alt="Healthy lifestyle"
Life wisdom

Living with Purpose: A Deeper Reflection

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if you’re truly living or just going through the motions? Beyond the idea of living a longer life, it’s important to think about what makes our lives meaningful. In the midst of our busy routines, it’s easy to forget the importance of living with purpose.

Recently, I visited a relative in the hospital and saw the struggle for life. The family, desperate for a miracle, prayed relentlessly, trying every possible solution to bring their loved one back. Sadly, that family member ultimately lost their precious life, leaving a void of unfulfilled hopes for a continued existence. This experience shocked me and made me think deeply about how fragile life is and our quest for a meaningful existence. 

I want you to pause for a moment and think about the lifestyle we are leading. Is our body healthy and fit? Do we consciously make efforts to make our lives better? If yes, then what do we exactly do?

Food is crucial for the human body as it serves as the primary source of nutrients essential for overall health and well-being. Nutrients obtained from food, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, play vital roles in supporting various bodily functions. Carbohydrates provide energy for daily activities; proteins are essential for muscle repair and growth; and fats contribute to cell structure and hormone production.

Additionally, vitamins and minerals facilitate crucial processes such as immune function, bone health, and metabolism. A well-balanced diet ensures that the body receives the necessary nutrients for optimal functioning, promoting physical and mental health. Understanding the importance of a nutritious diet is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing various health issues.

Let’s touch on the most important part of our lives, which is food. Think about the quality of the food we eat. Almost every single food is made up of all purpose flour or refined flour (maida), like bread, naans, samosas, biscuits, pooris and so much more! Have we ever asked them to serve food without a refined floor?

Maida, or refined flour, is not ideal for health due to its low nutritional value and high glycemic index. The refining process strips away essential nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making maida less nutritious compared to whole grains.

Consuming maida can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, potentially contributing to insulin resistance and weight gain. Additionally, its low fiber content may cause digestive issues like constipation. Studies also suggest a link between a diet high in refined carbohydrates, like maida, and inflammation in the body, which can be associated with various health problems. Choosing whole grains over maida-based products is recommended for better overall health and nutrition. It’s better not to think about the quality of meat, oil and water because this topic will never end.

Apart from that, we spend 8–10 hours sitting in the same place in front of electrical devices.  Before modern lifestyles, people used to make a lot of physical effort since there were fewer machines in place.

Most of the things were done by people with extra physical and cautiousness. In the previous era, people used to walk a lot as they did not have vehicle facilities in place. We stay awake till midnight with our mobile phones and rush to the office every morning by waking up just to get ready and leave home. Is this lifestyle going to give us the truest wealth, i.e., our health?

Our ancestors used to do a lot of things to make their lives healthy and fit. They used to live a calm and peaceful life due to fewer materialistic requirements. They used to spend more time with Mother Nature. Also, they used to add a spiritual routine to their day-to-day lifestyle. Now, let’s talk about our current lifestyle and what changes we can make to live longer and stay healthy.

We can start by replacing old habits like unhealthy food with conscious food selection or house made food and applying chemicals to the skin that directly penetrate into the blood through transparent skin with natural or Ayurvedic skin products. Prefer walking instead of vehicles or stairs instead of elevators. Fasting social media, electronic devices, outside food, etc. 

Apart from that, we should follow a healthy routine, like adding exercise, yoga or anything else like dance or Zumba, on a regular basis or any sports activities, etc. Spend conscious time with nature, or go out regularly somewhere you feel comfortable. 

So these are some basic things we need to think about. 

Let’s think about our daily choices for a healthier and more meaningful life. Seeing a loved one’s struggle in the hospital made me reflect on how delicate life is. One crucial aspect is our diet; choosing whole grains over refined flour (maida) is a simple step for better health.

Our sedentary lifestyle also needs attention; opting for walks and exercise can make a big difference. Connecting with nature, adding a bit of spirituality, and choosing natural skincare products contribute to our well-being. Small changes, like preferring homemade food and reducing screen time, can collectively lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life. Let’s focus on these basics for a balanced and health-conscious lifestyle, embracing the true wealth of well-being.

