks.

Your work is feeding their brains and creating their futures. So, if you are creating good content that changes even a single person’s mind, it gives you a lot of blessings.

These are some important thoughts about finance that I wanted to share with you because we are so busy living our lives that we do not think about all these things.

You can share your views on this topic in the comment box. If you want to get notified for each article we upload, you can click on “stay connected”.

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Life wisdom

“Look back at the fortune, you left behind”

Before starting with this article, I want you to take a pause and think about your daily routine. I want you to keep a qualitative approach to your life. Wait, don’t get confused; just think about the things you do from the time you wake up till the time you sleep. The things you face on a daily basis, the environment, or the people you be with—everything. Also, you will think about the lifestyle your parents or grandparents used to live and try to find a difference between the lifestyles.

I bet you everything has changed in the past 30-40 years. Let’s talk about the major lifestyle changes we encountered. Our parents were struggling or were creating the lifestyle we live now. So, we are living a stable lifestyle from all perspectives. Obviously, we are all also struggling with our own battles, but when we consider our lifestyle, we are living a better lifestyle as compared with our parents.

The second major difference is that education is easily available right now, and our parents are hardly completing their graduations. There are exceptions, but still, they used to struggle a lot to complete their studies. But in our generation, the first priority for a child is to complete high school. 

The third major difference is that our parents did not have big TVs at home, OTT Media service subscriptions, Wi-Fi connections, mobile phones, or laptops at home. Almost all of us have these facilities. 

Now that we understand the differences in our lifestyles, we may conclude that we live a much better lifestyle than our parents. For eg: If I am craving a special cuisine, I can order it online or If I want to buy a new phone, laptop, or anything else, I can buy it directly. I don’t need to wait for the weekend or save money to buy it next quarter. 

Now, the question we need to answer is Are we really happy or satisfied after having all the facilities or a better life than the previous generation? Are we really enjoying our lives? Do we live life to the fullest? The question is really worth thinking about—finding the answer and the reason behind it.

Have you ever wondered why we are not satisfied or happy even after having all the things a life requires? 

Let’s discuss this:

Patience cultivates strength and wisdom:

I think getting everything done easily has made us impatient. We have lost one of the most important qualities of life, which is patience. We easily get frustrated or angry when something is not done on time.

If we fail the first time or twice, we give up. And, unfortunately, if anything takes longer, the result will be perfection. You can observe the things around you. 

We should always challenge ourselves to increase our patience. Don’t try to be in rush if you can wait for the things to happen. Always keep control of not initiating any kind of argument or fight, this will also increase your level of patience in life.

Consistency breeds success over time:

Another thing our generation needs to focus on is consistency. If you are doing something on a daily basis for a long period of time, you are already a master at it. So, if you want something to be better, try doing it on a daily basis.

Consistency is the most important factor in success. As we get better day-by-day if we practice it daily. You may fail once, twice, or more than that, but the final result is fruitful.

Allow yourself to fail but give yourself enough time to be consistent. Try to consciously do something consistently like adding exercise or running on a daily basis.

A thorough review enhances overall understanding:

We all have some thoughts, dreams, or goals, but why is it difficult to achieve anything in life? The most crucial thing to do to bring anything to a successful conclusion is to review it. The bitter truth is that success takes time; overnight success is a myth. And most of us do not follow what we decide and change either our routes or destinations, which has a big impact on our lives. It’s not always about goals or dreams; it’s about life. So we should keep the habit of reviewing everything in life. We should be aware of our own habits, the food we eat, our work, our knowledge, and everything else. We should review, and make changes accordingly. Slowly, you will develop discipline and achieve everything you wish for. 

Keep a weekly, Monthly or quarterly review of everything. Your each goal should be written on a paper and reviewed it in order to make necessary changes and achieve it.

Kindness spreads warmth and connection:

Another important factor our generation has lost is kindness. We are all so frustrated with our own lives, we are not able to give. We all keep fighting to get more in life, but the forgotten fact is that we only get something when we start giving it. Showing love and compassion towards everyone will only bring more positivity into your life. After all, the only thing that creates a better self within is how you treat others.

