Learning by reading books and knowledge gaining attitude
Life wisdom

Radiate the Purity of Knowledge Through Continuous Learning

One morning, after completing my daily routine, I sat down to write an outline for my upcoming article when suddenly my nephew arrived at my home. I aimed to focus solely on crafting a creative outline to deliver the best piece for our publication. While I was into a deep thought of Individual brainstorming, my nephew came to me to asked a silly question which I answered and the same situation repeated for 5-6 times.

I came across a deep self realization when my view has been changed towards a life and it’s learnings. Eventually, I made the decision to stop working and dedicate time to answering all of his queries and I spent 4-5 hours with him to observe him and understand his perspective fully. He asked me 10-15 more questions out of curiosity about the how, why, and when of various situations, people, and things around him. First we should be aware of power of curiosity.

Books of knowledge and information

The Power of Curiosity: Asking the Right Questions

Now let’s take a pause here and think when was the last time you decided to understand how, why and when of the situation? We have written another article with the same topic – Ask the right questions, and you’ll get all the answers. You must go through it to find all your answers and bring such analysis to life. 

When I adopted a curious and problem solving mindset, I discovered that asking questions not only boosts knowledge but also sparks neuron growth in our brains.

To be a little conscious about..

Brain Laziness:

Let me share another observation from my own life. Three years ago, I attended a 3-4 hour knowledge session that led to a severe headache and drained my energy. I then realized that my day-to-day activities and habits were making my brain lazy, discouraging it from learning new things or putting in extra effort. Consequently, our lazy brains struggle to focus when presented with new information, causing us to subconsciously avoid challenging articles, topics, reels, or people.

Lack of Wisdom:

There is always learning, which we should seek to understand, striving to gain wisdom from every situation we encounter. There exists a significant disparity between performing a task for the first time and repeating it multiple times. Hence, it’s essential to reflect on our actions, identifying where we went wrong, and consciously avoiding the same mistakes to improve with each subsequent attempt.

Takes Time to Recollect and May Tend to Forget:

Have you ever wondered why our brain takes time to recollect things or tends to forget them easily? If our brain isn’t accustomed to actively seeking and processing information, it can lead to situations where we struggle to recall important details such as names or specific situations. Additionally, we may forget things because we’ve stopped asking the right questions to stimulate our brain’s retrieval processes. Therefore, it’s important for us to refrain from relying solely on internet searches and instead engage in independent inquiry and critical thinking.

Learning Becomes a Big Tragedy:

As mentioned earlier, if our brain is not habitual to learning, we face difficulties when attempting to grasp something new. It requires additional effort to absorb and comprehend information, as our brains must create new neural pathways and patterns to accommodate unfamiliar knowledge.

Now that we have discussed the consequences of not maintaining a learning or curious mindset, let’s move on to discussing some practical tips to avoid falling into the ignorance trap. 

Let’s begin…

A Child Like Mindset:

Baby talking and questioning to parents

We should actively ask questions about everything that happens around us. However, it’s crucial to avoid applying logic when it’s unnecessary and avoid bombarding others with unnecessary questions. This approach will bring curiosity and help us remain present in the moment.

Here are some things that can bring curiosity into our lives:

  1. First and foremost, bring curiosity and be ready to learn anything that will contribute to gaining more knowledge.
  2. Ask meaningful questions to your mind. While it may seem simplistic, I always try this technique to understand what is happening around me and how my mind is processing it.
  3. Keep hunger to find answers to all the “Wh” questions (What, When, How) about everything you face.

A Conscious Learning:

I recommend incorporating intentional learning into your daily routine, just like we regularly practice important tasks. This type of learning acts as exercise for our brain.

Here are some simple ways to do this:

  1. Take online courses. You can find free ones that are worth your time. Blocking out time on your calendar will ensure you make time for it, despite your daily schedule.
  2. Read at least one informative article every day. Choose a topic you enjoy. If you’re interested in life philosophy or spiritual science, you can visit LifeSutrasKet for articles on these subjects.
  3. Form your own group or league with friends to discuss new things you’ve learned.
  4. Set goals to learn a new skill, language, or take a course on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis.

Pinch of Information in Knowledge:

Yes, that’s correct. Let’s start by understanding the difference between Knowledge and Information. According to the Britannica Dictionary, “Knowledge is what you learn from experience or education, like awareness, understanding, or skills. Information, on the other hand, is just the facts or details about a subject.”

Now, here are some simple steps to follow:

  1. Pay attention to the details of anything you read, hear, or discuss. Dive deeper into topics to satisfy your curiosity and learn more.
  2. Try explaining things to others. When we talk about what we know, our brain organizes the information we already have, helping us understand better and remember longer. Explaining things to others also helps us refine our understanding.
  3. Keep updating your knowledge regularly. This will not only enhance your understanding but also broaden your perspectives on different subjects.
  4. Try to remember important numbers or names of people, things, or places. This will help you retain information better and recall it when needed.

Brainstorming Activities will help You Bring Wisdom:

Start brainstorming with yourself. Begin by identifying your top five problems and select the most significant one to address. This approach offers two benefits: firstly, it primes your brain to automatically tackle any future challenges it encounters, and secondly, it helps you overcome mental barriers by actively addressing them.

Here are some additional activities to consider:

  1. Engage with experts to discuss problems and brainstorm solutions.
  2. Play brainstorming games such as Chess or Sudoku to stimulate creative thinking.
  3. Incorporate math problem-solving into your daily routine to exercise your analytical skills.
  4. Spend time with people who enjoy discussing topics related to knowledge, trends, and numbers.

