A health fasting diet
Spiritual Science

A Healthy Habit of Fasting

A few months ago, I was reading an article about fasting wherein  I got to know the benefits of fasting hence I started fasting once a week after learning about its benefits. I have truly experienced the benefits of fasting and have decided to share these insightful thoughts with you.

After fasting for the first time, I felt a remarkable change. Physically, I felt lighter and more energized. Mentally, I was clearer and more focused. Spiritually, I felt a deeper sense of connection within myself. Overall, it was a transformative experience that opened my eyes to the benefits of fasting for my overall well-being.

So, let’s unfold another sutra for life that will help you become healthier. Its practical tips will make you physically, mentally, and spiritually better.

Before we delve into this article, let me share a fact or my own observation about life. Have you ever wondered why fasting is important in all religions? Hindus fast during Navratri, Sankashti, Mahashivaratri, Ekadashi, and many more occasions. In Christianity, there is Lent and Easter. In Islam, there is Ramadan. In Judaism, there is Paryushana, and in Buddhism, monks follow the Vinaya rule or fast on full moon days.

In Ayurveda, there is a shloka which says, “Langhanam Param Aushadham,” meaning fasting is the best medicine. Have you ever wondered why our ancestors gave so much importance to fasting? What exactly happens when we fast?

Benefits of Fasting:

Treating Diseases via Fasting:

Fasting is when we choose not to eat for a while. It’s a way to lose weight and can help control type 2 diabetes. By taking breaks from food, our body can manage blood sugar levels better. Fasting helps with weight loss by cutting down on calories and burning fat. It also makes our body more sensitive to insulin, which is good for diabetes. But fasting should be done carefully, especially with medical advice. It’s a thoughtful way to lose weight and handle health issues like type 2 diabetes.

Weight Loss Made Easy

Long ago, fasting was used to treat sickness. When we fast, our body burns stored fat for energy, helping us lose weight. This means that when we don’t eat, our body uses the fat it has stored up. This fat turns into energy, which keeps us going even without food. That’s why fasting has been practiced for health reasons throughout history. It’s a natural way for the body to heal itself and shed extra pounds.

Improving Brain Function: 

When we fast, our body starts using a different kind of fuel called ketones instead of the usual glucose. This change helps our brain work better and become more resilient. Some researchers believe fasting triggers a process that helps create new brain cells and improves our mood and thinking abilities. While more research is needed, there is evidence that fasting could be good for our brain and might even slow down aging effects. So, fasting isn’t just about not eating—it could be a way to give our brain a boost and keep it healthy.

A Way to Improve Blood Sugar Control:

 Fasting can help manage blood sugar levels better. It makes the body more sensitive to insulin, which helps control sugar in the blood. This means our body can use glucose from food more efficiently, preventing big swings in sugar levels. Trying intermittent fasting or alternate-day fasting could be a natural way to keep blood sugar steady and lower the risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes.

Fasting Helps Your Gut Stay Healthy: 

Fasting can be a friend to your gut. It gives your digestive system a break and may help balance the good and bad bacteria living there. By taking a break from eating, harmful bacteria might decrease, and the good ones can flourish. This can lead to a happier tummy. Fasting could also calm down any inflammation in your gut, which can cause tummy troubles. While scientists are still learning more, fasting seems like a simple and good way to keep your gut happy and healthy.

Fasting Slows Down Cell Aging: 

Fasting might be like a fountain of youth for your cells. When you fast, your cells clean out the old and damaged parts, making way for newer, healthier ones. This process, called autophagy, helps your cells stay younger and fresher. Plus, fasting reduces inflammation and stress on your cells, which can make them age faster. While scientists are still figuring out all the details, fasting seems like a simple way to keep your cells feeling young and healthy for longer.

