Person climbing a ladder against a blue sky background, symbolizing progress and achievement
Life wisdom

Success Is Not Achieved; It Is Maintained

In our past articles, we have discussed what success is and how it can be achieved. In this article, we are going to discuss the need for and methods of maintaining a continuous process of success. Two years ago, I built this website and started uploading articles regularly. Initially, I used to get new ideas about upcoming articles while writing about the current topic. I never used to sit and brainstorm about a new topic, but after 30-35 articles, I started drawing blanks and could not write anything until I received an auto-suggestion from my brain.

I was so discouraged by not finding anything interesting to write and not being able to produce any good pieces. I started losing confidence and faith in my own writing. I decided not to write anything until I found a truly unique topic. In this article we are going to discuss my own journey from failure to success.

Consistency: The Key to Sustained Success

I was searching for the root cause of my lost enthusiasm since writing is my passion and I was struggling to write. One Saturday evening, full of sorrow, I tried to find the reason for 2-3 days and realized that initially, I used to write on a daily basis. The topic was never a question for me, and my mind used to give me new ideas to write. One of the major reasons for most failures after achieving small successes is that people stop working after achieving their smallest goals. Everyone wants to own a luxury car or sports bike, but how many of us go out of our way to buy it? Only one percent of the total population. Do you know what we are lacking? Consistency.

Add “want to” things to your daily “to-do” list

If you are someone who faces difficulty doing something daily, try to add your “want to” things to your daily “to-do” list. Just like we brush our teeth daily, we should sit for meditation right after we brush our teeth.

Find a Buddy: Partner Up for Success

If you fail to do things regularly, you can find someone who wants to add this habit to their life. That person can remind you, and sometimes you can become their reminder. For example, start going to the gym with your partner, friend, or parents.

Accountability: Be Prepared to Answer for Your Actions

When we were students, we used to ensure that we completed our homework, especially for the subject whose teacher asked without fail. As humans, we do not like when someone asks a question and we do not have an answer.

Our ego gets triggered when someone questions us about our own work. So, ask someone to question you about your habit and whether you are following it or not. For example, if your friend asks you and you have to say, “I failed to follow what I decided,” their natural reaction will either be to explain the benefits of following it to you or to say something that makes you feel bad. Your ego gets triggered, and you will promise yourself to do it in the future without fail.

Be a Better Observer

One of the biggest mistakes is that we never appreciate our own achievements. For us, everything starts looking normal once we achieve it. This is because we see things from an attached perception and live that habit. What if we start looking at our life from a second person’s view? We will get detached from our own daily routine, become an observer, and realize how far we have come.

Celebrate Your Achievements

No matter what, celebrate your smallest achievements. You deserve to be appreciated for your first thought of doing something extraordinary, taking the first step, following it, and becoming a master. Celebrating and appreciating will automatically bring so much enthusiasm and positivity, which will lead you towards the path of success.

A Step to Success and Achievement

Now that you have become a master of the first step, celebrate your efforts and achievements, and move on. Do not ever make the mistake of sitting back and relaxing. This will bring comfort and make you forget your target. Once you achieve or get better at your first step, there is a golden opportunity to take a second step. A few additions will work to your first step and become a saviour. But keep asking yourself, “What’s next?” There are two benefits to this: you will never get bored, and you will always be in healthy competition with who you were yesterday. This attitude will always let you win.

Reconnect with Your Purpose: A Guiding Reminder

Last but not least, once we start getting success, we tend to forget our main purpose. We should never forget why we started. The only thing that acts as a source of energy is to keep in mind why we started the journey and to give our 100% to the same.

Success isn’t just a one-time event; it’s about sustaining and building upon achievements over time. Continual success requires ongoing effort, adaptability, learning from mistakes, and consistently striving to improve. It’s a journey of growth and perseverance rather than a destination.

