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Life wisdom

Build Strong Connections with 7 Sutras for Stronger Bonds

A few days ago, I struggled to fall asleep, my mind racing with thoughts about today’s lifestyle and its missing elements. It dawned on me how the importance of connection has diminished in our lives. Engulfed in a fast-paced lifestyle, we often neglect work-life balance, sacrificing precious time that could be spent with our loved ones, a realization that hit me hard as I reflected on my own life.

In my quest to understand what I was truly chasing, a moment of clarity came while listening to a podcast. It wasn’t money or fame that would bring happiness, but rather the deep relationships we nurture. Happiness stems from the moments spent laughing with friends or cherishing time with family, underscoring the importance of connection in our lives.

Those unforgettable moments remind us to cherish our relationships and the joy they bring into our lives, highlighting the importance of connection and a balanced life. Material possessions bring satisfaction, not happiness. This realization led me to question my own happiness and the pursuit of a busy, productive life. Sharing this insight, I hope to inspire a shift towards a life filled with purpose and meaningful connections.

Before diving deeper into this discussion, let’s take a moment to reflect on our relationships. How many of us can honestly say we spend quality time with our loved ones? This includes family, close friends, and partners. Remember how, as children, we expressed our feelings freely, without fear? That natural expression and open communication are what we often lose as adults, becoming guarded and hesitant to share our true selves.

Children, unburdened by expectations or past experiences, embody effective communication, allowing them to communicate effectively and authentically. Their uninhibited nature reminds us of the value of honesty and emotional openness, qualities that are often overshadowed by our egos, preventing us from expressing our true feelings and fostering genuine connections.

Here are some detailed tips to help you maintain healthy relationships and create more meaningful connections with your loved ones, offering valuable relationship advice for anyone looking to strengthen their bonds.

Schedule Quality Time:

Plan regular, uninterrupted time with your family and friends to build meaningful relationships. Treat these moments as essential appointments, just like work meetings. Whether it’s a weekly family dinner or a monthly game night with friends, making scheduled time for your relationships emphasizes the importance of connection in our lives.

Limit Distractions:

When you’re with loved ones, strive to minimize distractions like phones or work-related thoughts to foster a deeper connection. Creating a distraction-free environment allows you to be fully present, enriching your relationships and making every moment count.

Practice Gratitude:

Take a moment each day to reflect on the blessings in your life, including the cherished relationships. Showing gratitude, whether through a simple ‘thank you’ or a heartfelt note, makes your loved ones feel valued, respected, and supported, strengthening the bonds you share.

Communicate Openly:

Break down barriers of ego and fear by embracing open and clear communication with your loved ones. Sharing your thoughts, feelings, and appreciation regularly fosters healthy relationships built on trust and understanding, leading to a more fulfilling connection.

Prioritize Balance:

Aim for a balanced life that nurtures your wellbeing, including time for work, relaxation, and meaningful relationships. Recognize that true happiness stems from a well-rounded life, where various aspects of your well-being are cared for. Dedicate time to hobbies, self-care, and leisure activities, as well as spending quality moments with loved ones to maintain a balanced life.

Set Boundaries:

Learn to say no to commitments that don’t resonate with your values or detract from your time with relationships. Setting and respecting boundaries allows you to prioritize what’s most important, ensuring you have the energy and time to invest in maintaining healthy relationships. This approach also helps prevent burnout and resentment, enabling you to be fully present in your interactions with loved ones.

Engage in Meaningful Activities:

Instead of solely chasing material gains, prioritize activities that foster meaningful connections and intimacy with your loved ones. Whether it’s cooking a meal together, going for a hike, or playing a board game, shared experiences create lasting memories and strengthen your bond. Find activities that you both enjoy and make them a regular part of your routine to underline the importance of connection.

By incorporating these tips into your life, you can cultivate deeper connections, support from your family and friends, and lead a more fulfilling life surrounded by love. In conclusion, amidst the hustle of daily life, we often overlook what’s truly important: spending time with those we care about. I’ve realized that true happiness and wellbeing don’t come from chasing material success but from being with loved ones and creating memories together.

Let’s make an effort to prioritize our relationships. Spend quality time with family and friends, and don’t hesitate to show them how much they mean to you. By doing this, we nurture intimacy, receive support, and can lead happier, more balanced lives, enhancing our overall wellbeing.

