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Life wisdom

The Thing: Keeps You Moving Forward..

Every week, I’m on the lookout for the perfect article topic. My mind’s like a brainstorming carnival, with tons of ideas buzzing around. It’s not about finding inspiration—it’s about picking the coolest one! But every time there is new enthusiasm to bring such a wonderful piece of information in front of my dearest reader like you, this enthusiasm keeps me going.

Have you ever decided something, tried your best to complete it just because you were finding the exact thing that keeps you going? We all live in a fast-paced lifestyle where we are bound by our busy schedules. Every day something new happens in our life and we all celebrate it, which is really appreciable. One question I really want to ask you is: Are we celebrating our conscious actions?

For example, all of us make a New Year resolution list and try our best to follow it till our minds give up. For some of us, it takes 3–4 months to give up; for others, it takes 1 month; and for the remaining people, only one week is enough. Have you ever thought about why we fail at such important things we consciously decide to follow that are going to make a huge impact?

The classic example is waking up early. We all make this promise, either to ourselves or to others, at least once in our lives, which we barely follow. What takes us away from our decision?

In this article, we are not going to talk about motivation, as it fades away after a certain period. So we are going to discuss a few practical things to follow in order to adhere to everything we decide.

Let’s begin…

Start Small: Your First Step Towards Success

A journey towards success doesn’t require giant leaps. Instead, begin with small, manageable steps. Starting small allows you to build momentum gradually, making the path less intimidating and more sustainable in the long run. For example, if you want to become an early riser, start by waking up 10 minutes before your actual waking time.

 Find Your “Wh” Answers: The Cornerstone of Clarity

Unlock the road to success by answering the fundamental “Wh” questions. What is your goal? Why does it matter to you? When do you want to achieve it? These answers create a solid foundation for your roadmap, providing clear direction and purpose for your efforts. Let’s take the example of wanting to become an early riser:

What is your goal?

My goal is to wake up at 5:30 a.m. every day.

Why does it matter to you?

Waking up early allows me to have a peaceful start to my day, giving me extra time for personal growth, mindfulness, and planning. Also, it helps me to lead my day. 

When do you want to achieve it?

I aim to establish this habit within the next month, gradually transitioning from my current waking time of 7:00 AM.

Now, you need to consistently repeat and embed this goal into your subconscious mind. Therefore, for your mind, the act of waking up early has become a top-most priority. For example, waking up early and incorporating activities like exercise, meditation, positive affirmations, and deep self-talk will enhance the overall impact of this goal. These morning rituals align with my broader objective of achieving personal and professional success through a balanced and purposeful lifestyle.

These answers serve as a solid foundation for my roadmap, providing a clear direction and purpose for my efforts to become an early riser. This clarity allows me to set specific strategies and milestones, ensuring a more focused and effective journey toward success.

Replace Motivation with Inspiration: A Lasting Mindset Shift

Trade a short motivation for enduring inspiration. Seek inspiration in your passions, values, and the profound impact your goals can have on your life. This shift in mindset sustains your commitment, keeping you driven even in the face of challenges. Consider, for instance, adopting the habit of waking up early: 

By drawing inspiration from my passion for personal growth and well-being, the significant value of initiating each day with purpose becomes clear. Recognizing the transformative impact that an early morning routine can have on daily life, including increased productivity and overall wellness, fosters a lasting commitment. This shift in mindset not only sustains dedication but also acts as a resilient force, ensuring that, even amid challenges, intrinsic inspiration remains true motivator for positive change.

Realistic Goals: Constructing Success, One Step at a Time

Avoid burnout and keep your inspiration soaring by setting practical, achievable goals. Consider the example of aspiring to wake up early:

Rather than aiming to wake up at an exceptionally early hour immediately, set a realistic goal to wake up just 10-15 minutes earlier than your current routine. Breaking down the larger objective of becoming an early riser into smaller, more manageable tasks not only makes the process more digestible but also ensures a sense of accomplishment with each incremental step. This approach gives lasting motivation, allowing you to build on small successes as you work towards the larger goal of establishing a consistent and early morning routine.

