Learning by reading books and knowledge gaining attitude
Life wisdom

Radiate the Purity of Knowledge Through Continuous Learning

One morning, after completing my daily routine, I sat down to write an outline for my upcoming article when suddenly my nephew arrived at my home. I aimed to focus solely on crafting a creative outline to deliver the best piece for our publication. While I was into a deep thought of Individual brainstorming, my nephew came to me to asked a silly question which I answered and the same situation repeated for 5-6 times.

I came across a deep self realization when my view has been changed towards a life and it’s learnings. Eventually, I made the decision to stop working and dedicate time to answering all of his queries and I spent 4-5 hours with him to observe him and understand his perspective fully. He asked me 10-15 more questions out of curiosity about the how, why, and when of various situations, people, and things around him. First we should be aware of power of curiosity.

Books of knowledge and information

The Power of Curiosity: Asking the Right Questions

Now let’s take a pause here and think when was the last time you decided to understand how, why and when of the situation? We have written another article with the same topic – Ask the right questions, and you’ll get all the answers. You must go through it to find all your answers and bring such analysis to life. 

When I adopted a curious and problem solving mindset, I discovered that asking questions not only boosts knowledge but also sparks neuron growth in our brains.

To be a little conscious about..

Brain Laziness:

Let me share another observation from my own life. Three years ago, I attended a 3-4 hour knowledge session that led to a severe headache and drained my energy. I then realized that my day-to-day activities and habits were making my brain lazy, discouraging it from learning new things or putting in extra effort. Consequently, our lazy brains struggle to focus when presented with new information, causing us to subconsciously avoid challenging articles, topics, reels, or people.

Lack of Wisdom:

There is always learning, which we should seek to understand, striving to gain wisdom from every situation we encounter. There exists a significant disparity between performing a task for the first time and repeating it multiple times. Hence, it’s essential to reflect on our actions, identifying where we went wrong, and consciously avoiding the same mistakes to improve with each subsequent attempt.

Takes Time to Recollect and May Tend to Forget:

Have you ever wondered why our brain takes time to recollect things or tends to forget them easily? If our brain isn’t accustomed to actively seeking and processing information, it can lead to situations where we struggle to recall important details such as names or specific situations. Additionally, we may forget things because we’ve stopped asking the right questions to stimulate our brain’s retrieval processes. Therefore, it’s important for us to refrain from relying solely on internet searches and instead engage in independent inquiry and critical thinking.

Learning Becomes a Big Tragedy:

As mentioned earlier, if our brain is not habitual to learning, we face difficulties when attempting to grasp something new. It requires additional effort to absorb and comprehend information, as our brains must create new neural pathways and patterns to accommodate unfamiliar knowledge.

Now that we have discussed the consequences of not maintaining a learning or curious mindset, let’s move on to discussing some practical tips to avoid falling into the ignorance trap. 

Let’s begin…

A Child Like Mindset:

Baby talking and questioning to parents

We should actively ask questions about everything that happens around us. However, it’s crucial to avoid applying logic when it’s unnecessary and avoid bombarding others with unnecessary questions. This approach will bring curiosity and help us remain present in the moment.

Here are some things that can bring curiosity into our lives:

  1. First and foremost, bring curiosity and be ready to learn anything that will contribute to gaining more knowledge.
  2. Ask meaningful questions to your mind. While it may seem simplistic, I always try this technique to understand what is happening around me and how my mind is processing it.
  3. Keep hunger to find answers to all the “Wh” questions (What, When, How) about everything you face.

A Conscious Learning:

I recommend incorporating intentional learning into your daily routine, just like we regularly practice important tasks. This type of learning acts as exercise for our brain.

Here are some simple ways to do this:

  1. Take online courses. You can find free ones that are worth your time. Blocking out time on your calendar will ensure you make time for it, despite your daily schedule.
  2. Read at least one informative article every day. Choose a topic you enjoy. If you’re interested in life philosophy or spiritual science, you can visit LifeSutrasKet for articles on these subjects.
  3. Form your own group or league with friends to discuss new things you’ve learned.
  4. Set goals to learn a new skill, language, or take a course on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis.