So, let’s focus on what really matters: the love and deep connections we share with others. In the end, it’s these relationships that imbue our lives with true meaning and underscore the importance of connection.

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Prayer spiritually activates mind

A Morning Prayer Can Bring Serenity to Your Life

Few days back, I met with one of my old friend Viyaan, who was an atheist and used to keep that as a crown on his head in college days. Six months back he met with an accident and almost lost his 5 years old baby daughter in the accident. She came out of danger a few months back because of a single hope of her father and his prayers to god to give his child back. He  brought his daughter home 2 weeks back and now he takes her with him to the temple everyday. 

I was shocked and my mind kept tickling by asking what changed Viyaan’s life philosophy from being atheist to going to the temple everyday. Have you ever tried to understand why people go to the temple, church, or mosque? If yes, then Why do they go? What do they exactly find there?

Let’s deep dive into this article which is purely connected to Spiritual Science. 

The Significance and Essence of Prayer:

Prayer is the deep harmony with the supernatural power you believe in. So, I want you to recollect the days when you have prayed deeply in any spiritual place and think about how you felt. Some people may have felt happy, peaceful, satisfied, or just relaxed. So basically, if you are willingly praying, then you will feel the mentioned feelings.

When We Pray..

Basically, Our mind is almost like a monkey who keep jumping from one thought to another thought. When we pray we keep a spiritual energy in front of our eyes or in mind and try to talk only positive things. We talk about our own wishes some time we pray for our loved ones or for entire world. 

What Happens when We Pray

Now let’s talk about what exactly happens with the mind when we pray. All of a sudden, we become conscious, and our focus turns toward our thoughts, and we start thinking only positively. When we pray, we may not realize that we’re sending positive messages toward the energy we believe in, and it works because our thoughts are solely positive during prayer. Hence, we feel a sense of peace, connection, and alignment with the divine energy.

Also, our subconscious mind does not know the difference between real or fake. It just believe on thoughts running through our mind. We start feeling positive and the best part is if you repeat your prayers it will start becoming your reality. 

Now let’s discuss the benefits of Prayer:

I. Prayer helps you stay focused and positive throughout the day.

Regular prayer sessions offer a dedicated time to focus on positive thoughts and intentions, boosting mental clarity and concentration. This enhanced focus helps in staying motivated, productive, and positive throughout the day.

II. Prayer reduces stress and helps you feel calm and centered.

Daily prayer provides a tranquil moment to unwind and reflect, reducing anxiety and promoting mental calmness. This practice helps in managing stress effectively, leading to a peaceful state of mind. A prayer can enhance mental clarity and focus by redirecting attention away from distractions and towards positive.

III. It strengthens your bond with your beliefs or spirituality. 

Engaging in prayer daily strengthens your spiritual connection, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose in life. This connection provides comfort, guidance, and a deeper understanding of one’s beliefs, leading to inner fulfillment. It builds hope and helps you bounce back from challenges

IV. Prayer promotes empathy and forgiveness, improving relationships with others.

Prayer promotes qualities such as empathy, compassion, and forgiveness, fostering healthier and more meaningful connections with others. By nurturing a loving and understanding attitude, prayer contributes to building strong, supportive, and fulfilling relationships in both personal and professional spheres.

I was reading and really loved one thing on the internet and I really wanted to share it with you. Follow Elizabeth Gilbert’s journey in “Eat, Pray, Love.” She begins by indulging in Italian cuisine, then seeks inner peace through prayer in India, and finally finds love and self-discovery in Bali. This story teaches us to appreciate life’s small joys, connect with our inner selves, and open our hearts to love. Whether you’re in search of adventure or personal growth, “Eat, Pray, Love” offers valuable lessons on following your dreams and finding happiness.

Here are some practical steps for your to add Prayers in a daily routine:

Set Regular Time:

Pick a daily time for prayer that fits your schedule. Consistency helps make it a habit, whether it’s morning, noon, or night.

Create Quiet Space:

Find a calm spot at home for prayer, free from distractions. This sacred area can be adorned with items that inspire you, like candles or symbols.

Choose Your Way:

Prayer comes in many forms. Find what feels right for you, whether it’s traditional prayers, quiet reflection, or heartfelt conversations.