However, while writing this article, I realized that creativity sometimes needs a break to recharge. Instead of pressuring myself to constantly produce new content, I started exploring different sources of inspiration. I read more widely, engaged with other writers, and sought feedback from my readers. Slowly, my passion for writing reignited. I began jotting down ideas again, no matter how small or incomplete they seemed. Eventually, the unique topics I had been searching for started to emerge naturally. I learned that taking a step back and giving myself time to breathe was essential for maintaining my creativity and continuing my journey as a writer. Now, I approach my writing with renewed enthusiasm and a deeper understanding of the flow of creative inspiration.

If you found these insights helpful and are looking for more inspiration and practical advice on achieving and maintaining success, visit our website at There, you’ll find a wealth of articles, tips, and resources designed to help you stay motivated and reach your goals. Join our community, share your journey, and let’s continue to inspire each other towards greater success.

Thank you!

Life wisdom

Childhood: Path of Our Future

Rishabh was worried about Aayush’s overall behaviour at home. He also discussed this concern with his wife, Riya. Aayush is the 15-year-old child of these stressed parents. Both of them are working parents. The maid, Nilam, manages the household and tends to the needs of 15-year-old Aayush.


Life for Aayush is a mix of excitement and challenges. Aayush has some habits that are not so great, though. He likes to do things his way and sometimes gets into trouble with the adults in town. Homework and chores are like a puzzle for him. Aayush also tends to make choices that worry the people at home, like taking risks that make everyone hold their breath. As the neighbours and Nilam whisper about his life, they’re all hoping Aayush can figure things out and turn his story around for the better.


On a quiet Sunday morning, Riya and Rishabh engaged in a thoughtful conversation about Aayush’s future. They pondered over the stream he might choose for admission, the college that would be the best fit, and the ideal degree for his aspirations. The air was filled with anticipation as they shared their insights and hopes for Aayush’s educational journey. Aayush listened to their conversation, got involved directly, and started adding his points. After all, this conversation was going to decide his future. 

Rishabh got angry and shouted at him, saying, “You, dumbest child, are not allowed to speak while elders are talking.” Aayush went directly to his room, crying and locking himself. He was not eating for the next 2–3 days, as he was not even considering his own life decisions.


Parents play a vital role in shaping their children’s behavior and teaching them good habits. Through effective behavior techniques, parents can guide their children towards positive behavior at home and in school. By setting clear expectations, enforcing consistent consequences, and modeling good behavior themselves, parents can help their children develop socially, emotionally, and academically. It is crucial for parents to strike a balance between discipline and love, considering their child’s individual needs and temperament. Creating a supportive and nurturing environment is key to fostering good behavior and personal growth.


In today’s lifestyle, most parents stay out of work and do not get enough time to spend with their children. Hence, children lack discipline, good habits, and overall excellence in life. Parents are unaware of their child’s likes and dislikes or if a child is facing any challenges in life. A child spends their time on their mobile phone when they just start talking or understanding words. Hence, we require additional activities to open ourselves up. We have lost the true essence of family. A non-traditional family structure or separation has caused a silent, challenging childhood in every home.

Here, we will discuss the most important things to remember when raising a child with great deeds. Every child is the future of your family and the country and it is in unmolded form

Listen to your child:

Listening to your child is a cornerstone of effective and nurturing parenting. It goes beyond hearing words; it involves active engagement and understanding. When you truly listen to your child, you create an environment where they feel valued and heard, fostering a healthy parent-child relationship. It allows them to express their thoughts, concerns, and emotions, promoting emotional well-being.

Feed with great thoughts and manners:

Feeding your child with great thoughts and manners involves instilling positive values and behaviours from an early age. Just as we nourish their bodies with nutritious food, we should also nourish their minds with positive ideas and manners. This includes teaching them about kindness, empathy, and respect for others. By fostering a positive mental environment, you contribute to the development of a well-rounded and socially conscious individual. Both listening and feeding with positive thoughts and manners are key elements in shaping a child’s growth and building a foundation for a happy and fulfilling life.