Repeat Why You Started: Reinforce Your Commitment

Consistently revisiting the reasons behind your decision to wake up early can significantly reinforce your commitment to this positive habit. For instance, if your initial motivation is to have quiet mornings for personal reflection and productivity, reflecting on this purpose regularly helps you stay dedicated. By reconnecting with your initial reason, you can overcome obstacles more effectively and make adjustments aligned with your evolving priorities and circumstances. This process of reaffirming your “why” serves as a powerful strategy to maintain focus and dedication to your goal of waking up early.

Fail, Fail, and Fail: Growth Through Setbacks

Understanding that failure is a natural part of the journey to success plays a crucial role. Take the example of aspiring to wake up early:

If your initial attempts to establish an early morning routine face setbacks, view these instances as stepping stones rather than setbacks. Celebrate failures as valuable learning opportunities and keep insights that propel you toward growth and improvement. For instance, if hitting the snooze button becomes a roadblock, learn from the experience and adjust your strategy accordingly.

The roadmap to waking up early involves starting small, answering key “Wh” questions, choosing lasting inspiration, and setting realistic goals. Regularly revisit motivations, make goal-driven adjustments, and embrace failure as a stepping stone. Empower your journey with resilience and determination, unlocking success in becoming an early riser.

In conclusion, this simple and strategic approach empowers you to navigate the path towards becoming an early riser with resilience and determination. By incorporating these strategies, you not only enhance your chances of success but will also lead a sustainable and purposeful lifestyle.

Discover the simple yet powerful secrets to mastering your life on this open platform, Lifesutrasket. Deep dive into practical insights, inspiration, and real-life wisdom that will elevate your daily routine. Our blog is more than just a guide; it’s your companion on the journey to a purposeful and harmonious life. Join us at Lifesutrasket and start transforming your mornings and beyond! 🌅✨ #LifePhilosophy #EarlyRising #LifesutrasketJourney

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Life wisdom

Activities to devote time to in your 20s

The most crucial decade of life is the 20s when we are finishing up childhood and unconsciously transitioning into maturity. Hence, it is so important that we ensure we take extra care of our minds, thoughts, actions, & habits. Whatever we feed to our brains is going to last forever. Whatever habits we build will have a tremendous impact on our life. Even if you have crossed your 20s and not at the age of 30s or 40s, you can refer this article to those young people who really need this kind of knowledge and are not aware of it.

We are at the height of our energies in our 20s, so we think that we should have all the independence, possessions, and everything on our own & some of us even have it. But our freedom and riches lead us to the wrong path. Hence I said we should take extra care of our 20s. Some recommendations for your 20s are listed below.

Understand your Mind

Understanding your mind well is one of the best things you can do. We have provided guidance on the topic of “Understand You Before Understanding the World.” You should know your likes & dislikes. It will help you to find your passion and you can work on it. We should train our minds since they may be both our greatest partners and our worst enemy. Try reading “Work on your Mind for a Glorious Life.” if you genuinely struggle with your thoughts over the things you ought to perform.

One step toward your passion

Once you understand your mind & are able to control your thoughts & actions.  You should devote your energies to the activity that ignites your enthusiasm. After finishing our education, we often turn our attention to finding work, and the need for money is relentless. It could take one, two, five, or even more years. When we follow our passion, we feel satisfied. And the majority of us fail to see the importance of following our passions. 

Invest wisely

When we consider investments, we frequently think of money. But, here we are analyzing whatever we invest in. That is our energy, efforts, resources, time, people, etc. We pay a cost for every investment. Hence, We should prioritize making wise investments. Always consider investing in things that will pay off in 5 to 10 years. We should invest in our knowledge, brainpower, healthy lifestyle, way of thinking, formation of good habits and money, etc.

Take charge of your life

We should fairly understand the motive behind every action we take. What we do should be something that’s really meaningful. We will begin to realize the true meaning of life after we’re past the age of 20. Our priceless life begins to be valued. Start questioning yourself in order to understand the purpose of your life which means you should  Lead your life by the purpose of ‘You: being on the earth’ Most individuals spend their entire lives without a goal, and when they reach their older years, they regret not taking a charge of their lives.