Be Thankful:

Incorporate gratitude into your prayers. Taking a moment to appreciate what you have can bring positivity and contentment to your life.

Stay Open:

Approach prayer with an open heart and mind. Be receptive to the guidance and peace it can bring, knowing that you’re supported on your journey.

Are you ready to experience the transformative power of prayer in your daily routine? Start today and discover the peace, clarity, and resilience it can bring to your life. Enjoy this simple yet profound practice and unlock a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you. Take the first step towards a more fulfilling life by adding prayers to your daily routine now!

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Life wisdom

A Girl Sitting In The Corner..

A girl sitting in the corner, looking out of the window by taking a sip of tea with a chaotic mind. Her new friends were asking her to join them for a dance, eager to understand the reason behind her silence. But she always chose to be alone and never opened in front of anyone. She prefer talking to everyone but only for a reason.

There was always an invisible layer that acted as a barrier between her and others. She was a good soul with a kind heart but never allowed anyone to be in her circle. She never showed a personal touch with anyone in her group.

Her friends always tried to ask her about her loneliness, advising her to get mixed up and forget her worries. Slowly, they started teasing her for being alone and sad. Her friends also started calling her selfish for talking only for a reason.

There was one girl in a group who always tried to understand that girl’s point of view, used to talk softly with her and never bullied her. She always held a deep admiration for a solitary girl. A friend who showered love upon her lone best friend, constantly seeking to connect, understand, and provide guidance and over time, that solitary girl began to feel at ease conversing with her newfound friend.

Now, both of these girls have become close friends, reuniting once a month to cherish their memories and nurture their friendship. The solitary girl has undergone a transformation, now actively engaging with everyone around her. Now the question arises what changed a sad & alone girl? Yes, you are right—her best friend’s love. In her past life, she had encountered significant trauma, betrayal  and hatred which had patterned her mind to be cautious and untrusting. Her friend’s love has changed the patterns of her mind. She started trusting the good nature of others. 

The moral of the story is that if you find someone around you who always prefer maintain silence, displays anger and frustration, avoid making new friends, there are chances that the person has undergone such experiences in life, which have influenced their behavior. You can just be good to people. We can observe an individual’s actions, but we can never truly comprehend the challenges they may be confronting.

In many cases, lending a listening ear to these individuals can be profoundly beneficial. When we permit them to be themselves, they often find it easier to display kindness. It’s essential to provide them with a reason for trusting in humanity, as every mind has its own unique thought processes. If someone possesses negativity for some reason, it’s possible to encourage positivity, and you can be the catalyst for that transformation.

Let us carry on our kindness towards others, for this is how we earn admiration and inspire those around us. This is an invaluable lesson that reminds us to refrain from passing judgment on others and to consistently spread kindness. You can execute this by just being good to others or show empathy while dealing with others. We need to start treating others with love and kindness.

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alt="Unleash Your Inner Ecstasy"
Life wisdom

“Unleash Your Inner Ecstasy”

In this article, we will explore the profound joy that resides within our lives. Consider five individuals across the globe who have attained great fortune. What common thread unites them? Why do we often think ourselves as dissimilar or unsuccessful? What propels our relentless pursuit? Are we truly experiencing life to its fullest? Yes, we are living, but what elements are we lacking?

What is your purpose on this Earth?

We yearn for a lifestyle where material possessions abound, adhering to the YOLO philosophy—You Only Live Once. Our aspirations revolve around accumulating wealth and living extravagantly, visiting luxurious restaurants, attending weekend parties, embarking on global tours, or residing in luxurious homes. Each person has their own definition of success or the desired life they wish to lead.

Let us rise above these pursuits and analysing the purpose of our existence. After all, we are destined to die one day. Shouldn’t we leave behind a beautiful world? Consider this: if we only live once, why spend it on materialistic accomplishments? Instead, we should focus on nurturing our souls rather than indulging our bodies or minds. But how can we satisfy our souls?

What more can you do today?

Amidst your daily activities, ask yourself: what more can I do today? Infuse a touch of joy into your routines. Challenge yourself in every endeavor, fostering a growing fondness for you each passing day. Ponder how you can enhance or introduce a subtle change in your everyday actions. This will infuse renewed enthusiasm for living life to the fullest. Define both short-term and long-term goals, and break them down into daily or weekly habits. This approach will enable you to achieve anything in life.