Pinch of Information in Knowledge:

Yes, that’s correct. Let’s start by understanding the difference between Knowledge and Information. According to the Britannica Dictionary, “Knowledge is what you learn from experience or education, like awareness, understanding, or skills. Information, on the other hand, is just the facts or details about a subject.”

Now, here are some simple steps to follow:

  1. Pay attention to the details of anything you read, hear, or discuss. Dive deeper into topics to satisfy your curiosity and learn more.
  2. Try explaining things to others. When we talk about what we know, our brain organizes the information we already have, helping us understand better and remember longer. Explaining things to others also helps us refine our understanding.
  3. Keep updating your knowledge regularly. This will not only enhance your understanding but also broaden your perspectives on different subjects.
  4. Try to remember important numbers or names of people, things, or places. This will help you retain information better and recall it when needed.

Brainstorming Activities will help You Bring Wisdom:

Start brainstorming with yourself. Begin by identifying your top five problems and select the most significant one to address. This approach offers two benefits: firstly, it primes your brain to automatically tackle any future challenges it encounters, and secondly, it helps you overcome mental barriers by actively addressing them.

Here are some additional activities to consider:

  1. Engage with experts to discuss problems and brainstorm solutions.
  2. Play brainstorming games such as Chess or Sudoku to stimulate creative thinking.
  3. Incorporate math problem-solving into your daily routine to exercise your analytical skills.
  4. Spend time with people who enjoy discussing topics related to knowledge, trends, and numbers.

Read, Read and Read:

Reading has various psychological benefits for our minds. Therefore, we should try to read whenever we have some free time. Since we all lead busy lives, we shouldn’t wait for spare moments to read a book. Instead, we should actively search for reading material that interests us and read it to expand our knowledge. Reading helps our minds learn new words and gather information.

  1. To make reading a habit, it’s important to find a genre that we enjoy.
  2. We can start by reading storybooks or comics and then progress to non-fiction books that pique our interest.
  3. It’s beneficial to set a daily goal for reading and stick to it by reading a minimum number of pages each day.
A library with books to read in peace

We should nurture a curious mindset and continuously seek  knowledge that can greatly benefit our personal growth and mental well-being. By grabbing learning opportunities, engaging in critical thinking, and staying open to new experiences, we empower ourselves to be best in an ever-evolving world. The most crucial aspect is to gain the right kind of knowledge from the right kind of people; choose your circle wisely.

Connect with us in a transformative journey of self-discovery with LifeSutrasKet.com. Click here to Subscribe to our website to delve into profound life philosophies, gain fresh insights, and connect with like-minded individuals. Start your quest for enlightenment today at LifeSutrasKet.com. 

Thank you for reading until the end!

alt="Right questions"
Life wisdom

Ask the right questions, and you’ll get all the answers.

Have you ever questioned your own actions or behaviour? Why did you speak to your parents or friends the way you did? Or any other question you asked yourself? Have you ever felt bad about what you said or did? Why do we make so many errors in our lives? Do we receive answers to all of our questions? How many unanswered questions do we have? Have you ever tried to change the way you look at life?

We are all living our lives the way our elder siblings or our parents lived. It’s more like following a family line that must be kept going. In this post, we will ask you a series of questions to which you must respond in order to move your life on a good path. Before you begin reading this post, I want you to take a pen and paper with you to make notes so that you may act on them later. I want you to take a moment from your busy schedule and try to find an answer to these questions by going to the depths of your soul.

Here we begin to take control of our lives in order to make the necessary adjustments to be the happiest and most satisfied souls.

Q. Why is my life more like suffering than living?

We all think we are living our best lives. Almost all of us follow the same routine as our parents, grandparents, or other relatives used to. But if you go out every weekend in a club or restaurant for parties or dinner and your bank account gets empty or in debt, If 40 – 50 % of your salary gets spent on paying EMIs rather than investments, then you are suffering in life, not living, my friend. It’s not only you who suffer in life; 90–95% of people suffer for their whole lives. Now the first step is to find an answer to this question. Try to search for the reason behind your suffering.

