A happy positive life
Life wisdom

A Positive Mindset: Life’s Hidden Blessings

A few days ago, I found myself in my favourite quiet spot, a serene park nestled away from the city’s hustle. Surrounded by towering trees and the melody of singing birds, it was the ideal setting for some mindfulness and reflection on the blessings in my life. Despite my intentions to focus on positive thinking, my thoughts drifted towards the negatives, listing recent setbacks and making it challenging to maintain a positive psychology mindset, filled with positive emotions.

Feeling overwhelmed by these negative thoughts, I realized I needed a strategy to break free from this mental trap. The solution came when I decided to compare my current life with my past. This simple yet effective technique propelled me towards a mindset more oriented towards positive thinking, positive psychology, and fostering positive emotions.

Reflecting on my journey, I acknowledged how much better my life is now. The once daunting problems have faded away, making room for progress and unexpected joys. This realization filled me with an overwhelming sense of gratitude, positive emotions, and a genuinely happy, positive attitude towards life.

This moment of clarity taught me a valuable lesson about life’s perspective. While we each view the world through our unique lenses, it’s crucial to remember that focusing on positive emotions maintaining a positive mindset, and understanding how to keep a positive mindset truly enriches our lives.

In today’s world, where negative news often dominates, it’s easy to be consumed by pessimism. However, emphasizing the good, embracing the love around us, and nurturing a positive mindset can significantly enhance our lives, spread joy, and foster positive emotions to those we encounter, embodying how to live a positive life.

Self-Love is a True Savior:

One profound lesson I’ve embraced is the importance of self-love. Recognizing your worth is the cornerstone of happiness, enabling you to extend more love and kindness to others, while also prioritizing self-care practices and fostering positive emotions.

Being mindful of the influences we allow into our lives is crucial. By surrounding ourselves with positivity and steering clear of negativity and drama, we can sustain a positive mindset and attitude, filled with positive emotions.

Mind Your Own Business:

Another secret to happiness is minding your own business. Getting entangled in others’ issues can lead to unnecessary stress. Focusing on your personal growth and journey promotes mindfulness, inner peace, and a life filled with positive emotions and a good mindset.

Real Treasure: Open Hearts and Helping Hands

Keeping an open heart and being willing to assist others not only benefits them but also enriches your life. The joy derived from making a positive impact, embodying the spirit of ‘open hands open hearts’ and ‘helping hearts helping hands’, is a testament to our interconnectedness and the power of kindness, fostering loving emotions.

In conclusion, my recent retreat to the park was a profound lesson in perspective and gratitude. Life’s journey, with its highs and lows, becomes more joyful and fulfilling when we focus on the positives. Embracing blessings, practising self-love, showing kindness, and remaining open to life’s wonders can reveal that life is full of surprises, making us feel like the luckiest people in the world, brimming with positive emotions and a positive mindset for a truly happy life.

To elaborate, when you start to embrace self-love, you begin to see the world through a different lens. You stop comparing yourself to others and start appreciating your unique qualities. This self-love radiates outward, making it easier to spread kindness and love to those around you. It’s like a ripple effect. When you are content with yourself, you naturally spread that happiness to others, fostering positive emotions and a positive attitude, enhancing the atmosphere wherever you go.

Being selective about what you let into your life is also crucial. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Positive influences can significantly alter your perspective of the world. They help you stay focused on what’s important and steer clear of negativity, promoting a positive mindset and nurturing positive emotions in your daily life.

Another important point is to avoid getting caught up in other people’s narratives. Everyone has their own journey and their own battles. By staying focused on your own life, you can sidestep unnecessary stress and drama. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t offer support to others, but it’s crucial to know when to step back and allow others to navigate their own issues, practising mindfulness and self-care, which are essential for personal growth.

Helping others is one of the most rewarding experiences. When you open your heart and lend a hand, you not only make a difference in someone else’s life but also enrich your own. There’s a unique joy in knowing you’ve helped someone. It’s a testament to the fact that kindness and generosity are powerful, embodying the spirit of ‘helping hearts helping hands’ and ‘open hearts’, and fostering positive emotions throughout the community.