How much time do you spend with yourself?

The most crucial aspect of self-mastery is achieving profound harmony with ourselves. Seize every opportunity to spend time alone in a day. Engage in deep introspection, analysing your own being, surroundings, goals, and life as a whole. Initially, connecting with yourself may prove challenging, but once your thoughts align, each instance will yield a profound conversation with your inner self. Be a supportive friend and guide to yourself. Nurture your soul and mind, embracing that which is beneficial to your body, mind, and soul. Pursue your desires, for you only live once, but make wise choices.

What do you do to find happiness within?

While we strive to bring happiness to others, do we dedicate time to our own well-being? In a world where self-care is often perceived as a offence, commit to doing at least one thing daily that brings you joy. Nothing should take priority over your own happiness. However, be cautious not to reinforce negative beliefs, ego, or destructive thoughts. Your actions should be solely aimed at developing personal happiness without causing harm to yourself or others.

Who do you hold dear?

One of the most significant principles to embrace is loving everyone without expecting anything in return. Love should extend beyond our immediate circles. Demonstrate love through actions that benefit others, devoid of selfish motives. Strive to release negativity, past actions, and hurtful words. Forgive others without expecting an apology, and forgive yourself as well. Embrace positivity and goodness in your thoughts.

These principles serve as a guide to Unlock the Ecstasy Within You. Notably, the recurring focus throughout each paragraph is on “You.” To unlock your inner ecstasy, the key lies within yourself. Embrace these principles, and feel free to share any additional thoughts in the comment box below. Your feedback is always welcome. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

alt="mother's unconditional love"
Life wisdom

A Superwoman of our Lives

We have all seen superman’s films or are aware of any anime character who appears to be superman or has all the remarkable traits. A soul has always been present for everyone, relieving their suffering and resolving their problems.

Yes, we’re going to speak about that superwoman who has never asked for recognition for being a superwoman, therefore we’ve never treated her like one.

“Mumma” is the first word each newborn says when he or she learns to talk. Yes, In this article, we will speak about “Mother”. A person who teaches us almost everything in life, a person who gives up her own joys, interests, possessions, and even a life for her child, i.e. for us. We should all be grateful that one person who has always been with us. An iconic character dedicated to our pleasure, success, and our well-being.

She never gives up on you, even if you have lost all faith in yourself. She is always there to offer you a glimmer of hope. Have you ever considered how you may fill her life with happiness and love? Has she ever requested for it?

Is this generation making mother’s life easier or more difficult? We must focus on a single notion. Nobody can repay what a mother does for her kid. But we should all share the same thought: “I will make my mother’s life easier.” Every detail should be in place to keep her delighted and her smile big. This will rekindle your desire to live your life in a new way. 

Another lesson we must learn is to respect her. Nobody can deny that if she hadn’t been there, we would not have survived. Consider this: if I gave you a little stone to wrap around your tummy for 9 months, would you be able to do so? The answer is no. She does this to make us alive. She knows what is better for you. If she says no for something, we should at least think once and avoid doing it, even if our enjoyment is found in activity. We can definitely sacrifice our happiness for someone who has given up her entire life, her wishes, and everything for us. We need to start honoring her every word. Simply start doing everything she says, and your life will alter dramatically. 

On Mother’s Day, simply uploading a photo of your mother is insufficient. What you do every day for her and how you treat her is everything. She has never expressed her feelings for you out loud, but you know in your heart that she loves you more than she loves herself. Only by doing so will we be able to demonstrate our love. Proudly declare your affection for her. If she hears it, she will start dancing like crazy. 

I bow to all moms for their sacrifices and unconditional love for their children. We should all start celebrating Mother’s Day on a daily basis. Every mother’s world is so little that it just takes up four walls of her home, yet she believes she has an abundance of wealth in life. 

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alt="Connection between soul & universe"
Life wisdom

Focus on Creating A Strong & Powerful Soul

This article is all about our own selves. It will require your intent to go into the depths of your own mind & focus on your inner self.

We all have two images of ourselves: one is our true self, and the other is what society thinks we are. We keep trying to find a balance between these two personalities. Because most of us are more social, our genuine image becomes muddled. Even we tend to forget who we really are? So we should take some conscious actions to know ourselves better. If you really want to understand yourself, you can refer to the article “Understand You before understanding the world

Our whole concentration is on what others think of us? We all seek others’ approval for every action we perform, and we shape our activities to fit their preferences. But have you ever considered how we all lose ourselves when we strive to follow the character formed by others? So, we must focus on the inner world rather than the outside world. 

