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Life wisdom

Living with Purpose: A Deeper Reflection

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if you’re truly living or just going through the motions? Beyond the idea of living a longer life, it’s important to think about what makes our lives meaningful. In the midst of our busy routines, it’s easy to forget the importance of living with purpose.

Recently, I visited a relative in the hospital and saw the struggle for life. The family, desperate for a miracle, prayed relentlessly, trying every possible solution to bring their loved one back. Sadly, that family member ultimately lost their precious life, leaving a void of unfulfilled hopes for a continued existence. This experience shocked me and made me think deeply about how fragile life is and our quest for a meaningful existence. 

I want you to pause for a moment and think about the lifestyle we are leading. Is our body healthy and fit? Do we consciously make efforts to make our lives better? If yes, then what do we exactly do?

Food is crucial for the human body as it serves as the primary source of nutrients essential for overall health and well-being. Nutrients obtained from food, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, play vital roles in supporting various bodily functions. Carbohydrates provide energy for daily activities; proteins are essential for muscle repair and growth; and fats contribute to cell structure and hormone production.

Additionally, vitamins and minerals facilitate crucial processes such as immune function, bone health, and metabolism. A well-balanced diet ensures that the body receives the necessary nutrients for optimal functioning, promoting physical and mental health. Understanding the importance of a nutritious diet is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing various health issues.

Let’s touch on the most important part of our lives, which is food. Think about the quality of the food we eat. Almost every single food is made up of all purpose flour or refined flour (maida), like bread, naans, samosas, biscuits, pooris and so much more! Have we ever asked them to serve food without a refined floor?

Maida, or refined flour, is not ideal for health due to its low nutritional value and high glycemic index. The refining process strips away essential nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making maida less nutritious compared to whole grains.

Consuming maida can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, potentially contributing to insulin resistance and weight gain. Additionally, its low fiber content may cause digestive issues like constipation. Studies also suggest a link between a diet high in refined carbohydrates, like maida, and inflammation in the body, which can be associated with various health problems. Choosing whole grains over maida-based products is recommended for better overall health and nutrition. It’s better not to think about the quality of meat, oil and water because this topic will never end.

Apart from that, we spend 8–10 hours sitting in the same place in front of electrical devices.  Before modern lifestyles, people used to make a lot of physical effort since there were fewer machines in place.

Most of the things were done by people with extra physical and cautiousness. In the previous era, people used to walk a lot as they did not have vehicle facilities in place. We stay awake till midnight with our mobile phones and rush to the office every morning by waking up just to get ready and leave home. Is this lifestyle going to give us the truest wealth, i.e., our health?

Our ancestors used to do a lot of things to make their lives healthy and fit. They used to live a calm and peaceful life due to fewer materialistic requirements. They used to spend more time with Mother Nature. Also, they used to add a spiritual routine to their day-to-day lifestyle. Now, let’s talk about our current lifestyle and what changes we can make to live longer and stay healthy.

We can start by replacing old habits like unhealthy food with conscious food selection or house made food and applying chemicals to the skin that directly penetrate into the blood through transparent skin with natural or Ayurvedic skin products. Prefer walking instead of vehicles or stairs instead of elevators. Fasting social media, electronic devices, outside food, etc. 

Apart from that, we should follow a healthy routine, like adding exercise, yoga or anything else like dance or Zumba, on a regular basis or any sports activities, etc. Spend conscious time with nature, or go out regularly somewhere you feel comfortable. 

So these are some basic things we need to think about. 

Let’s think about our daily choices for a healthier and more meaningful life. Seeing a loved one’s struggle in the hospital made me reflect on how delicate life is. One crucial aspect is our diet; choosing whole grains over refined flour (maida) is a simple step for better health.

Our sedentary lifestyle also needs attention; opting for walks and exercise can make a big difference. Connecting with nature, adding a bit of spirituality, and choosing natural skincare products contribute to our well-being. Small changes, like preferring homemade food and reducing screen time, can collectively lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life. Let’s focus on these basics for a balanced and health-conscious lifestyle, embracing the true wealth of well-being.

Unlock a healthier and more purposeful life at Dive into mindful living, covering nutrition, fitness, and balanced lifestyles. Subscribe for more at today and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being – because life is about thriving, not just surviving.

Life wisdom

A Healthy Spiritual Life

We all want to live a healthy life. But are we taking any conscious action to live our dream life? If you are looking for tips or any practical actions to become a better at life. So, I am here with some of the best tips for you to live a glorious life ahead. Let’s not waste time introducing ourselves and directly jump to the most important part. If you are looking for a healthy lifestyle and want to make some positive changes in your life, then you have landed on the right page.

1.   Gratitude cleans your soul: –

I would really suggest you practice the feeling of gratitude, as it makes us kinder and humbler. There are so many ways to practice gratitude. I would suggest to you one of them. Practice thanking the universe, people, situation, or anything that is coming your way. I know it is something that makes you feel childish, but it would make you and the other person smile. There are so many other ways to practice gratitude, like removing some time daily and thinking about 3- 4 things you are thankful for, starting a gratitude journal, etc.

 2. Meditation is a fast and simple way to reduce stress: –

Mediation is a proven practice which results in a healthy soul and mind. Meditation makes you calm and peaceful and also helps you to reduce stress, which decreases the level of cortisol, a stress hormone. Meditation makes you more conscious of your actions and surroundings. It also improves our focus on every action we take. There are so many ways to practice meditation, but I would suggest going to a quiet place to sit and close your eyes. Let your mind do the remaining work. Do focus on your thoughts. Let it come and go. After a certain period, it will automatically bring this practice to your every action.

 3. Deep breathing will help you live more: –

Deep breathing (A natural painkiller) is something you can practice anytime, and the amazing thing is you can practice this while working. There are so many benefits of deep breathing. It helps you to lessen stress and anxiety and bring patience in life and it gives a signal to your nervous system to calm down and also increases the level of oxygen in your body. It keeps you calm. Trying this in the morning would be beneficial for healthy living. It exhales toxic hormones and carbon dioxide from your body. It increases healthier blood supply to your body and it indirectly helps you to live a better and longer life ahead.

4. Journal writing will help you a lot: –

Writing a journal is something that seems so boring, time-consuming and worthless. But It is the most effective way to complete your goals, gain self-confidence, remove negativity from the mind (Better way than Gossiping), strengthen memory, and many more to count. Journal writing is something that helps us to become self-companion, as it is the way we can daily practice conscious, deep harmony with ourselves. It is an effective way to prioritize your problems and deal with them.

 5. Practicing yoga is the master of all spiritual actions: –

Yoga is something that brings all-around fitness. Everyone assumes yoga practice is only for weight loss, but let me tell you a hidden fact yoga is not only for the body but also for the Soul and mind. Yoga includes physical techniques that improve your spiritual well-being. It helps you to balance emotional and physical well-being. It helps you to lower stress levels, improve immunity, lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, fatigue and depression and a person become more aware of your actions. Yoga is the most effective way to live a healthy life. It also acts as a stress killer. You will find inner peace after a certain period.

It’s all about a healthy spiritual life. I had a word limit, but we had great communication through this blog. If I have missed something, I would request you to please bring it to my notice. I would love to hear from you. If you can add daily chanting or some positive affirmations or some conscious morning rituals. It would really work better for a healthy spiritual life.