So, remember to keep focusing on the good things in your life. Cultivate the habit of recognizing, speaking, and feeling the blessings and love that come your way. This positive mindset will guide you through life’s challenges with a sense of peace and purpose. And always keep your heart open to the surprises life throws at you. They often arrive when least expected and can make you realize just how blessed you truly are, fostering positive emotions and an open mindset, enriching your life’s journey.

In the end, life is about finding balance. There will always be challenges, but there will also always be blessings. By focusing on the positives, loving yourself, being kind to others, and keeping your heart open, you can create a life filled with joy and fulfilment. And you’ll discover that, like me, you are truly one of the luckiest people in the world, embracing positive emotions, a positive mindset, and mindfulness, which are key to a harmonious life.

At LifeSutraSket.com, we bring you a curated collection of unique insights, tips, and inspirations to elevate every aspect of your life. From wellness and spirituality to fashion and technology, our vibrant ideas are dedicated to fostering personal development and self-improvement. Join us today and start your journey to a more fulfilling, balanced, and stylish existence. LifeSutraSket.com where life’s canvas is yours to create, and every brushstroke counts towards your masterpiece.

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Life wisdom

The Wake-Up Call: A Journey to Balance

Introduction to Chirag and his story

Meet Chirag, a young professional who seemed to have it all: a successful career, ambitious goals, and a drive that was unmatched. But as he climbed the ladder of success, he found himself teetering on the edge of imbalance. The constant pressure to excel in his career had taken its toll on Chirag’s personal life, leaving him feeling drained and disconnected from the things that truly mattered.

In this blog post, we will take you through Chirag’s journey towards finding balance in his hectic lifestyle. It was not an easy path for him, but with determination and a wake-up call that shook him to his core, he embarked on a transformative journey that would change his life forever.

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by work demands or struggled to find time for yourself amidst endless responsibilities, then keep reading because Chirag’s story might just be the inspiration you need to start prioritizing your own well-being. So grab your favorite corner and get ready to join us on this enlightening journey towards achieving harmony in both our personal and professional lives!

The Beginning: Struggle with Work-Life Balance

Chirag was always the kind of person who poured all his energy into work. He loved his job and had big goals for his career, but in doing so, he neglected other aspects of his life. It started slowly at first – staying late at the office, skipping meals, and sacrificing sleep to meet deadlines.

As time went on, Chirag’s personal relationships began to suffer. His friends felt neglected, and family gatherings became a rarity. He was constantly stressed and overwhelmed, unable to find a moment of peace amidst the chaos of work demands.

Deep down, Chirag knew that something needed to change. The toll on his mental and physical health was becoming too great to ignore. That’s when he had his wake-up call – a realization that achieving success shouldn’t come at the expense of happiness and well-being.

He started researching ways to achieve better work-life balance and stumbled upon mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga. Intrigued by their potential benefits, Chirag decided to give them a try.

Slowly but surely, Chirag incorporated these self-care practices into his daily routine. He carved out time each morning for meditation before diving into work tasks. During lunch breaks or after work hours, he made it a point to engage in physical activities like going for walks or practicing yoga.

It wasn’t an easy transition though; challenges arose along the way as old habits fought against change. There were days when deadlines loomed large or when stress threatened to engulf him entirely. But through perseverance and determination,

Chirag found strength within himself to overcome those obstacles while maintaining focus on achieving balance in all areas of life.

Through this journey towards balance,

Chirag learned valuable lessons about prioritizing self-care without compromising professional aspirations.

He realized that taking care of oneself is not selfish but rather essential for sustainable success.

By making small changes in daily routines and setting boundaries, he was able to create space for both work and personal.

Implementing Changes in Daily Routine

Chirag knew that finding balance in his life would require making changes to his daily routine. He couldn’t expect things to magically fall into place without taking proactive steps towards it.

First, he decided to prioritize self-care by setting aside dedicated time for activities that brought him joy and relaxation. Whether it was practicing yoga, going for a run, or simply reading a book, Chirag made sure to carve out moments of tranquility amidst the chaos of everyday life.

Next, he recognized the importance of establishing boundaries when it came to work. Chirag started setting specific working hours and stuck to them religiously. This meant no checking emails or attending to work-related matters outside those designated times.

Additionally, Chirag began incorporating mindfulness practices into his daily routine. He took short breaks throughout the day for deep breathing exercises or quick meditation sessions, allowing himself moments of calm amid the hustle and bustle.