 Be adaptable

We go through a lot of changes in our 20s. Thus, we need to develop our ability to adapt. We ought to be open to change. Everything is unpredictable. Thus, we should shape ourselves so that we can endure any circumstance. As long as we have the desire to live, we can survive because we are humans. 

These are some of the valuable topics we should focus on in our 20s in order to spare our pain in later years. Your opinions on this are very important to me. Please feel free to post a remark.

Thank you for being here.

Life wisdom

You are one step away from ‘Being Wealthy’

Yes, you heard it right. A single step is required to be wealthy. But when I thought about being wealthy, some questions haunted my mind and finding answers directed me towards True wealth. The questions are, What is your true wealth? Why do you want to be wealthy? How you can be wealthy by taking a single step? And what step do you need to take? And the last question is, why being rich and being wealthy is so different? Let’s find all our answers by deep diving into this article.

I feel being rich is so overstated nowadays and being wealthy is a new victory. There are so many people who have a huge amount of money in their accounts but struggle really hard to sleep at night. People spend most of their amount to buy luxurious things to show off to the people who do not even bother about their presence. Then what are we running behind? Whom we are trying to impress? Let’s find out all the answers one by one. But I would want you to refer this article and start working on your true wealth, find your answers by being stuck with each question until you find satisfactory answers.

What is your true wealth?

People often get on the wrong track by being unaware of their true wealth. I want you to think about this. Can we define wealth by using the word money? Money or Finance is a necessity and everyone must focus on earning it. But what you do with your earned money matters more than really earning it.

Here, let me help you expand your mindset. True wealth of the person can be something which is priceless, like good manners, a healthy body, mind and soul, the ability to understand others, respect or kindness, strong self-beliefs, a sense of trust for others, adaptable nature, etc. Some people get satisfaction by making a positive impact on other’s life.

 For some people, knowledge is their true wealth. They spend their whole life to gain more knowledge. Most people love their freedom and comfort. Being in a comfortable lifestyle becomes their true wealth. So basically, the definition of true wealth differs from person to person. I leave it all up to you. I want you to connect with your inner self and find your true wealth and decide one step to be wealthy.

Why do you want to be wealthy? 

The first question everyone should ask themselves before they earn is, why do they want to be wealthy? The answer to why will guide us to the purpose of ‘You: being on the earth’ So be very cautious when finding your answers and think wisely. It makes a long-term impact on your life. We are living in an era where anyone can earn whatever amount of money they want. But if you know your why, you will drive it auspiciously. 

How you can be wealthy by taking a single step? 

A piece of roti becomes true wealth for a beggar who has not had food for the last two days. So if you know your true wealth, it is more helpful for you to take a single step. If you passionately want to become a dancer, you need to decide to dance every day, and that is your single step.

 I write daily to become a writer, it’s not important what I write. But it’s more important to sit and start writing. Every day is a new opportunity for you to take a single step and you are one step away from being wealthy. 

 Why being rich and being wealthy is so different?

Wealthy people decide what is true wealth for them and start working on their wealth. But it is not just earning money. Being wealthy gives you satisfaction, peace and purpose in life. And if you really want to be satisfied, focus on having a qualitative financial approach towards life. You must be aware that the money you earn gives peace and a smile to your face and to others as well. Whenever you look into your loved one’s eyes, you should be proud. That’s your true wealth.

Rich people focus on earning money. It is very important to earn money, nothing other pay your bills than money. How you earn money gives you the freedom to be happy. Financial freedom may distract you from your main purpose in life. However, it is most important to understand personal finance and be able to invest earned amounts. So being rich by being wealthy has become a necessity of life.

This is my basic understanding of wealth in life. So, I personally focus on increasing my veritable treasure of wealth. I would appreciate it if you give me an opportunity to listen to your story. 

Please share your valuable feedback after reading this blog article. Thank you for being here.