Unlock a healthier and more purposeful life at Dive into mindful living, covering nutrition, fitness, and balanced lifestyles. Subscribe for more at today and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being – because life is about thriving, not just surviving.

alt="Financial Wisdom"
Life wisdom

“It’s Not Always About Earning”

Two years ago, I was thinking about quitting my job and becoming a professional writer. That’s when I realized I was falling into the trap of earning. I can’t directly jump into a different profession and there are 90-95% of people who forget their dreams to earn the amount that satisfies their pockets, but what about satisfaction of the soul?

I decided to create a platform where I can write and share my thoughts to get the satisfaction of improving people’s lives. I want you to consciously think about the work you are doing. 

So, in this article, we are going to talk about the finance and work life wisdom. We all going to discuss some important things we all should really think on. Let’s began.

So my first question is Are you bringing that peace and satisfaction to your soul by working in your profession? The reason I am asking this question is because we start earning at the beginning of our lives.

A person retires at the age of 55–60. Hence, we end our working journey at the end of our lives. We should be doing something that gives us inner happiness. How many days of the week do you really wish to go to work?

Workload or pressure will always be there, but “A wish to go to work” is more often replaced by “A compulsion to go to work”. Slowly, we begin to get paid for our happiness and peace of mind. 

I want you to know the reason behind going to the office and be the happiest person, as we spend almost 8-10 hours there. We are so engaged in office work that we forget watering our personal lives. As a result, we are so frustrated that we lose our mental peace and disconnect with ourselves and our families too. 

Earning more does not help us learn personal money management. A simple example is that when we buy anything, we buy it because we like it and not because we need it. When we go to the market or any mall, we keep buying things because we love them, even if we already have them.

Whenever we buy anything, we owe something to Mother Nature and the people who made it possible. Money can’t buy the sacrifice Mother Earth made or the worker’s efforts. So we should also think about social responsibilities. We all should learn personal finance, or money management, which helps a person avoid unnecessary spending. 

When we work, we should always think about what we can give others. What we give to people is what matters. Nowadays, most people create negative content, which influences and diverts people to bad tracks.

Your work is feeding their brains and creating their futures. So, if you are creating good content that changes even a single person’s mind, it gives you a lot of blessings.

These are some important thoughts about finance that I wanted to share with you because we are so busy living our lives that we do not think about all these things.

You can share your views on this topic in the comment box. If you want to get notified for each article we upload, you can click on “stay connected”.

alt="Success in life"
Life wisdom

“Ways to Win at Life”

A few days ago, I came across circumstances wherein I had to make conscious efforts to make myself happy. I was having a battle with myself by telling my mind that I love myself so much. The situation I am facing is not more important than my own peace of mind. There are so many people struggling to maintain a smile on their faces or to be in a good mood.

Most people commit suicide in their lives. Why do we struggle when technology reigns? Where artificial intelligence is going to cover most of the platforms in the world. If we bow down to the basic problems of life, we are failing at life. Here are some of the practical actions in order to win at life.

Find your agenda for living

Let’s first try to understand the root of the issue. I want you to ask yourself, What is the purpose of your life? Read our article Lead your life by the purpose of ‘You: being on the earth’ to understand the answer and importance of this question. We all should know the reason behind us being alive.

We should find answers to why we want to survive. What will we be doing after 10-20 years? What is the purpose of our life? Before reading further, I want you to make a note of the action plan we are giving. Since it is going to make an unbelievable impact on your lives. If you follow these steps. First of all, find out the answers to the questions mentioned in this paragraph.

Enliven with your enemy

Now the second step is to understand the current lifestyle we are living. We should know who is our enemy in life. We all have two types of enemies. One type is the enemy of the outside world and the other who stays inside of us. In this article, we are going to talk only about an enemy who lives inside over mind.

You should read our article “A solution to fight with our inner demons”  This article talks gives an actions plan to fight with an internal enemy i.e. our own mind. If you really want to work on your own mind, you can refer to “Work on your Mind for a Glorious Life” Here we have covered the things which can cause harm to our lives.

Accomplish what comes to your mind

I want you to think for a moment about your daily schedule. How do we live our lives? Do we have goals in life? If yes, do we have a proper call to action to accomplish our goals?