Educate a Child:

Educating your child is a lifelong commitment that extends beyond the classroom. It involves fostering a love of learning, curiosity, and critical thinking skills. As a parent, you play a crucial role in providing educational support, encouraging exploration, and instilling a sense of wonder about the world. This holistic approach to education contributes to a child’s intellectual and emotional development, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities life presents.:

Communication brightens Life:

Communication is the key to understanding and being understood. Encourage an open and honest dialogue with your child, creating an environment where they feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings. By communicating everything, you establish trust and strengthen the parent-child bond. This open line of communication is essential for navigating challenges, building resilience, and promoting emotional well-being.

Good Habits in the Early Days of Life:

Instilling good habits in the early days of life lays the foundation for a healthy and disciplined lifestyle. From basic routines like regular sleep patterns and balanced nutrition to cultivating positive behaviours, such as responsibility and empathy, these habits contribute to a child’s overall well-being and character development. Early exposure to positive habits sets the stage for a lifetime of healthy choices and personal growth.

Limited Social or Device life:

In the age of technology and social media, it’s important to strike a balance and keep social and device interactions limited. While technology has its advantages, excessive screen time can impede social development and physical well-being. Encourage real-world social interactions, outdoor activities, and a healthy balance between virtual and offline experiences. This approach fosters a well-rounded upbringing, ensuring that your child develops both in the digital and tangible realms.


In conclusion, fostering the growth and development of your child involves a multifaceted approach, encompassing education, communication, instilling positive habits, and managing digital engagement.

In parenting, our role is not only to provide for our children but also to actively participate in shaping their character and preparing them for the complexities of life.

For more insights on life philosophy, educational strategies, and fostering positive habits, could you explore our website? Join our community and share your experiences, tips, and learnings as we collectively strive to create nurturing environments for the next generation. Together, let’s embark on this journey of growth and discovery, ensuring that our children not only succeed academically but also thrive emotionally, socially, and ethically. Visit our website for a wealth of resources and community support—because parenting is not just a responsibility; it’s a shared adventure.

alt="The real you"
Life wisdom

Let’s Discover ‘The Real You’

Ishaan had always harbored a desire to win over his affluent father’s affection. In an attempt to do so, he began to create a false persona, a common tactic in persona marketing. His act was so convincing that he successfully defined a persona definition that fooled his parents. They were overjoyed, believing their son embodied virtues like sincerity, honesty, and transparency.


His father, brimming with gratitude, cherished Ishaan as the crown jewel of his life, embracing him with an integrity that was unwavering and a frankness that was sincere. Their relationship seemed to be on solid ground.

One fateful day, Ishaan’s father unexpectedly returned from a business meeting two days ahead of schedule, only to discover that Ishaan was hosting a party where his friends had indulged to the point of losing all sensibilities.

Sadly, when Ishaan’s father unexpectedly met the real Ishaan, it shocked him so much that he suffered a heart attack, leading to his untimely passing.

Many parents have never truly met their child’s real self-image. Hence, we are going to discuss ‘The Real You.’ We are living in an era where artificial things are used to decorate the ceremonies that celebrate our real-life events. We spend a minimum of 8-10 hours outside of the home, and hence, everyone is trying to create an online persona, wearing masks to appear impressive in the crowd.

Have you ever pondered why we are so fixated on our societal image? Why does our self-esteem take a hit when we are insulted, and why do we go to any extent to retaliate or seek revenge? This is where self-awareness comes into play.

When a person is in distress or sad for any reason, most of us try to distract them by cracking jokes, cheering them up, or discouraging them from expressing their sorrow. But in doing so, we are expecting them to suppress their negative beliefs and put on a facade, making them feel guilty for being real and expressing their true emotions. Why do positive beliefs always overshadow the importance of being real?

Everyone may have different opinions about this, but I urge you to ponder, when was the last time you genuinely embraced self actualization? In this modern era, we’ve strayed from our core beliefs and lost sight of our true selves, often questioning the meaning in life.

In our society, we’re often expected to fit in and not stand out. That’s why we tend to follow others closely and hesitate to bring something new to the table.