To ensure better time management and productivity, Chirag also started planning his days in advance. He created a schedule with clearly defined tasks and allotted time slots for each activity. This helped him stay organized and focused on his goals.

Of course, implementing these changes wasn’t always easy. There were days when old habits tempted him back into imbalance. But Chirag remained committed to his journey towards a more balanced lifestyle.

By gradually integrating these new habits into his daily routine over time, Chirag found that they became second nature – like muscle memory guiding him towards equilibrium each day.

In conclusion,

Implementing changes in one’s daily routine is crucial for achieving a more balanced lifestyle. Through prioritizing self-care activities such as yoga and reading books, setting boundaries with work commitments, practicing mindfulness regularly throughout the day, and creating an organized schedule with defined tasks; individuals can take concrete steps towards attaining their desired level of balance between work and personal life goals.

The Turning Point: Realization of Balance

Chirag’s journey towards balance took an unexpected turn when he reached a breaking point. The constant hustle and bustle of his life had finally caught up with him, leaving him feeling burnt out and exhausted. It was at this moment that Chirag had a profound realization – something needed to change.

He began to reflect on his priorities and how they aligned with his current lifestyle. He realized that while he had been chasing career success and material possessions, he had neglected the most important aspect of all – himself.

This newfound awareness ignited a fire within Chirag to seek out ways to restore balance in his life. He started exploring mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga, which helped him cultivate a sense of presence and calm amidst the chaos.

In addition to incorporating mindfulness into his daily routine, Chirag also made self-care a non-negotiable part of his day. He set aside time for activities that brought him joy, whether it was reading a book, going for long walks in nature, or simply spending quality time with loved ones.

Implementing these changes wasn’t always easy for Chirag. There were days when old habits crept back in or when work demands seemed overwhelming. But through perseverance and commitment to his newfound understanding of balance, Chirag learned how to navigate these challenges without losing sight of what truly mattered.

Throughout this journey towards balance, Chirag gained valuable insights about himself and life in general. He realized that true success isn’t solely measured by external achievements but rather by the level of fulfillment one experiences in all aspects of their being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

If there’s one piece of advice Chirag would give others embarking on a similar journey towards balance, it would be this: prioritize yourself unapologetically. Remember that your well-being is not selfish; it is necessary for you to show up fully in all areas of your life.

Finding Mindfulness and Self-Care Practices

In the midst of Chirag’s journey towards balance, he stumbled upon a powerful tool: mindfulness. He realized that in order to achieve true equilibrium in his life, he needed to cultivate a sense of awareness and presence in each moment.

Mindfulness allowed Chirag to quiet his racing thoughts and focus on the present moment. He began practicing meditation regularly, finding solace in stillness and silence. Through this practice, he learned to observe his thoughts without judgment, allowing them to come and go like passing clouds.

Alongside mindfulness, Chirag discovered the importance of self-care practices. He started prioritizing activities that nourished his body, mind, and soul. Whether it was taking long walks in nature or indulging in a warm bubble bath at the end of the day, these small acts of self-care became essential components of his routine.

Chirag also recognized the significance of setting boundaries with work and other obligations. He learned to say no when necessary and carve out designated time for relaxation and rejuvenation. This enabled him to recharge his energy reserves and approach each day with renewed vigor.

As Chirag delved deeper into mindfulness and self-care practices, he noticed profound changes within himself. He felt more centered, calm, and connected than ever before. The stresses that once dominated his life seemed less daunting as he cultivated a greater sense of inner peace.

Implementing these practices wasn’t always easy for Chirag – there were moments when old habits resurfaced or external pressures threatened to throw him off-balance. But through perseverance and commitment to himself, he overcame these challenges one step at a time.

Embracing mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing exercises or keeping gratitude journals close by during challenging times helped anchor him back into the present moment, where worries about past mistakes or future uncertainties couldn’t dominate anymore and were instead replaced by feelings rooted firmly now!

Chirag’s advice to others embarking on a similar journey is clear: prioritize yourself unapologetically. Recognize that well-being is not selfish but a necessary foundation for success in all areas of life. By embracing mindfulness and self-care practices, setting boundaries, and making intentional changes to their daily routines, individuals can navigate the challenges of modern life while maintaining a sense of inner peace and balance.