Q. Where did I go wrong?

This question will take you deeper into the previous question. I want you to genuinely ask yourself, “Where did I go wrong?” You will need to analyze each task, your daily habits to try to revamp your complete routine. Make all decisions based on your understanding. I want you to be your best critic in order to step up in life. You will need to break down your own ego to find your answer. Listen to your core beliefs. Take help from Google if you are getting stuck somewhere.

Q. How can I make my life better?

You now have all of your mistaken assumptions. You need to correct all the errors. Try to get rid of things you don’t enjoy or shouldn’t do but have been doing for years. Also, try to include activities that you’ve wanted to do for years but haven’t been able to fit into your schedule. Make a list of everything you plan to do. To make changes, schedule a weekly or monthly review. The activity will bring about changes in your everyday routines and, in the long run, will provide you with the most beneficial outcomes in your life. 

Q. What is the purpose of my life?

You have an action plan in place to improve your everyday actions. Now, try to think about your core purpose in life. Lead your life by the purpose of ‘You: being on the earth’ and this article will assist you in discovering your mission. Also, this blog post will alter your perspective on your life and your future. You will uncover your life’s vision. 

These are the things that will have a significant impact on your life and solve the majority of your difficulties. The most crucial responsibility, though, is to follow through on your decisions. You must be conscious of everything you do. You should understand why you are doing what you are doing. I would like to know your views on this. You can click on the comment box given below, and if you want to get notified of every upload, you can click here.

alt="Destroy your ego"
Life wisdom

Thank, if it punctures your Ego

In our last article, we talked about “A solution to fight with our inner demons”. In this article, we will talk about the biggest demon in our lives i.e. Ego: A word that literally rules our minds. Why we are all so obsessed with this word? We need to learn to treat it well. If you want to fight your enemy, you need to understand your enemy  thoroughly. 

Here is your first action: Try to answer this question by analyzing your actions and emotions. 

Q. What is the ego? 

We all have good thoughts and bad thoughts. The thoughts that require your attention and play the victim’s role or make you feel bad are because of your ego.  It also tries to dominate our actions, which ‌usually results in the addition of negative behavior. 

Ego is a demanding lower self inside us which leads to inner conflict, destruction & the source of all our tension, jealousy, anger, etc. Not only teenagers but most successful people have become a victim of their egos. 

Now you can identify when your ego is trying to remain alive in your mind. And here is the list of aid to fight your ego.

  1. Replace Me with us:

Whenever you come across a situation where you are stuck in selfish thoughts or actions, try to understand others’ perspectives. If you are only thinking about yourself (Me), you will be blind by your ego.

It is beneficial to view the situation from another perspective. Think about everyone, it will help you broaden your view which is one of the leader’s qualities. 

  1. Stop entertaining your ego

If you answer to a question we asked (What is the ego?) It would be easy to analyze and avoid being in the trap of our ego. Challenge yourself to go beyond your negative thoughts every time when you feel stuck between your good thoughts and bad thoughts. Our every action should be consciously taken considering our wiseness and ethical thinking.

  1. Nothing should make you feel offended:

If any situation or people are making you feel offended, learn to challenge yourself. Our definite goal is to act wisely. Your negative thoughts may blind you and create unnecessary trauma.

  1. Practise Mindfulness:

One of the greatest weapons you can use in order to defeat your own inner demon that is ego is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness literally changes your thoughts & helps you to step up in your life. You can refer to our previous articles A Healthy Spiritual Life & Start Yoga on the day it comes to your Mind

  1. Choose love & kindness over everything:

We should always keep a giver attitude in order to bring abundance, peace and joy in life. Learn to give everything you have. Be kind to everyone in spite of their bad thoughts or actions towards you. Always choose love & kindness over everything this will make a huge impact on your life. 

I must say, everyone regrets feeding their ego. So take some conscious actions. Slowly it becomes a part of your habits. If you follow all the mentioned instructions, you will be killing your ego. I understand, initially it is difficult to follow all of them. But keeping a monk attitude will help you a lot. Slowly your relations will be improved and people will attract to your personality. 