Most of us are too busy to maintain the world outside and tend to forget that the most important journey is the one inside. We are going to discuss some of the major parameters we should focus on to find our true selves. 

Select your beliefs wisely

We first accept anything as true, and our beliefs are formed. When we form strong beliefs, we all have our own point of view on everything. However, we should maintain a subjective approach to everything. Subjective implies that we are not the circumstances we are in. To put it another way, we should learn to be detached from any scenario or person. Most of us are disturbed by the situation and are unable to make a definite decision. We should concentrate on carefully picking our thoughts or beliefs in order to be more self-assured in life. Sit with only one thought until you get your solution. You should comprehend why and what you believe.Let me tell you something: you should not have strong beliefs about anything in life. As this may limit your ability to learn.  

Say only when you execute it

We all fall into the trap at least once in our lifetime of telling everything to others. At least our loved ones know every little thing about us. If you really want to become a powerful soul, tell only what is needed to know. No one cares what you do until you do it. So, our entire focus should be on executing the idea that popped up in our mind. People will eventually get to know and see the results. So focus on working on everything you decide to do. There are high chances people might share their views on your idea, and it is difficult for you to execute it. 

Take charge of your actions

Our mind is created in such a way that we are focused on others. Whenever someone tries to correct us or shows us our mistake, we tend to defend ourselves rather than accept our mistake and improve it. So, from this moment on, you will be in charge of your every action. It’s okay to commit mistakes in life. But the important thing is what we learn from our mistakes. Also, avoid giving excuses to yourself and others. Providing justification will not restore the harm or consequences that have occurred. 

Do the things that make you feel confident

Every individual has their own list of things to do which make them feel confident. Find out yours. If you have not found your list, recollect the moments you cherish in life. But the rule is that the action must be dependent on only you. The thing that makes you happy and feel satisfied. Another thing is if you are bad at something but you love doing it, start adding it to your daily routine. It’s okay if you are not a master of it, but at least you can be one day, and this is how you will gain confidence in that particular thing.

Expand Yourself

If we keep our beliefs limited, we will not be able to be strong and powerful. As our thoughts and actions will be limited, to be strong, we should keep a broad mindset, which will help us do extraordinary things. So, we should be ready to hear, experience, or do anything in life that will increase our confidence. We should always try to experience new things. 

There are many more ideas running through my mind, but I can not write down every action to create a powerful soul. I would love to hear from you. What makes you feel confident? Click here, to get notified of each new article.

Life wisdom

Create magic with Angelic Aura

Creating an Angelic Aura is a heavenly experience for everyone. People love being around you or get automatically attracted to you or you become the person who can create a positive environment just by being there. Animals or plants automatically get attracted to you.

Being kind can help you on this journey. Which is not easy, since kind-hearted people often get hurt. So people act smart and end up replacing their goodness with cruelty. Here, however, we mislead our aura.

Let’s have a deep conversation about creating an angelic aura. First focus on directing your mind. You should decide what you want to do. Avoid doing something out of anger, greed, illusion or temptation, etc. Master your own mind, it will help you to be wiser.

People fear being kind, their kindness creates trouble for them. As other people make fun of them for being so kind. Creating an angelic aura is a kind of vision for a person. Someone cannot achieve it overnight. It’s a long process which requires patience and dedication. You should be pretty sure that you are on the correct path. And being on the correct path is a journey inward and not outward. Your entire focus should be on your own thoughts and actions. 

The first step to being on the correct path is to understand yourself better than others. Spend some quality time with yourself every day to understand your perception of life, situations, or people around you. The most significant thing is what you feel. Try to observe your thoughts and actions. Initially, a person may choose the path of anger, lust, or greed. If he or she wants to change the current situation in life, these negative qualities will automatically fade away.

It is totally okay if you stand out as the odd man out or people taunt you for being yourself. Even if you are someone who makes mistakes or fails to take required actions. It’s okay if you do not understand the current situation. First, accept yourself as you are because there will be temporary people, situations, or things. So, learn to accept your flaws, weaknesses and terrible phases of your life. There is no use in holding anything in mind. It will eventually make your mind heavy and miserable. Accept everything and let go of anything negative.