I want to share my secrets with you to execute everything that comes to your mind. We should start maintaining a journal wherein we are listing down our goals that are too specific. For example, there is a significant difference between saying “I want to buy a new car” and saying “I will buy a new car within the next five years whose price ranges between 1 to 1.5 crores.” In second statement, your aim is converted into your vision. It will begin to seek fulfilment on its own terms.

You need to list down such goals to find Call to Action (CTA) for your goals & break it down into your daily actions. Like no one can buy a car on the very next day when a thought of it popped up in mind. So we will need to break 5 years’ vision into our daily actions.

What single thing you can do in your everyday routine to help you get that car in the next five years? What we do every day has an enormous influence on our lives after 10-20 years.

Steps to improve 4 pillars of life

Apart from this, one of the major mistakes most of us make is we start earning money and give less importance or neglect our own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. These are the 4 pillars of our well-being. We should take intentional actions on a daily basis to preserve a balance between these four pillars. You will also need to create a list of daily activities or assignments to help each pillar improve.

Our entire focus and actions should be on our own betterment. For physical improvement, you can add jogging, exercising, practising yoga, joining a sports club or outdoor activities or going for a walk after a heavy meal.

For mental or spiritual betterment you can practice mindfulness activities like feeling Gratitude, Meditation, writing a journal, Deep breathing, Daily prayers, etc. you can also refer to our article “A Healthy Spiritual Life”. These actions will uplift your mental or spiritual health. For emotional health you should do some of the important things in life like being kind, giving selflessly, mastering your own mind, Understanding yourself, and loving without reason. You will find practical ways to improve emotional health in our article “Create magic with Angelic Aura”

One of the most important things we should do is to start being joyful consciously. We should be grateful for several aspects, yet our minds are always drawn to the negative. We must find our own means of happiness and fulfilment. Only say positive things about yourself and others. It will give you a new lease on life. Life is not fair to anybody, but we must learn to be satisfied. 

These are the intentional steps we should take in order to succeed in life. I’d want to know what your sutras are for winning? Leave your thoughts in the below section for comments, and if you’d like to be notified when we publish new blogs, click the Stay Connected tab at the top of the page.

Life wisdom

You are one step away from ‘Being Wealthy’

Yes, you heard it right. A single step is required to be wealthy. But when I thought about being wealthy, some questions haunted my mind and finding answers directed me towards True wealth. The questions are, What is your true wealth? Why do you want to be wealthy? How you can be wealthy by taking a single step? And what step do you need to take? And the last question is, why being rich and being wealthy is so different? Let’s find all our answers by deep diving into this article.

I feel being rich is so overstated nowadays and being wealthy is a new victory. There are so many people who have a huge amount of money in their accounts but struggle really hard to sleep at night. People spend most of their amount to buy luxurious things to show off to the people who do not even bother about their presence. Then what are we running behind? Whom we are trying to impress? Let’s find out all the answers one by one. But I would want you to refer this article and start working on your true wealth, find your answers by being stuck with each question until you find satisfactory answers.

What is your true wealth?

People often get on the wrong track by being unaware of their true wealth. I want you to think about this. Can we define wealth by using the word money? Money or Finance is a necessity and everyone must focus on earning it. But what you do with your earned money matters more than really earning it.

Here, let me help you expand your mindset. True wealth of the person can be something which is priceless, like good manners, a healthy body, mind and soul, the ability to understand others, respect or kindness, strong self-beliefs, a sense of trust for others, adaptable nature, etc. Some people get satisfaction by making a positive impact on other’s life.

 For some people, knowledge is their true wealth. They spend their whole life to gain more knowledge. Most people love their freedom and comfort. Being in a comfortable lifestyle becomes their true wealth. So basically, the definition of true wealth differs from person to person. I leave it all up to you. I want you to connect with your inner self and find your true wealth and decide one step to be wealthy.

Why do you want to be wealthy? 

The first question everyone should ask themselves before they earn is, why do they want to be wealthy? The answer to why will guide us to the purpose of ‘You: being on the earth’ So be very cautious when finding your answers and think wisely. It makes a long-term impact on your life. We are living in an era where anyone can earn whatever amount of money they want. But if you know your why, you will drive it auspiciously. 

How you can be wealthy by taking a single step? 