Power of Fasting: Exploring Types and Benefits

Intermittent Fasting:

Fasting comes in various forms, each with its unique approach and potential benefits. One popular method is intermittent fasting, where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. This can involve fasting for 16 hours a day, known as the 16/8 method

Long ago, fasting was used to treat sickness. When we fast, our body burns stored fat for energy, helping us lose weight. This means that when we don’t eat, our body uses the fat it has stored up. This fat turns into energy, which keeps us going even without food. That’s why fasting has been practiced for health reasons throughout history. It’s a natural way for the body to heal itself and shed extra pounds. Another approach is time-restricted eating, where you limit your eating window to a specific number of hours each day. This method aims to align your eating pattern with your body’s natural circadian rhythms, potentially improving metabolic health.

Alternate-day Fasting:

Another type is alternate-day fasting, where you eat normally on certain days and restrict calorie intake on others. This intermittent approach may promote weight loss and metabolic health while allowing for regular eating patterns on non-fasting days. Extended fasting involves fasting for longer periods, typically ranging from 24 hours to several days. This method may trigger deeper metabolic changes, including increased fat burning and cellular repair processes like autophagy.

Religious Fasting:

Additionally, there’s religious fasting, practiced by various cultures and religions worldwide for spiritual or cultural reasons. Examples include Ramadan in Islam, where fasting occurs from dawn to sunset during the holy month, and Lent in Christianity, which involves fasting or abstaining from certain foods for 40 days before Easter. Regardless of the type, fasting has gained attention for its potential health benefits, from weight loss and improved metabolic health to enhanced longevity and cellular rejuvenation.

Fasting is not just a trend—it’s a lifestyle upgrade waiting to happen. Whether you’re chasing fitness goals, seeking mental clarity, or simply aiming for a healthier you, fasting holds the key. And where better to kickstart your fasting journey than Lifesutrasket.com? Dive into a world of fasting expertise, top-notch products, and unbeatable support. It’s time to seize control of your health and rewrite your story with Lifesutrasket.com. Join the movement today and let’s fast-track to a better, brighter tomorrow—together!

alt="Healthy lifestyle"
Life wisdom

Living with Purpose: A Deeper Reflection

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if you’re truly living or just going through the motions? Beyond the idea of living a longer life, it’s important to think about what makes our lives meaningful. In the midst of our busy routines, it’s easy to forget the importance of living with purpose.

Recently, I visited a relative in the hospital and saw the struggle for life. The family, desperate for a miracle, prayed relentlessly, trying every possible solution to bring their loved one back. Sadly, that family member ultimately lost their precious life, leaving a void of unfulfilled hopes for a continued existence. This experience shocked me and made me think deeply about how fragile life is and our quest for a meaningful existence. 

I want you to pause for a moment and think about the lifestyle we are leading. Is our body healthy and fit? Do we consciously make efforts to make our lives better? If yes, then what do we exactly do?

Food is crucial for the human body as it serves as the primary source of nutrients essential for overall health and well-being. Nutrients obtained from food, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, play vital roles in supporting various bodily functions. Carbohydrates provide energy for daily activities; proteins are essential for muscle repair and growth; and fats contribute to cell structure and hormone production.

Additionally, vitamins and minerals facilitate crucial processes such as immune function, bone health, and metabolism. A well-balanced diet ensures that the body receives the necessary nutrients for optimal functioning, promoting physical and mental health. Understanding the importance of a nutritious diet is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing various health issues.

Let’s touch on the most important part of our lives, which is food. Think about the quality of the food we eat. Almost every single food is made up of all purpose flour or refined flour (maida), like bread, naans, samosas, biscuits, pooris and so much more! Have we ever asked them to serve food without a refined floor?

Maida, or refined flour, is not ideal for health due to its low nutritional value and high glycemic index. The refining process strips away essential nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making maida less nutritious compared to whole grains.

Consuming maida can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, potentially contributing to insulin resistance and weight gain. Additionally, its low fiber content may cause digestive issues like constipation. Studies also suggest a link between a diet high in refined carbohydrates, like maida, and inflammation in the body, which can be associated with various health problems. Choosing whole grains over maida-based products is recommended for better overall health and nutrition. It’s better not to think about the quality of meat, oil and water because this topic will never end.

