A happy positive life
Life wisdom

A Positive Mindset: Life’s Hidden Blessings

A few days ago, I found myself in my favourite quiet spot, a serene park nestled away from the city’s hustle. Surrounded by towering trees and the melody of singing birds, it was the ideal setting for some mindfulness and reflection on the blessings in my life. Despite my intentions to focus on positive thinking, my thoughts drifted towards the negatives, listing recent setbacks and making it challenging to maintain a positive psychology mindset, filled with positive emotions.

Feeling overwhelmed by these negative thoughts, I realized I needed a strategy to break free from this mental trap. The solution came when I decided to compare my current life with my past. This simple yet effective technique propelled me towards a mindset more oriented towards positive thinking, positive psychology, and fostering positive emotions.

Reflecting on my journey, I acknowledged how much better my life is now. The once daunting problems have faded away, making room for progress and unexpected joys. This realization filled me with an overwhelming sense of gratitude, positive emotions, and a genuinely happy, positive attitude towards life.

This moment of clarity taught me a valuable lesson about life’s perspective. While we each view the world through our unique lenses, it’s crucial to remember that focusing on positive emotions maintaining a positive mindset, and understanding how to keep a positive mindset truly enriches our lives.

In today’s world, where negative news often dominates, it’s easy to be consumed by pessimism. However, emphasizing the good, embracing the love around us, and nurturing a positive mindset can significantly enhance our lives, spread joy, and foster positive emotions to those we encounter, embodying how to live a positive life.

Self-Love is a True Savior:

One profound lesson I’ve embraced is the importance of self-love. Recognizing your worth is the cornerstone of happiness, enabling you to extend more love and kindness to others, while also prioritizing self-care practices and fostering positive emotions.

Being mindful of the influences we allow into our lives is crucial. By surrounding ourselves with positivity and steering clear of negativity and drama, we can sustain a positive mindset and attitude, filled with positive emotions.

Mind Your Own Business:

Another secret to happiness is minding your own business. Getting entangled in others’ issues can lead to unnecessary stress. Focusing on your personal growth and journey promotes mindfulness, inner peace, and a life filled with positive emotions and a good mindset.

Real Treasure: Open Hearts and Helping Hands

Keeping an open heart and being willing to assist others not only benefits them but also enriches your life. The joy derived from making a positive impact, embodying the spirit of ‘open hands open hearts’ and ‘helping hearts helping hands’, is a testament to our interconnectedness and the power of kindness, fostering loving emotions.

In conclusion, my recent retreat to the park was a profound lesson in perspective and gratitude. Life’s journey, with its highs and lows, becomes more joyful and fulfilling when we focus on the positives. Embracing blessings, practising self-love, showing kindness, and remaining open to life’s wonders can reveal that life is full of surprises, making us feel like the luckiest people in the world, brimming with positive emotions and a positive mindset for a truly happy life.

To elaborate, when you start to embrace self-love, you begin to see the world through a different lens. You stop comparing yourself to others and start appreciating your unique qualities. This self-love radiates outward, making it easier to spread kindness and love to those around you. It’s like a ripple effect. When you are content with yourself, you naturally spread that happiness to others, fostering positive emotions and a positive attitude, enhancing the atmosphere wherever you go.

Being selective about what you let into your life is also crucial. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Positive influences can significantly alter your perspective of the world. They help you stay focused on what’s important and steer clear of negativity, promoting a positive mindset and nurturing positive emotions in your daily life.

Another important point is to avoid getting caught up in other people’s narratives. Everyone has their own journey and their own battles. By staying focused on your own life, you can sidestep unnecessary stress and drama. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t offer support to others, but it’s crucial to know when to step back and allow others to navigate their own issues, practising mindfulness and self-care, which are essential for personal growth.

Helping others is one of the most rewarding experiences. When you open your heart and lend a hand, you not only make a difference in someone else’s life but also enrich your own. There’s a unique joy in knowing you’ve helped someone. It’s a testament to the fact that kindness and generosity are powerful, embodying the spirit of ‘helping hearts helping hands’ and ‘open hearts’, and fostering positive emotions throughout the community.

So, remember to keep focusing on the good things in your life. Cultivate the habit of recognizing, speaking, and feeling the blessings and love that come your way. This positive mindset will guide you through life’s challenges with a sense of peace and purpose. And always keep your heart open to the surprises life throws at you. They often arrive when least expected and can make you realize just how blessed you truly are, fostering positive emotions and an open mindset, enriching your life’s journey.