A piece of roti becomes true wealth for a beggar who has not had food for the last two days. So if you know your true wealth, it is more helpful for you to take a single step. If you passionately want to become a dancer, you need to decide to dance every day, and that is your single step.

 I write daily to become a writer, it’s not important what I write. But it’s more important to sit and start writing. Every day is a new opportunity for you to take a single step and you are one step away from being wealthy. 

 Why being rich and being wealthy is so different?

Wealthy people decide what is true wealth for them and start working on their wealth. But it is not just earning money. Being wealthy gives you satisfaction, peace and purpose in life. And if you really want to be satisfied, focus on having a qualitative financial approach towards life. You must be aware that the money you earn gives peace and a smile to your face and to others as well. Whenever you look into your loved one’s eyes, you should be proud. That’s your true wealth.

Rich people focus on earning money. It is very important to earn money, nothing other pay your bills than money. How you earn money gives you the freedom to be happy. Financial freedom may distract you from your main purpose in life. However, it is most important to understand personal finance and be able to invest earned amounts. So being rich by being wealthy has become a necessity of life.

This is my basic understanding of wealth in life. So, I personally focus on increasing my veritable treasure of wealth. I would appreciate it if you give me an opportunity to listen to your story. 

Please share your valuable feedback after reading this blog article. Thank you for being here.

Life wisdom

Lead your life by the purpose of ‘You: being on the earth’

One day, when the universe had outspread its multi-colors in the whole sky and I was wondering, as I could not find the end of the charismatic evening sky. As always, nature helped me and I went into a deep harmony with myself. I kept asking myself a single question, Who am I? which later on directed at multiple questions that explored my mindset, and I started questioning the reason behind my presence on the earth. It took me 2-3 years to find the answers still counting. Let’s touch on a deep and heavy aspect of life. 

Talking about the basic requirements of human life, we can say that completing education, being in a comfortable shelter, having a fulfilling source of income, staying with our loved ones, and so on. Now a days there is a never-ending list of basic requirements of life. A normal person tries to fulfill all his or her wishes. But one random thing always comes into my mind: Do I really love whatever I do? And this question has transferred my life. We really need to do what we love, to love what we do. Most people ‌mislead their life by focusing on materialistic things. 

Earning and being rich has become the main purpose of life. We think we must wear branded clothes, watches, shoes, or use high valued products to be on a list of rich people. Some of us literally keep contact with only rich people and avoid or misbehave with poor people. But here, we fail to understand that being rich or using highly valued products is a part of life and not a purpose of life.

Most people are still fighting to get a good sleep at night, even if they have a huge amount in a bank account or even if they live a luxurious lifestyle. However, we need to focus on living a satisfied and peaceful life. So below are some practical actions which will help you find your purpose in life and make you more peaceful.

  1. Perceive your visionary life.

First, we need to define the world we want to live in and start changing our own habits. It’s every individual’s responsibility to BE THE ONE. Your smallest action costs precious things like your time, energy, and your presence. So you must be aware of your own wants and needs and start actioning based on your requirement. Try to find out your end goal which you want to achieve. You might start answering something which is materialistic. But hold on, we are talking about having a sense of peace and satisfaction in life. So whatever you choose, it must be your visionary life that will make you fulfilled.

  1. Question yourself for your every action.

This habit literally made me realize a lot of unnecessary things I used to do. Most of us are doing the things just because we love doing it. Whatever you do, take a pause and ask yourself why you want to do it? Is it really necessary to do? Does this make any improvement in your life? Avoid doing unnecessary things and work on your must-dos.

Even if you love doing something which has no good outcome. Not necessarily you need to stop doing it, but you can do this less often and do something which really need to do. This change is really required in life. 

  1. Try to touch your core self. 

The key point of finding a purpose is that you need to go into the depth of your soul. I started with understanding myself, my actions and reactions, my likes and dislikes, and so forth. You must know what makes you feel satisfied and what you must achieve? What you can contribute to the world? What are you running behind? Take time for yourself. You should be aware of your own principles. Connect with the people you can vibe with. Always try to satisfy your soul and not your body or mind.

Write the pointers from this blog article and turn the new page of your life. Start with the new journey called, ‘Journey Inward’. Your entire focus should be on You. Take charge of your actions and make positive changes in life. I would really love to know about your purpose in life.