Apart from that, we spend 8–10 hours sitting in the same place in front of electrical devices.  Before modern lifestyles, people used to make a lot of physical effort since there were fewer machines in place.

Most of the things were done by people with extra physical and cautiousness. In the previous era, people used to walk a lot as they did not have vehicle facilities in place. We stay awake till midnight with our mobile phones and rush to the office every morning by waking up just to get ready and leave home. Is this lifestyle going to give us the truest wealth, i.e., our health?

Our ancestors used to do a lot of things to make their lives healthy and fit. They used to live a calm and peaceful life due to fewer materialistic requirements. They used to spend more time with Mother Nature. Also, they used to add a spiritual routine to their day-to-day lifestyle. Now, let’s talk about our current lifestyle and what changes we can make to live longer and stay healthy.

We can start by replacing old habits like unhealthy food with conscious food selection or house made food and applying chemicals to the skin that directly penetrate into the blood through transparent skin with natural or Ayurvedic skin products. Prefer walking instead of vehicles or stairs instead of elevators. Fasting social media, electronic devices, outside food, etc. 

Apart from that, we should follow a healthy routine, like adding exercise, yoga or anything else like dance or Zumba, on a regular basis or any sports activities, etc. Spend conscious time with nature, or go out regularly somewhere you feel comfortable. 

So these are some basic things we need to think about. 

Let’s think about our daily choices for a healthier and more meaningful life. Seeing a loved one’s struggle in the hospital made me reflect on how delicate life is. One crucial aspect is our diet; choosing whole grains over refined flour (maida) is a simple step for better health.

Our sedentary lifestyle also needs attention; opting for walks and exercise can make a big difference. Connecting with nature, adding a bit of spirituality, and choosing natural skincare products contribute to our well-being. Small changes, like preferring homemade food and reducing screen time, can collectively lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life. Let’s focus on these basics for a balanced and health-conscious lifestyle, embracing the true wealth of well-being.

Unlock a healthier and more purposeful life at lifesutrasket.com. Dive into mindful living, covering nutrition, fitness, and balanced lifestyles. Subscribe for more at lifesutrasket.com today and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being – because life is about thriving, not just surviving.

Life wisdom

Forgiveness: Healing Power of Mercy

In this article, we delve into the inspiring story of Amelia, a successful cinematographer who embarks on a transformative journey of forgiveness and self-discovery. Facing conflicts and stress in her personal and professional life, Amelia’s decision to seek resolution leads her to profound realizations about her own behavior. Through the power of forgiveness and mercy, she not only finds inner peace but also becomes a catalyst for positive change within herself and her community.

Amelia fights with her co-workers, neighbours, passersby and friends, which results in the end of her stressful day with at least five fights. Every night, her thoughts haunt her mind as soon as she closes her eyes, she struggles to get a deep, good night’s sleep. One day, she decides to be quiet and avoid everyone’s communication, including phone calls. 

Amelia is a successful woman who leads her success journey with strict principles. As days go by, she starts to turn to alcohol. Stressful days lead to indulgence in fast food and the development of unhealthy habits altogether. One day, she experienced a panic attack, and her life changed forever. She decides  to go to the depths of the issue and resolve it permanently. 

She book an appointment with a psychiatrist. As she couldn’t ignore the recurring patterns of her own behaviour—often challenging in her interactions with others. A moment of introspection led her to a crucial realization: her childhood held the key to understanding and transforming these negative behaviors. 

Amelia recognized the deep-rooted influence shaping her responses to the world. This appointment became the catalyst for a journey toward self-discovery and healing. Her therapist asks her to delve deeper into her own childhood and identify five people along with their scenarios. She realizes that all of them are family members, very close people to her heart.

Many of us struggle with the delicate balance between our emotions and rational thoughts, often engaging in internal conflicts or external disputes. Here’s an important question: Have you ever achieved something while holding on to negativity in your heart? 