I would love to know your side, write your feedback or suggestion by clicking here. Also click on stay connected if you want to know more Lifesutras. 

Thanks for being here.

Life wisdom

Create magic with Angelic Aura

Creating an Angelic Aura is a heavenly experience for everyone. People love being around you or get automatically attracted to you or you become the person who can create a positive environment just by being there. Animals or plants automatically get attracted to you.

Being kind can help you on this journey. Which is not easy, since kind-hearted people often get hurt. So people act smart and end up replacing their goodness with cruelty. Here, however, we mislead our aura.

Let’s have a deep conversation about creating an angelic aura. First focus on directing your mind. You should decide what you want to do. Avoid doing something out of anger, greed, illusion or temptation, etc. Master your own mind, it will help you to be wiser.

People fear being kind, their kindness creates trouble for them. As other people make fun of them for being so kind. Creating an angelic aura is a kind of vision for a person. Someone cannot achieve it overnight. It’s a long process which requires patience and dedication. You should be pretty sure that you are on the correct path. And being on the correct path is a journey inward and not outward. Your entire focus should be on your own thoughts and actions. 

The first step to being on the correct path is to understand yourself better than others. Spend some quality time with yourself every day to understand your perception of life, situations, or people around you. The most significant thing is what you feel. Try to observe your thoughts and actions. Initially, a person may choose the path of anger, lust, or greed. If he or she wants to change the current situation in life, these negative qualities will automatically fade away.

It is totally okay if you stand out as the odd man out or people taunt you for being yourself. Even if you are someone who makes mistakes or fails to take required actions. It’s okay if you do not understand the current situation. First, accept yourself as you are because there will be temporary people, situations, or things. So, learn to accept your flaws, weaknesses and terrible phases of your life. There is no use in holding anything in mind. It will eventually make your mind heavy and miserable. Accept everything and let go of anything negative.

Always make sure you are doing well. The most important thing to keep an eye on. There are so many situations we come across. We should always keep this in mind to ensure that you are doing well. There are so many things that happen. When we try to be strong in front of others and suppress our own emotions, we end up frustrated, stressed, or anxious. So, spend quality time with yourself and let all the emotions out. Recognize your own concerns and resolve the internal conflict. Think about what is bothering you and how you can solve the issue.

So far, we have been talking about ourselves. Now we will speak about others. People are not going to be the way you want them to be. You will usually be disappointed or dissatisfied and have a disappointing experience. Let me tell you one secret: Creating an Angelic Aura is a heavenly experience for everyone. People love being around you or get automatically attracted to you or you become the person who can create a positive environment just by being there. Animals or plants automatically get attracted to you.

Being kind can help you on this journey. Which is difficult, since kindhearted people often end up getting hurt. So people act smart and end up replacing their goodness with cruelty. Here, however, we mislead our aura.

Let’s have a deep conversation about creating an angelic aura. First focus on directing your mind. You should decide what you want to do. Avoid doing something out of anger, greed, illusion or temptation, etc. Master your own mind, it will help you to be wiser.

People fear being kind as their kindness creates trouble for them, as other people make fun of them for being so helpful. Creating an angelic aura is a kind of vision for a person. Someone cannot achieve it overnight. It’s a long process which requires patience and dedication. You should be pretty sure that you are on the correct path. And being on the correct path is a journey inward and not outward. Your entire focus should be on your own thoughts and actions. 

The first step to being on the correct path is to understand yourself better than others.Spend some quality time with yourself every day to understand your perception of life, situations, or people around you. The most important thing is what you feel. Try to observe your thoughts and actions. Initially, a person may choose the path of anger, lust, or greed. If he or she wants to change the current situation in life, these negative qualities will automatically fade away.

It is totally okay iyou stand out as the odd man out or people taunt you for being yourself. Even if you are someone who makes mistakes or fails to take required actions. It’s okay if you do not understand the current situation. First, accept yourself as you are. People, situations, or things artemporary. So, learn to accept your flaws, weaknesses and terrible phases of your life. There is no use in holding anything in mind. It will eventually make your mind heavy and miserable. Let go of everything that is bad or negative.