One of the major drawbacks is that we forsake our traditional wisdom and core beliefs in order to maintain a counterfeit image. Some of us are so lost in this process that we lack self-awareness, unable to identify our true identity.

Accept Your Authenticity Journey:

Another step we can take towards personal growth goals is to first accept ourselves. It’s okay to make mistakes or fall prey to bad habits, but once you accept yourself, you can set self development goals and make improvements. Ishaan should have really strived to understand his parents’ expectations and be flexible in order to achieve goals and make them really feel better about having such a sincere, genuine son.

Parents never refuse to accept their child’s true self. All you need to do is accept yourself and communicate this to your parents. They may guide you, admonish you, and foster positive belief, but they never reject you, strengthening the bond of relationships.

Embrace Your Unique Journey:

Each person’s personal development journey to authenticity is unique. Celebrate the twists and turns, the discoveries, and the ongoing growth. Understand that it’s not a destination but a continual process of personal growth journey and self-discovery.

Reflect and Connect:

We all should answer the below 5 questions, which will help us find ourselves.

  1. Who am I?
  2. What do I want from this life?
  3. What do I want to give?
  4. What is my main purpose in this life?
  5. What am I grateful for?

We understand ourselves better if we seek answers to these questions. If you are dating someone, you will start spending more time with your partner to understand them and their way of life. Now, apply the same approach to yourself and discover your core beliefs, your own likes and dislikes, and your own way of living. Boost your self-esteem through self-awareness and strive for self actualization. I firmly believe in finding meaning in life by being authentic before chasing wealth, class, and luxury. Dare to be you.

Be Your Biggest Supporter:

Most of the time, we strive to be kind to others, often becoming victims of situations or the powerful people around us. It’s commendable to be kind, but it’s crucial to have the confidence to applaud your own achievements first. With self-awareness, you should be cognizant of your own strengths and weaknesses. Boosting your self-esteem, it’s okay to learn from our mistakes and move ahead in life.

This isn’t merely an article; it’s a call to action for a personal transformation challenge. Join us on this journey of personal evolution to rediscover your authentic self. Share your reflections below, and don’t miss the opportunity to transform yourself with the upcoming articles in this series. Let’s embark on this path of continuous transformation together, where the real you is the truest and most beautiful version, ready to maximize potential and reach full potential.

Ready for more insights on personal growth and self development? Subscribe now to stay connected with our transformative content. Let’s uncover the beauty of being authentically you, fostering sustained growth and self betterment to boost transformation!

alt="Successful Life"
Life wisdom

Your Habits And Routine Outshines You..

It was a college reunion after 15 years. Everyone was so happy, recollecting the golden days of college. A group of four friends created a WhatsApp group and started discussing and planning about meeting old friends after 15 years. 

On the final day of college, a sense of excitement filled the air as everyone eagerly embraced a challenge they had set for themselves. The challenge revolved around a profound question: Who would ultimately achieve success in life—someone burdened by bad habits or someone who had cultivated a foundation of good habits?

Cyrus, one friend of a group, forgets about the challenge as he was returned drunk last night and hence woke up at 11 a.m. in order to get ready and leave for the reunion. 

Jack and Mike were staying together so they woke up at 9 a.m., and their game mode was turned on by the console until 11a.m. They began preparing to leave for their reunion.

On the other side, Mark woke up at 5 a.m. and started his bright day with lukewarm water, exercise and spiritual activities like meditation, which were followed by a bath and a healthy breakfast. Then he targeted his reading room in order to read pages and a news paper. He started getting ready at 11 a.m. as he was feeling so excited to meet his old friends and share all his success since he had achieved everything he had decided.

Cyrus arrived at the location and called Jack, as the three of them wanted to give them company while smoking a cigarette. After meeting, they started remembering old days and laughing by cracking jokes. 

They saw one black Porsche coming close to them and one 6 feet tall handsome guy stepped out of the car and removed his classic eyeglasses. He then walked towards these three folks standing and greeted all of them with love.