Being kind for no reason will help you to achieve this. Keep your mind free. Spread as much as love and kindness you can. Be nice for no reason, this will refresh your mood.

So these are some of the things we should never forget, even if we get everything in life. We’re eager to learn about your life’s journey. For more insightful content, click on “stay connected” and explore similar topics.

alt="Brain Activity"
Life wisdom

Cultivate and Nurture your Brain; it is a Dynamic Muscle.

Within our family, why do we observe varying levels of wisdom and intelligence, even though we all lead similar lifestyles?

The brain is an organ that is constantly active and controls our emotions, thoughts, actions and senses, etc. We all go to the gym to keep our bodies toned and maintain flexibility.

Have we ever thought of exercising or taking care of our brain? As it is the organ that leads our each action, it keeps functioning for us day and night.

Just as our bodies require nourishment, relaxation, exercise, and specific proteins or nutrients, our brain also has its own essential needs. Are we fulfilling its requirements?

First, let’s discuss the damaging effects we are imposing on our brains. Before discussing this, I am not against any action. Here, we are just trying to make our lives better.

Actions Detrimental to Brain Health:

Excessive usage of social media or devices can cause a negative impact on our brains, as it requires our attention. Continuous usage of devices or time spent on social media might cause fatigue or lethargy. Scrolling often causes boredom. While scrolling, we engage in an activity that does not place a high demand on the brain, but this muscles requires continuous exercise.

Not getting enough peaceful sleep or sleeping too much is one of the reason our brain stops being productive. When we are active for the whole day our brain is just getting used and it does not get rest. Sleep allows the brain and body to slow down and engage in recovery for better physical and mental performance. But sleeping too much can also cause harm to our brain and overall health.

Eating unhealthy or sugary food can cause a negative impact on our brain. What we eat has a vital role in our wellbeing. Overeating or eating too much junk food or food high in sugar, oils, and calories can lead to obesity and sluggishness since the brain is exhausted by digesting this stuff.

Complaining can also damage your brain, as we all have negative thoughts in our mind. Complaining reduces the number of positive influences in our life. So we should always see a positive aspect of the situation and wherever complaining will not help we should be adaptable in the situation.

We need to reduce these habits from our lives in order to keep our brain healthy and also we need to add some things in our daily routine.

Enhancing Brain Function: Recommended Actions

The first and most important thing is fresh oxygen in our daily lives can solve most of the problems.

Oxygen is crucial for cellular respiration and energy production in our bodies. Brain requires oxygen, just as we require food in our lives.

We should make conscious efforts to add more oxygen to our daily routine. So basically, keep a habit of technology fasting when you will keep away all the devices and be alone in nature or wherever you will get a fresh air. A place where you will sit and practice a deep breathing. And think about the things you left incomplete in your mind due to busy lifestyle. Your thoughts will automatically align. You will find logic behind everything that happens to you as your brain gets enough oxygen, which will explore your mind.

You can also add 10 – 15 minutes of breathwork to your daily routine. You can refer to this article on the same topic, “Power of Breath Work to Enrich Your Life with Abundance.

The second thing is to keep a learning attitude. A learning attitude will always help us achieve more in life. If you closely observe your life, every little thing is a lesson in life. Whatever happens in your life, either you succeed or you learn.

We should consciously try to learn new things. Learning also explores our minds and increases brain cells, which makes us wiser.

You can promise yourself to watch one informative video on a daily basis or else replace movies with podcasts or documentaries.

Dedicate a minimum of thirty minutes to interact with individuals who are 20 to 30 years your senior. Keep a habit of reading on a daily basis. It is not necessary read books but you can read magazines or articles.

The third thing is to always be selective about the content you feed to your brain. Most of the time, we go for entertainment and forget about the content we consume. If we are scared about the junk food we are eating, then we should also be scared about the Junk content we are consuming. It’s not always about content, but also about the people we surround ourselves with and the games we play. 

Last but not least is to add exercise in our daily routine. This will increase blood flow to the brain and again neurons will be increased. And we will get a time to talk to ourselves which is necessary for a busy schedule, as we hardly get a free time to connect with ourselves.