Let us discuss more about the steps Amelia has taken to go ahead with her journey towards forgiveness.

Letting Go for a Brighter Future:

Amelia decided to release resentment and adapt liberating forgiveness which has impactful transmission in her life. She thoroughly penned down her reflections on past unfair treatments, symbolizing a deliberate effort to acknowledge and then release them. 

Witnessing the therapeutic act of tearing or burning the paper, Amelia physically manifested her commitment to letting go of the weight of the past. This intentional ritual became a powerful step towards emotional liberation, showcasing Amelia’s determination to free herself from the burdens of unresolved grievances.

Unleashing Healing Power:

Another step Amelia has taken is to embrace the power of forgiveness in her own life. She started forgiving and forgetting every bad scenario, people or experience in her life.

She realized that when she rises above revenge, she can begin the process of forgiveness. She includes conscious forgiving acts in her daily spirituality, which helped her get through it. Like she says every day, Dear God, I humbly ask for your forgiveness. If someone has wronged me, grant them your mercy. Likewise, if I have knowingly or unknowingly caused harm to others, please forgive me. May your grace guide me towards compassion and understanding in all my interactions.”

Nurturing healthy bonds:

She also decides to act with love, kindness and empathy, which benefits her with healthy bonds. She forges and maintains strong relationships by embracing the art of forgiveness in her interactions. As Amelia navigates the path to self-compassion and growth, witness the profound impact forgiveness has on her personal development.

When we make forgiveness a regular part of our lives, we start to notice a healthy development in all our relationships. We no longer hold grudges and there is less drama to deal with. Amelia experienced a drastic positive change in her relationships. She also starts being happy and satisfied within.

Self-Compassion and Growth:

Amelia’s journey towards self-compassion and personal growth unfolded step by step. She acknowledged that holding onto grudges hindered her personal development, so she decided to embrace a mindset of forgiveness.

Next, Amelia took practical steps to connect forgiveness with her own growth. She engaged in self-reflection, identifying areas where forgiveness could alleviate emotional burdens. By addressing past hurts and releasing resentment, she created space for self-compassion to flourish.

Amelia didn’t stop there. Recognizing that personal growth is an ongoing process, she integrated forgiveness into her daily life. Whether through journaling, meditation, or intentional acts of kindness, she consistently reinforced the connection between forgiveness, self-compassion, and personal development.

As a result, Amelia’s journey became a testament to the transformative power of forgiveness. Her commitment to self-compassion and personal growth was not just a concept but a lived experience, demonstrating the profound impact forgiveness can have on one’s overall well-being.

Mercy as a Transformative Force:

Amelia recognized the potential of mercy to bring positive change to both individuals and communities. Understanding that forgiveness is a cornerstone of mercy, she began by extending grace to herself and others.

In practical terms, Amelia started small by incorporating acts of kindness into her daily life. Whether it was offering a listening ear to a friend or expressing understanding in challenging situations, she saw how these acts of mercy had a ripple effect, positively impacting individuals around her.

As Amelia’s understanding deepened, she actively sought opportunities to contribute to her community. Whether through volunteering, supporting local initiatives, or fostering a culture of forgiveness and understanding, she became a catalyst for transformative change at a broader level.

Through these simple yet powerful steps, Amelia’s journey illuminated the profound impact of mercy on individuals and communities. Her story serves as an inspiring example of how small acts of kindness and forgiveness can create a ripple effect, fostering positive transformation within and beyond one’s immediate circle.

Acting with love, kindness, and empathy, Amelia forged healthy bonds and witnessed positive changes in her relationships. The ripple effect of her small acts of mercy and forgiveness extended beyond her immediate circle, contributing to a more compassionate community.

Amelia’s journey serves as an inspiring example of the transformative power of forgiveness and mercy. From resolving conflicts and stress to finding inner peace and becoming a catalyst for positive change, Amelia’s story showcases the profound impact of embracing forgiveness and mercy in our lives. 