Read, Read and Read:

Reading has various psychological benefits for our minds. Therefore, we should try to read whenever we have some free time. Since we all lead busy lives, we shouldn’t wait for spare moments to read a book. Instead, we should actively search for reading material that interests us and read it to expand our knowledge. Reading helps our minds learn new words and gather information.

  1. To make reading a habit, it’s important to find a genre that we enjoy.
  2. We can start by reading storybooks or comics and then progress to non-fiction books that pique our interest.
  3. It’s beneficial to set a daily goal for reading and stick to it by reading a minimum number of pages each day.
A library with books to read in peace

We should nurture a curious mindset and continuously seek  knowledge that can greatly benefit our personal growth and mental well-being. By grabbing learning opportunities, engaging in critical thinking, and staying open to new experiences, we empower ourselves to be best in an ever-evolving world. The most crucial aspect is to gain the right kind of knowledge from the right kind of people; choose your circle wisely.

Connect with us in a transformative journey of self-discovery with LifeSutrasKet.com. Click here to Subscribe to our website to delve into profound life philosophies, gain fresh insights, and connect with like-minded individuals. Start your quest for enlightenment today at LifeSutrasKet.com. 

Thank you for reading until the end!

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Life wisdom

Activities to devote time to in your 20s

The most crucial decade of life is the 20s when we are finishing up childhood and unconsciously transitioning into maturity. Hence, it is so important that we ensure we take extra care of our minds, thoughts, actions, & habits. Whatever we feed to our brains is going to last forever. Whatever habits we build will have a tremendous impact on our life. Even if you have crossed your 20s and not at the age of 30s or 40s, you can refer this article to those young people who really need this kind of knowledge and are not aware of it.

We are at the height of our energies in our 20s, so we think that we should have all the independence, possessions, and everything on our own & some of us even have it. But our freedom and riches lead us to the wrong path. Hence I said we should take extra care of our 20s. Some recommendations for your 20s are listed below.

Understand your Mind

Understanding your mind well is one of the best things you can do. We have provided guidance on the topic of “Understand You Before Understanding the World.” You should know your likes & dislikes. It will help you to find your passion and you can work on it. We should train our minds since they may be both our greatest partners and our worst enemy. Try reading “Work on your Mind for a Glorious Life.” if you genuinely struggle with your thoughts over the things you ought to perform.

One step toward your passion

Once you understand your mind & are able to control your thoughts & actions.  You should devote your energies to the activity that ignites your enthusiasm. After finishing our education, we often turn our attention to finding work, and the need for money is relentless. It could take one, two, five, or even more years. When we follow our passion, we feel satisfied. And the majority of us fail to see the importance of following our passions. 

Invest wisely

When we consider investments, we frequently think of money. But, here we are analyzing whatever we invest in. That is our energy, efforts, resources, time, people, etc. We pay a cost for every investment. Hence, We should prioritize making wise investments. Always consider investing in things that will pay off in 5 to 10 years. We should invest in our knowledge, brainpower, healthy lifestyle, way of thinking, formation of good habits and money, etc.

Take charge of your life

We should fairly understand the motive behind every action we take. What we do should be something that’s really meaningful. We will begin to realize the true meaning of life after we’re past the age of 20. Our priceless life begins to be valued. Start questioning yourself in order to understand the purpose of your life which means you should  Lead your life by the purpose of ‘You: being on the earth’ Most individuals spend their entire lives without a goal, and when they reach their older years, they regret not taking a charge of their lives.

 Be adaptable

We go through a lot of changes in our 20s. Thus, we need to develop our ability to adapt. We ought to be open to change. Everything is unpredictable. Thus, we should shape ourselves so that we can endure any circumstance. As long as we have the desire to live, we can survive because we are humans. 

These are some of the valuable topics we should focus on in our 20s in order to spare our pain in later years. Your opinions on this are very important to me. Please feel free to post a remark.

Thank you for being here.

Life wisdom

Be Obstinate with Your Every Small Complication

We are living in the era of Abundance. Whatever we want, have at our fingertips. We can talk to anyone in the world at the very next moment we think about the person. In short, we are growing so rapidly. Everything seems to be possible and anyone can achieve anything. You just need to be focused on the thing you wish for. But still we are failing at LIFE. A person never stops struggling with anger, lust, bad habits, lack of knowledge or self-control, wrong behavior and many more. 

Being in a confident generation, we have stopped questioning ourselves. I am 23 years old and still can think of all of this. As I have sat with my problems for hours and hours until I get the concluding resolution. It is totally fine, if you make mistakes or fail somewhere in life. But you should know your strengths, weaknesses, and start working on the same. 

We are living in the generation where everyone has access to all the information, but we are lacking knowledge, which is not built just by scrolling or reading random content. But having an urge to learn or understand the process, gaining a confidence by practically applying the information gathered can only build the knowledge. And the process takes time. It requires patience and the generation we are living in wants everything to happen as soon as possible. We have to give required time to every little thing we are doing.

We should be able to understand the importance of being in present. If you want to achieve something. Start actioning quickly and take very little time to decide. Learn the beauty of thinking in a right direction. For the right direction, you must ask yourself and others  a correct question. People may still deceive you somewhere in life, but failing will only make you believe in your actions. Pledge yourself that you will cross all the bridges to achieve your end goal of the actions you are taking. 

If you are still not able to find the exact solution, just reach out to a person who can guide and take you to a perfect solution. Here I would suggest go to the person who had already walked your path. It may help you somewhere to reach your destination.

The thing tracks me to the goal is to write about the current situation and my writing ends up with every possible solution. Most of the times our brain has a lot of pending things to think, so it is necessary to write and clear the thoughts. And it helps me to realize a lot. 

So these are the things I practice to make everything possible. And even if I fail somewhere, at least have a feeling of satisfaction that I tried my best to make it happen. I would really love to know the practices you follow to make things happen.