You can add stairs instead of escalator or else keep a running habit on a daily basis. cultivate the practice of efficiently completing tasks to optimize time utilization. you can also start your day with half an hour exercise or yoga.

So we have listed some things to add in your lives and some things to remove from your lives which will definitely help you to improve your future. What are your views on this? We would like to know your suggestions, you can write in a comment box and Also, click on stay connected if you want to get notified for such life-sutras. 

Thanks for being here.

alt="Breathing practices"
Life wisdom

“Power of Breath Work to Enrich Your Life with Abundance.”

This article will leave one deep thought in your mind about your biggest wealth, which is your health. A COVID wave has taught us one of the biggest lessons of life that is our health is the only thing that matters at the end, especially our breath. Breathing is the only evidence of our existence, as breathing makes us truly feel alive. As we say ’till last breath’ reminds us of the connection between breath and life until our last breath.

Now think for a moment about the role our breath plays in our lives. Have you ever noticed shifts in your breath when your mood takes a sudden turn into fear or anxiety? Particularly during times of stress, one’s breathing undergoes noticeable changes. When a person is happy or satisfied, their breathing tends to adopt a different pattern compared to moments of sadness, anxiety, nervousness, or fear. Emotions play a vital role in influencing our breathing, subtly altering its rhythm and depth based on our internal states.

We should think about and understand the way we breathe in order to master our breathing. You just need to consciously keep an eye on the rhythm of your breath. Slowly, you will understand the difference between the rhythm of your breath in different situations. As rich people do not get rich overnight and they need to work hard on a slow process where consistency is required, if you want to live a long and healthier life, you will need to practice your breathwork consistently.

Before getting into action plans, let’s first talk about advantages and also find an answer to the question, How is our breath connected to health?’ For a deeper understanding, I want you to engage in a thought-provoking exercise rather than accept my words. After reading the steps below, I want you to set aside the device you are holding and fully immerse yourself in the exercise by following each step with mindful presence.

  1. Sit straight without touching your back to wall, chair, or anything else.
  2. Close your eyes and try to focus on your breath.
  3. Now take 5-10 deep breaths back to back.
  4. Make your breathing as slow as possible, and your focus should be on breath.
  5. Slowly open your eyes and feel the relaxation in your mind.

Now, after reading this, keep a device aside & follow the steps outlined and observe the change in your attention and grasping power before proceeding to the next part of the article.

We live in a world where we always rushing to perform our daily tasks and stick to our routines, which is certainly necessary to live our fortunate being. As a result, we should set out 10 to 30 minutes each day for breathwork.

Now let’s talk about the benefits of Breathwork :

Breathing exercises improve oxygen intake (Pranavaayu: an elixir for existence ‘prana’). It allows oxygen to reach every cell in our body. We use plenty of medications to improve our health; why not concentrate on building our health? 

Let’s think for a moment, what exactly happens when we breath?  In basic terms, bad air (Carbon dioxide) from our bodies is expelled, and good air (Oxygen) is consumed, which cleanses or filters our blood.

Breathing exercises increase blood flow in our bodies. As our bodies operate on autopilot, there are some intentional activities on our breathing that will result in improved blood flow, clear skin, hair, and general wellness.

Breathwork helps a person become more calmer and peaceful. As we already discussed our emotions are linked to our breathing. when we practice breathwork, our thoughts get aligned. A person’s actions are thoughtful, and they have control over their emotions and behaviours.

This action assists our brain in obtaining more oxygen. As our nervous system and brain cells improve, we become more peaceful, smart, and insightful.

Now you will think deep breathing is the only technique you can practice but the truth is there are so many techniques to practice that will increase oxygen intake in our body.

  1. Pranayama
  2. Deep breathing
  3. Vase breathing
  4. Alternate nostril breathing
  5. Conscious connected breathing

There are many more ways to do breathwork that we haven’t discussed here. I want you to study as much as you can about these breathing exercises and put them into practice. I’d like to hear your thoughts on this subject. You can add it in the comments box.

Thanks for being here.