Person climbing a ladder against a blue sky background, symbolizing progress and achievement
Life wisdom

Success Is Not Achieved; It Is Maintained

In our past articles, we have discussed what success is and how it can be achieved. In this article, we are going to discuss the need for and methods of maintaining a continuous process of success. Two years ago, I built this website and started uploading articles regularly. Initially, I used to get new ideas about upcoming articles while writing about the current topic. I never used to sit and brainstorm about a new topic, but after 30-35 articles, I started drawing blanks and could not write anything until I received an auto-suggestion from my brain.

I was so discouraged by not finding anything interesting to write and not being able to produce any good pieces. I started losing confidence and faith in my own writing. I decided not to write anything until I found a truly unique topic. In this article we are going to discuss my own journey from failure to success.

Consistency: The Key to Sustained Success

I was searching for the root cause of my lost enthusiasm since writing is my passion and I was struggling to write. One Saturday evening, full of sorrow, I tried to find the reason for 2-3 days and realized that initially, I used to write on a daily basis. The topic was never a question for me, and my mind used to give me new ideas to write. One of the major reasons for most failures after achieving small successes is that people stop working after achieving their smallest goals. Everyone wants to own a luxury car or sports bike, but how many of us go out of our way to buy it? Only one percent of the total population. Do you know what we are lacking? Consistency.

Add “want to” things to your daily “to-do” list

If you are someone who faces difficulty doing something daily, try to add your “want to” things to your daily “to-do” list. Just like we brush our teeth daily, we should sit for meditation right after we brush our teeth.

Find a Buddy: Partner Up for Success

If you fail to do things regularly, you can find someone who wants to add this habit to their life. That person can remind you, and sometimes you can become their reminder. For example, start going to the gym with your partner, friend, or parents.

Accountability: Be Prepared to Answer for Your Actions

When we were students, we used to ensure that we completed our homework, especially for the subject whose teacher asked without fail. As humans, we do not like when someone asks a question and we do not have an answer.

Our ego gets triggered when someone questions us about our own work. So, ask someone to question you about your habit and whether you are following it or not. For example, if your friend asks you and you have to say, “I failed to follow what I decided,” their natural reaction will either be to explain the benefits of following it to you or to say something that makes you feel bad. Your ego gets triggered, and you will promise yourself to do it in the future without fail.

Be a Better Observer

One of the biggest mistakes is that we never appreciate our own achievements. For us, everything starts looking normal once we achieve it. This is because we see things from an attached perception and live that habit. What if we start looking at our life from a second person’s view? We will get detached from our own daily routine, become an observer, and realize how far we have come.

Celebrate Your Achievements

No matter what, celebrate your smallest achievements. You deserve to be appreciated for your first thought of doing something extraordinary, taking the first step, following it, and becoming a master. Celebrating and appreciating will automatically bring so much enthusiasm and positivity, which will lead you towards the path of success.

A Step to Success and Achievement

Now that you have become a master of the first step, celebrate your efforts and achievements, and move on. Do not ever make the mistake of sitting back and relaxing. This will bring comfort and make you forget your target. Once you achieve or get better at your first step, there is a golden opportunity to take a second step. A few additions will work to your first step and become a saviour. But keep asking yourself, “What’s next?” There are two benefits to this: you will never get bored, and you will always be in healthy competition with who you were yesterday. This attitude will always let you win.

Reconnect with Your Purpose: A Guiding Reminder

Last but not least, once we start getting success, we tend to forget our main purpose. We should never forget why we started. The only thing that acts as a source of energy is to keep in mind why we started the journey and to give our 100% to the same.

Success isn’t just a one-time event; it’s about sustaining and building upon achievements over time. Continual success requires ongoing effort, adaptability, learning from mistakes, and consistently striving to improve. It’s a journey of growth and perseverance rather than a destination.

However, while writing this article, I realized that creativity sometimes needs a break to recharge. Instead of pressuring myself to constantly produce new content, I started exploring different sources of inspiration. I read more widely, engaged with other writers, and sought feedback from my readers. Slowly, my passion for writing reignited. I began jotting down ideas again, no matter how small or incomplete they seemed. Eventually, the unique topics I had been searching for started to emerge naturally. I learned that taking a step back and giving myself time to breathe was essential for maintaining my creativity and continuing my journey as a writer. Now, I approach my writing with renewed enthusiasm and a deeper understanding of the flow of creative inspiration.

If you found these insights helpful and are looking for more inspiration and practical advice on achieving and maintaining success, visit our website at There, you’ll find a wealth of articles, tips, and resources designed to help you stay motivated and reach your goals. Join our community, share your journey, and let’s continue to inspire each other towards greater success.

Thank you!

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Life wisdom

The Thing: Keeps You Moving Forward..

Every week, I’m on the lookout for the perfect article topic. My mind’s like a brainstorming carnival, with tons of ideas buzzing around. It’s not about finding inspiration—it’s about picking the coolest one! But every time there is new enthusiasm to bring such a wonderful piece of information in front of my dearest reader like you, this enthusiasm keeps me going.

Have you ever decided something, tried your best to complete it just because you were finding the exact thing that keeps you going? We all live in a fast-paced lifestyle where we are bound by our busy schedules. Every day something new happens in our life and we all celebrate it, which is really appreciable. One question I really want to ask you is: Are we celebrating our conscious actions?