Always make sure you are doing well. The most important thing to keep an eye on. There are so many situations we come across. We should always keep this in mind to ensure that you are doing well. There are so many things that happen. When we try to be strong in front of others and suppress our own emotions, we end up frustrated, stressed, or anxious. So, spend quality time with yourself and let all the emotions out. Recognize your own concerns and resolve the internal conflict. Think about what is bothering you and how you can solve the issue.

So far, we have been talking about ourselves. Now we will speak about others. People are not going to be the way you want them to be. You will usually be disappointed or dissatisfied and have a disappointing experience. Let me tell you one secret: Creating an Angelic Aura is a heavenly experience for everyone. People love being around you or get automatically attracted to you or you become the person who can create a positive environment just by being there. Animals or plants automatically get attracted to you.

Being kind can help you on this journey. Which is difficult, since kindhearted people often end up getting hurt. So people act smart and end up replacing their goodness with cruelty. Here, however, we mislead our aura.

Let’s have a deep conversation about creating an angelic aura. First focus on directing your mind. You should decide what you want to do. Avoid doing something out of anger, greed, illusion or temptation, etc. Master your own mind, it will help you to be wiser.

People fear being kind as their kindness creates trouble for them, as other people make fun of them for being so helpful. Creating an angelic aura is a kind of vision for a person. Someone cannot achieve it overnight. It’s a long process which requires patience and dedication. You should be pretty sure that you are on the correct path. And being on the correct path is a journey inward and not outward. Your entire focus should be on your own thoughts and actions. 

The first step to being on the correct path is to understand yourself better than others.Spend some quality time with yourself every day to understand your perception of life, situations, or people around you. The most important thing is what you feel. Try to observe your thoughts and actions. Initially, a person may choose the path of anger, lust, or greed. If he or she wants to change the current situation in life, these negative qualities will automatically fade away.

It is totally okay iyou stand out as the odd man out or people taunt you for being yourself. Even if you are someone who makes mistakes or fails to take required actions. It’s okay if you do not understand the current situation. First, accept yourself as you are. People, situations, or things artemporary. So, learn to accept your flaws, weaknesses and terrible phases of your life. There is no use in holding anything in mind. It will eventually make your mind heavy and miserable. Let go of everything that is bad or negative.

Always make sure you are doing well. The vital thing to keep a check on. There are so many situations we come across. We should always keep this in mind to ensure that you are doing well. Things happen and we try to be stronger in front of others while suppressing our own emotions, and we end up frustrated, stressed, or anxious. So, spend quality time with yourself and let all the feelings come out. Understand your own concerns and resolve your inner conflict. Think about what is bothering you and how you can solve the issue.

So far, we have been talking about ourselves. Now we will speak about others. People are not going to be the way you want them to be. You will usually be disappointed or dissatisfied and have a disappointing experience. Let me tell you one secret: your focus should be on you. Try not to blame anyone, take charge of your situation.

No matter whether you’ve made mistakes or not, try to leave on time since time is a master healer. I would suggest doing nothing that harms your energy. Decide whether a person is essential or a mistake. And there are ways to tell people about their mistakes. But expect nothing from others. Be helpful to everyone, but focus on being wise. Making conscious decisions can help you to avoid becoming a victim of the situation or people around you. Your entire focus should be on you. Try not to blame anyone, take charge of your situation.

You must take responsibility for whatever has happened to you, even if you have not made any mistakes. Try to leave on time as time is the most powerful healer when it comes to situations like this. I would suggest doing nothing that harms your energy. Decide whether a person is essential or a mistake. And there are ways to tell people about their mistakes. But expect nothing from others. Be kind to everyone, but focus on being wise. You can avoid becoming a victim of a situation or people by taking conscious actions. 

Slowly, you will notice changes in your own personality or presence. It will create an aura of peace and serenity in your own company by avoiding unnecessary arguments, conflict, and negative vibes. The result will be fewer words that will create value in what you say.

I would like to hear from you about clearing all the blockages and creating an angelic aura. Use a comment box to express your thoughts on this article. Thank you for reading a complete article. It means a lot to me. Subscribe to read more life-changing and philosophical articles.