Spread the positivity by sharing Chirag’s journey with your network. Don’t miss out on future articles and stories. Subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates on work-life balance, mindfulness, and personal growth.

Thank you for being a part of our transformative community. Let’s inspire each other to create a life filled with purpose, balance, and fulfillment.

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alt="Success in life"
Life wisdom

“Ways to Win at Life”

A few days ago, I came across circumstances wherein I had to make conscious efforts to make myself happy. I was having a battle with myself by telling my mind that I love myself so much. The situation I am facing is not more important than my own peace of mind. There are so many people struggling to maintain a smile on their faces or to be in a good mood.

Most people commit suicide in their lives. Why do we struggle when technology reigns? Where artificial intelligence is going to cover most of the platforms in the world. If we bow down to the basic problems of life, we are failing at life. Here are some of the practical actions in order to win at life.

Find your agenda for living

Let’s first try to understand the root of the issue. I want you to ask yourself, What is the purpose of your life? Read our article Lead your life by the purpose of ‘You: being on the earth’ to understand the answer and importance of this question. We all should know the reason behind us being alive.

We should find answers to why we want to survive. What will we be doing after 10-20 years? What is the purpose of our life? Before reading further, I want you to make a note of the action plan we are giving. Since it is going to make an unbelievable impact on your lives. If you follow these steps. First of all, find out the answers to the questions mentioned in this paragraph.

Enliven with your enemy

Now the second step is to understand the current lifestyle we are living. We should know who is our enemy in life. We all have two types of enemies. One type is the enemy of the outside world and the other who stays inside of us. In this article, we are going to talk only about an enemy who lives inside over mind.

You should read our article “A solution to fight with our inner demons”  This article talks gives an actions plan to fight with an internal enemy i.e. our own mind. If you really want to work on your own mind, you can refer to “Work on your Mind for a Glorious Life” Here we have covered the things which can cause harm to our lives.

Accomplish what comes to your mind

I want you to think for a moment about your daily schedule. How do we live our lives? Do we have goals in life? If yes, do we have a proper call to action to accomplish our goals?

I want to share my secrets with you to execute everything that comes to your mind. We should start maintaining a journal wherein we are listing down our goals that are too specific. For example, there is a significant difference between saying “I want to buy a new car” and saying “I will buy a new car within the next five years whose price ranges between 1 to 1.5 crores.” In second statement, your aim is converted into your vision. It will begin to seek fulfilment on its own terms.

You need to list down such goals to find Call to Action (CTA) for your goals & break it down into your daily actions. Like no one can buy a car on the very next day when a thought of it popped up in mind. So we will need to break 5 years’ vision into our daily actions.

What single thing you can do in your everyday routine to help you get that car in the next five years? What we do every day has an enormous influence on our lives after 10-20 years.

Steps to improve 4 pillars of life

Apart from this, one of the major mistakes most of us make is we start earning money and give less importance or neglect our own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. These are the 4 pillars of our well-being. We should take intentional actions on a daily basis to preserve a balance between these four pillars. You will also need to create a list of daily activities or assignments to help each pillar improve.

Our entire focus and actions should be on our own betterment. For physical improvement, you can add jogging, exercising, practising yoga, joining a sports club or outdoor activities or going for a walk after a heavy meal.

For mental or spiritual betterment you can practice mindfulness activities like feeling Gratitude, Meditation, writing a journal, Deep breathing, Daily prayers, etc. you can also refer to our article “A Healthy Spiritual Life”. These actions will uplift your mental or spiritual health. For emotional health you should do some of the important things in life like being kind, giving selflessly, mastering your own mind, Understanding yourself, and loving without reason. You will find practical ways to improve emotional health in our article “Create magic with Angelic Aura”

One of the most important things we should do is to start being joyful consciously. We should be grateful for several aspects, yet our minds are always drawn to the negative. We must find our own means of happiness and fulfilment. Only say positive things about yourself and others. It will give you a new lease on life. Life is not fair to anybody, but we must learn to be satisfied. 