Always make sure you are doing well. The vital thing to keep a check on. There are so many situations we come across. We should always keep this in mind to ensure that you are doing well. Things happen and we try to be stronger in front of others while suppressing our own emotions, and we end up frustrated, stressed, or anxious. So, spend quality time with yourself and let all the feelings come out. Understand your own concerns and resolve your inner conflict. Think about what is bothering you and how you can solve the issue.

So far, we have been talking about ourselves. Now we will speak about others. People are not going to be the way you want them to be. You will usually be disappointed or dissatisfied and have a disappointing experience. Let me tell you one secret: your focus should be on you. Try not to blame anyone, take charge of your situation.

No matter whether you’ve made mistakes or not, try to leave on time since time is a master healer. I would suggest doing nothing that harms your energy. Decide whether a person is essential or a mistake. And there are ways to tell people about their mistakes. But expect nothing from others. Be helpful to everyone, but focus on being wise. Making conscious decisions can help you to avoid becoming a victim of the situation or people around you. Your entire focus should be on you. Try not to blame anyone, take charge of your situation.

You must take responsibility for whatever has happened to you, even if you have not made any mistakes. Try to leave on time as time is the most powerful healer when it comes to situations like this. I would suggest doing nothing that harms your energy. Decide whether a person is essential or a mistake. And there are ways to tell people about their mistakes. But expect nothing from others. Be kind to everyone, but focus on being wise. You can avoid becoming a victim of a situation or people by taking conscious actions. 

Slowly, you will notice changes in your own personality or presence. It will create an aura of peace and serenity in your own company by avoiding unnecessary arguments, conflict, and negative vibes. The result will be fewer words that will create value in what you say.

I would like to hear from you about clearing all the blockages and creating an angelic aura. Use a comment box to express your thoughts on this article. Thank you for reading a complete article. It means a lot to me. Subscribe to read more life-changing and philosophical articles.

Life wisdom

Understand You before understanding the world

“You” are the only one who is going to be with you till your last breath.  Before reading this article, I would suggest that, take a pause for a moment, close your eyes and think. Why you should know yourself better? What are the drawbacks of being unaware of your own actions or thoughts? Ask yourself, do you really understand yourself very well? 

If you want to be better at anything in life or want to explore a world, you must know yourself first. You should have a deepest unbreakable bond with yourself. Even if you are great at human dealing but don’t understand how to deal with your own emotions and actions, it will not work.

So, I am going to share some of the practical steps with you to know yourself better. I would request you to follow the steps and be your companion forever. 

Write in your diary every day, every week or whenever you feel like it. Especially whenever you feel lost, confused, unhappy, or dissatisfied. Just carry one diary along with you and write everything that goes through your mind. Pen down your feelings and it will lead you to befriend yourself. 

Spend some quality time with yourself every day. Being part of today’s world, we do not get enough time for ourselves. So, we should consciously put in some effort and spend quality time with ourselves. 

Be yourself. In some situations in life, you might be a victim of peer pressure. Especially when you are being in a social environment. But you should never try to please the social community or a person and ignore yourself. Do everything that makes you feel good and comfortable. If there is something you dislike, do not go for it. This is the first thing you need to practice understanding yourself.

Be ethical and neutral. Being ethical will let you fall for your own self. You will start respecting yourself. And feel very sure about your actions when you know the reason behind it. So it will happen once you do it consciously. Never try to fool yourself, understand the fact “Befriend your mind, it has the power to make you or break you.”

And the last but not least, you ‌need to consciously understand yourself. Start questioning your every action. Try to find out why you are doing it? Understand how you are going to do it? Know what you are going to do? Pick a random topic, situation, thought and start talking to yourself, just to analyze your mind, your actions, your intentions. You will be master in life once you practice given steps.

I would like to know how you make yourself comfortable in bad situations. Make sure you are sharing your secret of happiness with me.