Ready to unlock the secrets to a more empowered and fulfilling life? Look no further than http://www.lifesutrasket.com! Your go-to destination for inspiring stories, practical tips, and valuable resources on personal development and self-discovery. Join our community of positive change-seekers and embark on a journey towards a brighter, more meaningful future. This is not just a website; it’s your gateway to transformation. Visit us now and kick start your path to a life well-lived!

alt="Breathing practices"
Life wisdom

“Power of Breath Work to Enrich Your Life with Abundance.”

This article will leave one deep thought in your mind about your biggest wealth, which is your health. A COVID wave has taught us one of the biggest lessons of life that is our health is the only thing that matters at the end, especially our breath. Breathing is the only evidence of our existence, as breathing makes us truly feel alive. As we say ’till last breath’ reminds us of the connection between breath and life until our last breath.

Now think for a moment about the role our breath plays in our lives. Have you ever noticed shifts in your breath when your mood takes a sudden turn into fear or anxiety? Particularly during times of stress, one’s breathing undergoes noticeable changes. When a person is happy or satisfied, their breathing tends to adopt a different pattern compared to moments of sadness, anxiety, nervousness, or fear. Emotions play a vital role in influencing our breathing, subtly altering its rhythm and depth based on our internal states.

We should think about and understand the way we breathe in order to master our breathing. You just need to consciously keep an eye on the rhythm of your breath. Slowly, you will understand the difference between the rhythm of your breath in different situations. As rich people do not get rich overnight and they need to work hard on a slow process where consistency is required, if you want to live a long and healthier life, you will need to practice your breathwork consistently.

Before getting into action plans, let’s first talk about advantages and also find an answer to the question, How is our breath connected to health?’ For a deeper understanding, I want you to engage in a thought-provoking exercise rather than accept my words. After reading the steps below, I want you to set aside the device you are holding and fully immerse yourself in the exercise by following each step with mindful presence.

  1. Sit straight without touching your back to wall, chair, or anything else.
  2. Close your eyes and try to focus on your breath.
  3. Now take 5-10 deep breaths back to back.
  4. Make your breathing as slow as possible, and your focus should be on breath.
  5. Slowly open your eyes and feel the relaxation in your mind.

Now, after reading this, keep a device aside & follow the steps outlined and observe the change in your attention and grasping power before proceeding to the next part of the article.

We live in a world where we always rushing to perform our daily tasks and stick to our routines, which is certainly necessary to live our fortunate being. As a result, we should set out 10 to 30 minutes each day for breathwork.

Now let’s talk about the benefits of Breathwork :

Breathing exercises improve oxygen intake (Pranavaayu: an elixir for existence ‘prana’). It allows oxygen to reach every cell in our body. We use plenty of medications to improve our health; why not concentrate on building our health? 

Let’s think for a moment, what exactly happens when we breath?  In basic terms, bad air (Carbon dioxide) from our bodies is expelled, and good air (Oxygen) is consumed, which cleanses or filters our blood.

Breathing exercises increase blood flow in our bodies. As our bodies operate on autopilot, there are some intentional activities on our breathing that will result in improved blood flow, clear skin, hair, and general wellness.

Breathwork helps a person become more calmer and peaceful. As we already discussed our emotions are linked to our breathing. when we practice breathwork, our thoughts get aligned. A person’s actions are thoughtful, and they have control over their emotions and behaviours.

This action assists our brain in obtaining more oxygen. As our nervous system and brain cells improve, we become more peaceful, smart, and insightful.

Now you will think deep breathing is the only technique you can practice but the truth is there are so many techniques to practice that will increase oxygen intake in our body.

  1. Pranayama
  2. Deep breathing
  3. Vase breathing
  4. Alternate nostril breathing
  5. Conscious connected breathing

There are many more ways to do breathwork that we haven’t discussed here. I want you to study as much as you can about these breathing exercises and put them into practice. I’d like to hear your thoughts on this subject. You can add it in the comments box.

Thanks for being here.