These are the intentional steps we should take in order to succeed in life. I’d want to know what your sutras are for winning? Leave your thoughts in the below section for comments, and if you’d like to be notified when we publish new blogs, click the Stay Connected tab at the top of the page.

alt="Destroy your ego"
Life wisdom

Thank, if it punctures your Ego

In our last article, we talked about “A solution to fight with our inner demons”. In this article, we will talk about the biggest demon in our lives i.e. Ego: A word that literally rules our minds. Why we are all so obsessed with this word? We need to learn to treat it well. If you want to fight your enemy, you need to understand your enemy  thoroughly. 

Here is your first action: Try to answer this question by analyzing your actions and emotions. 

Q. What is the ego? 

We all have good thoughts and bad thoughts. The thoughts that require your attention and play the victim’s role or make you feel bad are because of your ego.  It also tries to dominate our actions, which ‌usually results in the addition of negative behavior. 

Ego is a demanding lower self inside us which leads to inner conflict, destruction & the source of all our tension, jealousy, anger, etc. Not only teenagers but most successful people have become a victim of their egos. 

Now you can identify when your ego is trying to remain alive in your mind. And here is the list of aid to fight your ego.

  1. Replace Me with us:

Whenever you come across a situation where you are stuck in selfish thoughts or actions, try to understand others’ perspectives. If you are only thinking about yourself (Me), you will be blind by your ego.

It is beneficial to view the situation from another perspective. Think about everyone, it will help you broaden your view which is one of the leader’s qualities. 

  1. Stop entertaining your ego

If you answer to a question we asked (What is the ego?) It would be easy to analyze and avoid being in the trap of our ego. Challenge yourself to go beyond your negative thoughts every time when you feel stuck between your good thoughts and bad thoughts. Our every action should be consciously taken considering our wiseness and ethical thinking.

  1. Nothing should make you feel offended:

If any situation or people are making you feel offended, learn to challenge yourself. Our definite goal is to act wisely. Your negative thoughts may blind you and create unnecessary trauma.

  1. Practise Mindfulness:

One of the greatest weapons you can use in order to defeat your own inner demon that is ego is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness literally changes your thoughts & helps you to step up in your life. You can refer to our previous articles A Healthy Spiritual Life & Start Yoga on the day it comes to your Mind

  1. Choose love & kindness over everything:

We should always keep a giver attitude in order to bring abundance, peace and joy in life. Learn to give everything you have. Be kind to everyone in spite of their bad thoughts or actions towards you. Always choose love & kindness over everything this will make a huge impact on your life. 

I must say, everyone regrets feeding their ego. So take some conscious actions. Slowly it becomes a part of your habits. If you follow all the mentioned instructions, you will be killing your ego. I understand, initially it is difficult to follow all of them. But keeping a monk attitude will help you a lot. Slowly your relations will be improved and people will attract to your personality. 

I would love to know your side, write your feedback or suggestion by clicking here. Also click on stay connected if you want to know more Lifesutras. 

Thanks for being here.

alt="work on your mind"
Life wisdom

Work on your Mind for a Glorious Life.

A mind: powerful entity of a person, a system that controls not only us but also the outside world through our thoughts and actions. It is necessary to study and know our own minds. We don’t prefer to hear about ourselves but our mind keep focusing on mistakes made by others and correcting them.

Before touching the core of the post, let’s first understand its meaning and try to discover constructive actions. 90% of people think it is selfish to think about ourselves first. This topic is too sensitive to discuss. But my observations have encouraged me to write about this topic. 

Let’s first understand, what is mind? Have you ever thought about why it is so easy to adopt a bad habit? Why do we all get attracted to only bad things? If our loved ones call us more than twice, we think about all the negative things about that person. Why do we always have negative thoughts in our minds? This is how our mind plays with us. It’s an unavoidable trap.

Most of us have misconceptions that we should always do the things our mind tells us. That is what we fail to understand. We should only do the things which are required. There is a thin line between our wants and needs, and we should consciously focus on our needs and not our wants. Love yourself enough to let go of what you want.

Your biggest enemy: A mind can be the closest friend and it can also be the biggest enemy. Let me tell you how? A mind always tries to grab all the attention. It never allows us to be in the moment. If you are working on something, your mind distracts you by murmuring on all the other things.

A mind knows all the sins hidden by the world but never guides us to the correct path and misleads us by being in an imaginary world. Whatever we are focusing on becomes our life. We should have choice less awareness. Whatever happens, we should be there in the moment. Most probably, our mind plays with us. It shows us all the good things of bad habits or we crave them and create our own false beliefs.