In the end, life is about finding balance. There will always be challenges, but there will also always be blessings. By focusing on the positives, loving yourself, being kind to others, and keeping your heart open, you can create a life filled with joy and fulfilment. And you’ll discover that, like me, you are truly one of the luckiest people in the world, embracing positive emotions, a positive mindset, and mindfulness, which are key to a harmonious life.

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Spiritual Science

A Pinch of Spirituality May Turn Failure Into Fortune

I believe it’s crucial for each of us to shoulder responsibility for our lives. We all engage in an unavoidable struggle with ourselves, experiencing setbacks before we taste success. If you decide to rise once more and make another attempt, you effectively triumph over failure, significantly increasing your chances of attaining your goals. 

Our focus today is on the journey from ‘Failure to Fortune’ (F to F). We’ve outlined the steps required to navigate this path toward abundance. 

The first and most important step is to find your supreme power. It can be anything you believe in, like any god, the universe, or a person you admire. If you have not found it, relax. You can start believing in the sky or a universe and if you don’t know what it looks like, Google it. 

The Google definition of the universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. Once you find your ‘Supreme Power’, you will start bringing prosperity into your lives. 

Now the second step is to start giving existence to your superpower by believing and talking to it. Whatever you have is because of the grace of your supreme power. Whatever you want, discuss it. Whenever you desire something, close your eyes and feel as if your supreme power is fulfilling your desire.

Visualize Your success and Manifest Your Destiny

A supreme power has it’s own language. The universe only understands the language of your emotions, not words. 

You might get confused; let me explain it. You will have to first clear your emotional state in order to work on it. Assuming you desire a new house, create an emotional state where you already have one. 

You will have a clear vision of your new house, the place it is surrounded by, the interior and overall, your new house. Here, if you are only saying that you want to buy a house, it will not work.

Visualization plays a vital role in this. You will have to visualize your new house the way you want it to be. The universe (your supreme power) will start working towards your desire. 

Understand the Language of Energy

The supreme power at play is within you—your thoughts and your emotional state. You may not yet realize the incredible influence of your own thoughts. A constant in our environment is the presence of vibration, energy, or power. 

When we connect positively with someone, we often say, ‘We vibe’, signifying our energy alignment and our affection for one another. The key takeaway here is that our lives are a direct reflection of our emotional state.

We need to focus on a single goal at the initial stage, as you need to believe in your supreme power. Feel like it gives you everything you wish for and start working on it. 

Create a list of your wants and start visualizing. You just need to spend 5-10 minutes on your desires. You need to first accept the fact that you have received everything you wished for. Think only about the things you desire.

Significance of Desires in Shaping Life

Throughout this entire journey, it is absolutely crucial for you to have unwavering belief in yourself. You must carry yourself with the conviction that you have already attained your goals—act, speak, and think accordingly. 

Your self-perception shapes your reality, much like a person with a positive mindset tends to find happiness in life. Once you shift your mindset and truly believe in the life you desire, you’ll begin to manifest all that you wish for. 

Think of your life as a canvas, and you, the artist, have the power to create a masterpiece through your desires and actions.

In this journey from failure to fortune, it becomes evident that every step revolves around you, and the external world holds little sway over your destiny. It’s a profound realization that underscores the importance of self-belief and personal mastery in shaping one’s life. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this article and if you wish to stay updated on our future articles, please click on ‘Stay Connected’ to receive notifications.

alt="Fight with your inner demons"
Life wisdom

“A solution to fight with our inner demons”

We are going to cover some practical tips in order to fight our own inner demons. Let’s first try to find out the meaning of ‘Inner demons’. We all use different personas and have 2 faces one is ‘what we are with people’ and the other face is ‘what we actually are’. 

We can also called persona as Masks. The outer world knows our one face and we take off the masks when we are alone or with our loved ones.

In this article, we are going to talk about our ‘Inner demons’.

Our true self is aware of our inner demons.

Let’s simplify this: the demon inside our mind is an Inner demon. The negative thoughts are the demons of our mind like guilt, anger, fear, hatred, jealousy, etc. 

You must be thinking that being human, we all have to face our feelings, as our mind works on the chemical hormones released which impact us in such a way to have these emotions inside us. And I totally agree with you. 

Hence, we are going to find a solution to treat our inner demons, which are a part of our mind and we should understand it. 

  1. Never to neglect inner thoughts:

I would suggest to go to the root of these emotions. Ask yourself, from where they have come?   

Why you are feeling like this? Be with it, understand it.

They will haunt your mind & hence called ‘Demons’. Sit with it for some time. Try to understand the reason behind the way you are feeling. 

Most of the time, we are being with others to keep the first mask alive and forget to entertain or understand our inner selves. It cries or sometimes screams louder. The solution is never to neglect inner thoughts or inner demons.