Mark has effortlessly manifested his desired lifestyle. His wealth effortlessly multiplies, his business thrives with dedicated employees at its helm, and he indulges in extravagant adventures while residing in staycations.

All of them were shocked by looking at Mark, who always used to get bullied for being top of his studies, his boring routine, philosophical talks, etc.

Let’s go back to the old days when three of them challenged Mark. It was the last day of college. Everyone was so emotional about saying good bye to close friends and they wanted to make it memorable to cherish in the future. So they planned to go to a pub that night in order to drink, party and enjoy themselves. A teetotaller (a person who does not drink alcohol), Mark did not want to join them so he said “You guys enjoy; I am not joining you”.

His friends got angry and started arguing with Mark about his boring lifestyle. His friends challenged him by saying that they would meet directly after 15 years. There are two groups one is made up of three guys and the other is Mark.

A group wins, which is successful in life and they have found their answer. Mark is successful in his life by following his routine, sticking to his rules and having all his philosophical thoughts.  

They were feeling sorry for thinking Mark was wrong and wasting their own lives. They felt it would have been better if they had followed Mark. They apologized to Mark for the biggest mistake they had made. 

We follow a pattern in life, and more or less, we follow the things we watch, read or people we befriend. So, we should be very careful while making new friends, as their lives, their habits and their thinking processes make an impact on our lives too.

We should follow everything consistently, If you are deciding something to follow do it on a daily basis. Habit and routine plays an important role in our lives. Hence, we should be selecting our actions wisely. A consciously selection of whatever we do, read or watch. Our repeated actions becomes our habit as our brain form a new neuron cells in order to form a new habit.

This is the key message we wanted to convey: Our choices in habits, friendships, and thoughts shape the foundation of our lives. If you’d like to share your thoughts with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out at Additionally, we would greatly appreciate your feedback on this article. Don’t forget to like and share your insights with us.

Life wisdom

A Knock on the Door of Insight

Life continually presents us with profound lessons. However, do we really absorb these teachings when navigating our most challenging moments? Often, we just exist, overlooking the need to pause, reflect, and extract insights from life’s experiences. It’s essential to ask: What wisdom have we obtained from difficulties, and how did it shape us? While we often make purposeful choices, life’s path isn’t always calculable. Adaptability and learning on the fly are equally vital.

Explore an Inward journey:

Most of our lives, we are dealing with external crowd or situations. Don’t you think our life shaped by our responses rather than actions of others towards us? Too often, our entire focus is on external things. Like we keep complaining about society, government or people and what do we get?

I think we should always focus on our reactions towards situation & try to improve our response. For example: if you find yourself of the target of constant ridicule, try to think where you can make changes. Why are they singling you out instead of others?

Complaining is effortless, but problem-solving requires effort. However, try to bring ease to your life by making changes either in your thought process or your actions. This will solve most of your problems but the only condition is to expect change within yourself, rather than expecting external circumstances to change. True empowerment and growth often stem from our own evolution, rather than seeking change in our surroundings.

Break to Redefine:

Who wants to suffer? One of the important lessons I have learnt from my life is you can only create and rebuild something that has broken. Have you ever attempted to recreate something that already exists successfully?

We feel discouraged when things shatter, but the silver line is that only thing which allows us to reform is the reality that the thing is broken. We hate when we are facing challenges in life or circumstances are unfavorable. Consider this: Isn’t it these very moments that offer us the chance to reframe and reshape our paths for the better?

Look at the same situation from a different perspective, think as if you are getting an opportunity to restructure. Devote your full efforts in order to bring the best of your lives. Think.! 

Choose Happiness:

We all have own unique abilities like some are extremely rich, others are highly educated, some are blessed with a abundance of love from others. Yet, have you seen a single person who is happiest and satisfied with their life?

So our next learning is no one has everything in life. The fact is we need to learn to find happiness within, the challenges are always going to be there. Learn to be like the joyful spirit of a child, traversing life with a carefree, blissful mind.

If you ask a happiest person how they manage to maintain their joy, their response would likely echo a simple truth: happiness is a choice.