Work on your conscious mind so the subconscious mind can not play with you. as subconscious mind follow whatever you feed at your conscious level. the First, we should stop fulfilling our cravings, and focus on the only things which are required. I think we should learn to play with our mind and befriend it. 

We should consciously focus on the content we hear, read and watch, or the people we spend our time with. It creates a tremendous impact on our minds. The biggest secret of our mind is we can mould it the way we want. But the first step is to understand how the mind works. So start consciously reading, hearing or listening to the content or being with the people you want to become. 

Once you know your mind, you create a base for the fortunate life. However, your thoughts become your actions, your actions become your habits, and your habits become your life. Hence, you should first have control over your inner world. 

Most of us think it’s necessary to be good. But I feel we should never let the Rama (Good soul) in our mind lay down nor the Ravana (Bad soul), as both are equally important. Rama can be the crown by being at the front of our minds to lead our actions, and Ravana can be at the back of our minds to save us from danger. 

These are some basic things we need to focus on to avoid our mind misleading us. I would really love to hear the tricks you apply to control your mind. Do not forget to share your feedback on this topic. And also subscribe for more life sutras.

Thank you for being here.

Life wisdom

Lead your life by the purpose of ‘You: being on the earth’

One day, when the universe had outspread its multi-colors in the whole sky and I was wondering, as I could not find the end of the charismatic evening sky. As always, nature helped me and I went into a deep harmony with myself. I kept asking myself a single question, Who am I? which later on directed at multiple questions that explored my mindset, and I started questioning the reason behind my presence on the earth. It took me 2-3 years to find the answers still counting. Let’s touch on a deep and heavy aspect of life. 

Talking about the basic requirements of human life, we can say that completing education, being in a comfortable shelter, having a fulfilling source of income, staying with our loved ones, and so on. Now a days there is a never-ending list of basic requirements of life. A normal person tries to fulfill all his or her wishes. But one random thing always comes into my mind: Do I really love whatever I do? And this question has transferred my life. We really need to do what we love, to love what we do. Most people ‌mislead their life by focusing on materialistic things. 

Earning and being rich has become the main purpose of life. We think we must wear branded clothes, watches, shoes, or use high valued products to be on a list of rich people. Some of us literally keep contact with only rich people and avoid or misbehave with poor people. But here, we fail to understand that being rich or using highly valued products is a part of life and not a purpose of life.

Most people are still fighting to get a good sleep at night, even if they have a huge amount in a bank account or even if they live a luxurious lifestyle. However, we need to focus on living a satisfied and peaceful life. So below are some practical actions which will help you find your purpose in life and make you more peaceful.

  1. Perceive your visionary life.

First, we need to define the world we want to live in and start changing our own habits. It’s every individual’s responsibility to BE THE ONE. Your smallest action costs precious things like your time, energy, and your presence. So you must be aware of your own wants and needs and start actioning based on your requirement. Try to find out your end goal which you want to achieve. You might start answering something which is materialistic. But hold on, we are talking about having a sense of peace and satisfaction in life. So whatever you choose, it must be your visionary life that will make you fulfilled.

  1. Question yourself for your every action.

This habit literally made me realize a lot of unnecessary things I used to do. Most of us are doing the things just because we love doing it. Whatever you do, take a pause and ask yourself why you want to do it? Is it really necessary to do? Does this make any improvement in your life? Avoid doing unnecessary things and work on your must-dos.

Even if you love doing something which has no good outcome. Not necessarily you need to stop doing it, but you can do this less often and do something which really need to do. This change is really required in life. 

  1. Try to touch your core self. 

The key point of finding a purpose is that you need to go into the depth of your soul. I started with understanding myself, my actions and reactions, my likes and dislikes, and so forth. You must know what makes you feel satisfied and what you must achieve? What you can contribute to the world? What are you running behind? Take time for yourself. You should be aware of your own principles. Connect with the people you can vibe with. Always try to satisfy your soul and not your body or mind.

Write the pointers from this blog article and turn the new page of your life. Start with the new journey called, ‘Journey Inward’. Your entire focus should be on You. Take charge of your actions and make positive changes in life. I would really love to know about your purpose in life.