  1. Let your thoughts align:

One of the major things we should never forget to do is to spend some quality time with ourselves.

In the spiritual world, we call it meditation. Let me tell you one of the coolest facts: meditation is not rocket science. Most people keep saying that they want to start meditation and cannot because they don’t know the exact way of meditation. 

Trying to focus on a single task you are doing is one of the kind of meditation.

The meditation we talk is that We just need to focus on our breath and let our thoughts align to entertain our inner thoughts. It helps us to understand ourselves better.

Initially, we all hate ourselves because our inner demons rule our actions. We slowly understand the difference between good and bad. We try to feel others’ pain and their situation.

  1. Authenticity is the wisest decision:

One of the best things you can try is to be genuine. Being real will solve your 90% problem. Your mind and soul will not fight for the decision you have  taken. 

The most important is that we should accept ourselves as we are. It’s okay to fail, but we should rise each time with a little more effort, and trust ourselves more than anyone else trusts us. 

Being Authentic will only help you accept yourself and make improvements.

Trust me, genuine people have greatest bond with others and gain their faith by being real.

  1. Feeling of gratitude will bring a lot in life:

Thanking someone genuinely with a pure heart is something people crave for. Being grateful will have a huge positive impact on your life. Because you have multiple reasons to smile. Try to bring a feeling of gratitude into your life. Here are some action points I want to give:

Pray, it will bring positivity into your life. If you do not believe in God, trust the universe.   

If someone is putting in the smallest effort to help you, be thankful for the act of kindness. Adapt a great habit of thanking everyone.

Trust the supreme power of the universe. Thank the universe for every little thing that happens to you. It’s okay to face a critical situation. Thank the universe for it.

  1. Make your soul beautiful each day:

Our mind is created in such a way our entire focus is on others. We should take responsibility for our actions. Try to be more kind to others and understand their actions. We should forgive people even if they are not sorry for their action. Overcome all the negativity and try to bring positivity into your life. Whatever you focus on will increase, so we should focus on the only good part of the person or situation.

These are some practical steps I follow to fight my inner demons. Thank you for being here. Loved this article? We’d love to hear about it. Leave us a review in the comment box. We would also like to know about the topics you want us to cover. If you really love our content and want to receive a notification for every article we upload, click here.

Life wisdom

Hard work Pays 

If you are someone who eagerly wants to be “Successful”, this article is for you. We need to pay the right money, effort, span, attention or hard work to get success in life. If you achieve success without paying for it, you are a lucky champ. 

If you are tired of trying but not getting the proper results or you are someone who believes in shortcuts (Juggad, in the Indian language) then this article is for you. I would give you some practical tips in this article to achieve your goals faster. I feel you must be aware of your potential and allow yourself to do the right kind of hard work.

Foremost, you need to create the achiever mindset. you need to be very clear about your goal. You should make yourself feel positive in critical situations or encourage yourself to do better in life. Be your own best friend and spend some quality time with yourself every day. You should know yourself very well. “Writing a journal” will help you know yourself better. You should be master of your emotions and be aware of your actions. 

Another practical step is to stand in front of the mirror and talk positive about yourself or about life for at least 5 minutes every day. Look into your own eyes, feel very confident, and speak without fear. It will make you feel more comfortable and self-assured. Talk about something you want to achieve in the future or your goals. 

Allow yourself to do the hard work. Your mind will try to fool you by not doing the right work. And you must tell your subconscious mind about your goal every time. Ask yourself the right questions and you will find the answers to live your ‘Dream life’. Seek more opportunities where you get to learn. Be the observer of life, do not push or settle, just flow with it like water. 

I would suggest you practice, practice and practice until you get success in a particular thing. You should never lose hope in life. Repeated practice will automatically be directed towards success. Welcome failure, It’s okay to fail, but try one last time after every failure you get. 

You should always track the content going into your head. As Jac Vanek said, “You are the books you read, the films you watch, the music you listen to, the people you meet, the dreams you have, and the conversations you engage in. You are what you take from these. You are the sound of the ocean, breath of the fresh air…” So, choose wisely. 

To let your hard work pay back, you need to focus on a single task while working. Whether it’s studying or walking or talking to someone. If you are not habitual of focusing on a single task, make it a habit by practicing just by giving autosuggestions to your subconscious mind. 

Try to change your habits, it will definitely change your life. I preferably think about the negative consequences of a particular habit I want to change. I don’t leave it, just try to replace the bad habit with the good one. 

We have covered all the required actions to be successful, but most important is that you need to be very serious about your time and life. Always try to act consciously, think before doing anything. Your life will change soon if you apply all the ‌actions in life.

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