Nothing really matters:

Have you ever found essence of what truly holds value or seen something which is eternal? A situation or people find it important for a certain time period but as the clock continues to tick,challenges will always be there welcoming you.

We should always try to live a life fullest. Making mistakes is a natural part of life, but allowing the fear of failure to prevent us from taking action is not acceptable. The more we venture, stumble, and learn, the richer our understanding becomes.

We often catch ourselves in the illusion of perfection. We all want to be perfect in front others and hence we are not allowing ourselves to explore in life and not living a life.  

These are the things which no one talks but are really important to learn as early as we can. It’s never too late to start something. Break your own rules and redefine your life in order to find the essence of life. 

We welcome your comments and suggestions regarding the topics you’d like to explore further. Feel free to share your interests, and we’ll be more than happy to offer you the most insightful “life sutras” you’re seeking.

Thank you for taking the time to read our full article. Your engagement and feedback are greatly appreciated.

Spiritual Science

A Pinch of Spirituality May Turn Failure Into Fortune

I believe it’s crucial for each of us to shoulder responsibility for our lives. We all engage in an unavoidable struggle with ourselves, experiencing setbacks before we taste success. If you decide to rise once more and make another attempt, you effectively triumph over failure, significantly increasing your chances of attaining your goals. 

Our focus today is on the journey from ‘Failure to Fortune’ (F to F). We’ve outlined the steps required to navigate this path toward abundance. 

The first and most important step is to find your supreme power. It can be anything you believe in, like any god, the universe, or a person you admire. If you have not found it, relax. You can start believing in the sky or a universe and if you don’t know what it looks like, Google it. 

The Google definition of the universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. Once you find your ‘Supreme Power’, you will start bringing prosperity into your lives. 

Now the second step is to start giving existence to your superpower by believing and talking to it. Whatever you have is because of the grace of your supreme power. Whatever you want, discuss it. Whenever you desire something, close your eyes and feel as if your supreme power is fulfilling your desire.

Visualize Your success and Manifest Your Destiny

A supreme power has it’s own language. The universe only understands the language of your emotions, not words. 

You might get confused; let me explain it. You will have to first clear your emotional state in order to work on it. Assuming you desire a new house, create an emotional state where you already have one. 

You will have a clear vision of your new house, the place it is surrounded by, the interior and overall, your new house. Here, if you are only saying that you want to buy a house, it will not work.

Visualization plays a vital role in this. You will have to visualize your new house the way you want it to be. The universe (your supreme power) will start working towards your desire. 

Understand the Language of Energy

The supreme power at play is within you—your thoughts and your emotional state. You may not yet realize the incredible influence of your own thoughts. A constant in our environment is the presence of vibration, energy, or power. 

When we connect positively with someone, we often say, ‘We vibe’, signifying our energy alignment and our affection for one another. The key takeaway here is that our lives are a direct reflection of our emotional state.

We need to focus on a single goal at the initial stage, as you need to believe in your supreme power. Feel like it gives you everything you wish for and start working on it. 

Create a list of your wants and start visualizing. You just need to spend 5-10 minutes on your desires. You need to first accept the fact that you have received everything you wished for. Think only about the things you desire.

Significance of Desires in Shaping Life

Throughout this entire journey, it is absolutely crucial for you to have unwavering belief in yourself. You must carry yourself with the conviction that you have already attained your goals—act, speak, and think accordingly. 

Your self-perception shapes your reality, much like a person with a positive mindset tends to find happiness in life. Once you shift your mindset and truly believe in the life you desire, you’ll begin to manifest all that you wish for. 

Think of your life as a canvas, and you, the artist, have the power to create a masterpiece through your desires and actions.

In this journey from failure to fortune, it becomes evident that every step revolves around you, and the external world holds little sway over your destiny. It’s a profound realization that underscores the importance of self-belief and personal mastery in shaping one’s life. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this article and if you wish to stay updated on our future articles, please click on ‘Stay Connected’ to receive notifications.