For example, all of us make a New Year resolution list and try our best to follow it till our minds give up. For some of us, it takes 3–4 months to give up; for others, it takes 1 month; and for the remaining people, only one week is enough. Have you ever thought about why we fail at such important things we consciously decide to follow that are going to make a huge impact?

The classic example is waking up early. We all make this promise, either to ourselves or to others, at least once in our lives, which we barely follow. What takes us away from our decision?

In this article, we are not going to talk about motivation, as it fades away after a certain period. So we are going to discuss a few practical things to follow in order to adhere to everything we decide.

Let’s begin…

Start Small: Your First Step Towards Success

A journey towards success doesn’t require giant leaps. Instead, begin with small, manageable steps. Starting small allows you to build momentum gradually, making the path less intimidating and more sustainable in the long run. For example, if you want to become an early riser, start by waking up 10 minutes before your actual waking time.

 Find Your “Wh” Answers: The Cornerstone of Clarity

Unlock the road to success by answering the fundamental “Wh” questions. What is your goal? Why does it matter to you? When do you want to achieve it? These answers create a solid foundation for your roadmap, providing clear direction and purpose for your efforts. Let’s take the example of wanting to become an early riser:

What is your goal?

My goal is to wake up at 5:30 a.m. every day.

Why does it matter to you?

Waking up early allows me to have a peaceful start to my day, giving me extra time for personal growth, mindfulness, and planning. Also, it helps me to lead my day. 

When do you want to achieve it?

I aim to establish this habit within the next month, gradually transitioning from my current waking time of 7:00 AM.

Now, you need to consistently repeat and embed this goal into your subconscious mind. Therefore, for your mind, the act of waking up early has become a top-most priority. For example, waking up early and incorporating activities like exercise, meditation, positive affirmations, and deep self-talk will enhance the overall impact of this goal. These morning rituals align with my broader objective of achieving personal and professional success through a balanced and purposeful lifestyle.

These answers serve as a solid foundation for my roadmap, providing a clear direction and purpose for my efforts to become an early riser. This clarity allows me to set specific strategies and milestones, ensuring a more focused and effective journey toward success.

Replace Motivation with Inspiration: A Lasting Mindset Shift

Trade a short motivation for enduring inspiration. Seek inspiration in your passions, values, and the profound impact your goals can have on your life. This shift in mindset sustains your commitment, keeping you driven even in the face of challenges. Consider, for instance, adopting the habit of waking up early: 

By drawing inspiration from my passion for personal growth and well-being, the significant value of initiating each day with purpose becomes clear. Recognizing the transformative impact that an early morning routine can have on daily life, including increased productivity and overall wellness, fosters a lasting commitment. This shift in mindset not only sustains dedication but also acts as a resilient force, ensuring that, even amid challenges, intrinsic inspiration remains true motivator for positive change.

Realistic Goals: Constructing Success, One Step at a Time

Avoid burnout and keep your inspiration soaring by setting practical, achievable goals. Consider the example of aspiring to wake up early:

Rather than aiming to wake up at an exceptionally early hour immediately, set a realistic goal to wake up just 10-15 minutes earlier than your current routine. Breaking down the larger objective of becoming an early riser into smaller, more manageable tasks not only makes the process more digestible but also ensures a sense of accomplishment with each incremental step. This approach gives lasting motivation, allowing you to build on small successes as you work towards the larger goal of establishing a consistent and early morning routine.

Repeat Why You Started: Reinforce Your Commitment

Consistently revisiting the reasons behind your decision to wake up early can significantly reinforce your commitment to this positive habit. For instance, if your initial motivation is to have quiet mornings for personal reflection and productivity, reflecting on this purpose regularly helps you stay dedicated. By reconnecting with your initial reason, you can overcome obstacles more effectively and make adjustments aligned with your evolving priorities and circumstances. This process of reaffirming your “why” serves as a powerful strategy to maintain focus and dedication to your goal of waking up early.

Fail, Fail, and Fail: Growth Through Setbacks

Understanding that failure is a natural part of the journey to success plays a crucial role. Take the example of aspiring to wake up early:

If your initial attempts to establish an early morning routine face setbacks, view these instances as stepping stones rather than setbacks. Celebrate failures as valuable learning opportunities and keep insights that propel you toward growth and improvement. For instance, if hitting the snooze button becomes a roadblock, learn from the experience and adjust your strategy accordingly.

The roadmap to waking up early involves starting small, answering key “Wh” questions, choosing lasting inspiration, and setting realistic goals. Regularly revisit motivations, make goal-driven adjustments, and embrace failure as a stepping stone. Empower your journey with resilience and determination, unlocking success in becoming an early riser.

In conclusion, this simple and strategic approach empowers you to navigate the path towards becoming an early riser with resilience and determination. By incorporating these strategies, you not only enhance your chances of success but will also lead a sustainable and purposeful lifestyle.

Discover the simple yet powerful secrets to mastering your life on this open platform, Lifesutrasket. Deep dive into practical insights, inspiration, and real-life wisdom that will elevate your daily routine. Our blog is more than just a guide; it’s your companion on the journey to a purposeful and harmonious life. Join us at Lifesutrasket and start transforming your mornings and beyond! 🌅✨ #LifePhilosophy #EarlyRising #LifesutrasketJourney